
Microsoft Windows 8.1 For Dummies (For Dummies) [Справочник, 2013, PDF][ENG]

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Microsoft Windows 8.1 For Dummies

Microsoft Windows 8.1 для идиотов

Год выпуска: 2013
Наличие иллюстраций: Цв. иллюстрации
Жанр: Справочник
Язык: Английский
Издательство: Wiley
Серия/Цикл: For Dummies
Формат: PDF
Качество: Сканированные страницы
Количество страниц: 374
Описание: Welcome to Windows 8.1 For Dummies, the world’s best-selling book about Windows 8.1! This book’s popularity probably boils down to this simple fact: Some people want to be Windows whizzes. They love interacting with dialog boxes. Some randomly press keys in the hope of discovering hidden, undocumented features. A few memorize long strings of computer commands while washing their hair. And you? Well, you’re no dummy, that’s for sure. But when it comes to Windows and computers, the fascination just isn’t there. You want to get your work done, stop, and move on to something more important. You have no intention of changing, and there’s nothing wrong with that. That’s where this book comes in handy. Instead of making you a whiz at Windows, it merely dishes out chunks of useful computing information when you need them. Instead of becoming a Windows expert, you’ll know enough to get by quickly, cleanly, and with a minimum of pain so that you can move on to the more pleasant things in life. And you can do that whether you’re dealing with a touchscreen, laptop, or desktop computer.

Доп. информация: Документ был сконвертирован из формата ePUB
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