Тип издания: Журнал Подзаголовок/Жанр: Антенны, телекоммуникации Язык: Английский Место издания: Biby Publishing LLC Издательство: Qiosk (Qmags) Сайт издания: http://www.qmags.comКомплектность: Подшивка Годы издания: 2004-2013 Периодичность: Раз в месяц Формат: PDF (защищённый) Качество: Изначально компьютерное (набор и верстка) Количество страниц: 52-98 Годы в наличии: 2005-2013 Описание: “Antenna siting, through the establishment and control of tower and rooftop infrastructure, is the most significant element of wireless communications. More than 150,000 U.S. sites support two-way and one-way (broadcast) transmissions. This dynamic, multi-billion-dollar industry deserves in-depth attention and analysis that is now available through AGL,” said Biby.
Biby’s affection for radio technology and his desire to see a higher quality of editorial excellence in related trade publications are the engines driving AGL, of which he is Publisher/CEO. He has owned radio stations, has appeared in many zoning-application hearings and has provided professional engineering services to the siting industry for many years. Biby has also been the founder of two companies, Biby Engineering Services PC and SiteSafe LLC.