top / Mathematics
top / Mathematics / Calculus
Papageorgiou N., Kyritsi-Yiallourou S. Handbook of applied analysis [Springer, 2009] (0387789065,pdf,803 p.,3533K,en)
Pardalos P., Rassias T., Khan A. (ed.) Nonlinear analysis and variational problems: In honor of George Isac [Springer, 2010] (1441901574,pdf,515 p.,2650K,en)
Pollicott M., Schmidt K. (eds.) Ergodic theory of Zd actions [CUP, 1996] (0521576881,djvu,492 p.,3071K,300dpi,en,T)
Shima H., Nakayama T. Higher mathematics for physics and engineering [Springer, 2010] (3540878637,pdf,711 p.,3938K,en)
Stroyan K.D., Luxemburg W.A.J. Introduction to the theory of infinitesimals [AP, 1976] (0126741506,djvu,343 p.,2124K,300dpi,en,T)
Varopoulos N.T., Saloff-Coste L., Coulhon T. Analysis and geometry on groups [CUP, 1993] (0521088011,djvu,168 p.,942K,300dpi,en,T)
Заманский М. Введение в современную алгебру и анализ [Наука, 1974] (djvu,488 p.,6238K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
Прасолов В.В., Соловьев Ю.П. Эллиптические функции и алгебраические уравнения [Факториал, 1997] (5886880186,djvu,288 p.,2231K,300dpi,ru,T,K)
top / Mathematics / Calculus / Elementary calculus textbooks
Granville W.A., Smith P.F. Elements of differential and integral calculus [rev.ed., Ginn, 1911] (B000NQ5HL8,djvu,479 p.,5431K,600dpi,en,T)
Grauert H., Lieb I. Differential- und Integralrechnung 1 [Springer, 1967] (B0000BRA9E,djvu,208 p.,1868K,600dpi,de,T)
Grauert H., Lieb I. Differential- und Integralrechnung 3 [Springer, 1968] (B0000BRA9H,djvu,187 p.,1898K,600dpi,de,T,K)
Hardy G.H. A course of pure mathematics [10ed., CUP, 1967] (0521092272,djvu,520 p.,4703K,600dpi,en,T)
Harnack A. An introduction to the study of the elements of the differential and integral calculus [1891, Kessinger, 2007] (0548040427,djvu,414 p.,8313K,600dpi,en,T,K)
Harper P., Weaire D.L. Introduction to Physical Mathematics [CUP, 1985] (9780521269087,djvu,272 p.,1662K,300dpi,en,T)
Harper P.G., Weaire D.L. Introduction to physical mathematics [CUP, 1985] (0521269083,djvu,272 p.,1349K,300dpi,en,T)
Hayes C.A. Concepts of real analysis [Wiley, 1964] (047136472X,djvu,196 p.,2560K,600dpi,en,T)
Kaplan W. Advanced calculus [4ed., AW, 1991] (0201578883,djvu,761 p.,7330K,600dpi,en,T)
Keisler H.J. Elementary calculus: an infinitesimal approach [free web version, 2ed., revised Sept. 2007] (0871509113,djvu,992 p.,6430K,300dpi,en,T,K)
Kelley W.M. The complete idiot's guide to calculus [2ed., Alpha, 2006] (1592574718,pdf,350 p.,4897K,en)
Kline M. Solutions manual to Calculus: An intuitive and physical approach [Wiley, 1998] (0471023965,djvu,260 p.,3142K,300dpi,en,T,K)
Klymchuk S. Counter-examples in calculus [Maths Press, 2007] (0476012155,pdf,118 p.,1457K,en)
Koenig, et al. Taschenbuch der Wirtschaftsmathematik [2ed., Harry Deutsch, 2003] (3817116942,pdf,1053 p.,8891K,de)
Koerner T.W. A companion to analysis: A second first and first second course in analysis [draft, 2004] (pdf,623 p.,2351K,en)
Krantz S.G. Real analysis and foundations [2ed., CRC, 2004] (1584884835,djvu,472 p.,8476K,600dpi,en,T)
Kuttler K. Multivariable advanced calculus [web draft, 2008] (pdf,375 p.,2121K,en)
Kuttler K. One variable advanced calculus [web draft, 2008] (pdf,267 p.,1206K,en)
Leung K.T., Cheung P.H. Fundamental concepts of mathematics [HKU, 1988] (9622091814,djvu,264 p.,1425K,300dpi,en,T)
Lin Q. Free Calculus: A Liberation from Concepts and Proofs [WS, 2008] (9789812704580,djvu,109 p.,742K,300dpi,en,T,C)
Lodge A. Differential calculus for beginners [1905, Kessinger, 2008] (1436960932,djvu,318 p.,3917K,600dpi,en,T,K)
Mattuck A.P. Introduction to analysis [Prentice Hall, 1999] (0130811327,djvu,474 p.,4202K,600dpi,en,T)
Michel A.N., Herget C.J. Algebra and Analysis for Engineers and Scientists [Birkhauser, 2007] (9780817647063,djvu,500 p.,5903K,600dpi,en,T)
Murray D.A. A first course in infinitesimal calculus [Longmans&Co, 1903] (B00087XCXC,djvu,458 p.,11109K,500dpi,en,T)
Murray D.A. An elementary course in the integral calculus [ABC, 1898] (B000858BUS,djvu,304 p.,3377K,500dpi,en,T)
Nearing J. Mathematical tools for physics [free web version, 2008] (pdf,447 p.,2557K,en)
Nevanlinna F., Nevanlinna R. Absolute analysis [Springer, 1973] (0387059172,djvu,279 p.,4567K,600dpi,en,T)
Nitecki Z. Calculus deconstructed: a second course in first-year calculus [draft, 2008] (pdf,636 p.,2515K,en)
Nitecki Z. Calculus in 3D. Geometry, vectors, and multivariate calculus [draft, 2009] (pdf,799 p.,4259K,en)
Ramis E., Deschamps C., Odoux J. Cours de mathematiques speciales, tome 3: topologie [3ed., Masson, 1991] (9782225824883,djvu,381 p.,3718K,600dpi,fr,T)
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Ramis E., Deschamps C., Odoux J. Cours de mathematiques speciales, tome 5: applications de l'analyse [2ed., Masson, 1992] (2225827710,djvu,327 p.,2946K,600dpi,fr,T)
Rektorys K. Vol.1. Survey of Applicable Mathematics [2ed., Springer, 1994] (9780792306818,djvu,828 p.,7163K,600dpi,en,T)
Rektorys K. Vol.2. Survey of Applicable Mathematics [2ed., Springer, 1994] (9780792306818,djvu,978 p.,7071K,600dpi,en,T)
Rogosinski W.W. Volume and integral [Oliver and Boyd, 1952] (B0000CIECE,djvu,164 p.,1404K,600dpi,en,T,K)
Rosenbaum R.A., Johnson G.P. Calculus: Basic concepts and applications [CUP, 1984] (0521250129,djvu,439 p.,3048K,300dpi,en,T)
Salas S., Hille E., Etgen G. Calculus. One variable [10ed., Wiley, 2007] (0470073330,djvu,725 p.,34763K,600dpi,en,T,C,K)
Santos D. Calculus, once again [web draft, 2007] (pdf,194 p.,1462K,en)
Santos D. Multivariable and vector calculus [web draft, 2007] (pdf,205 p.,3328K,en)
Shima H., Nakayama Ts. Higher Mathematics for Physics and Engineering [Springer, 2010] (9783540878636,pdf,711 p.,4616K,en)
Stahl S. Real analysis: A historical approach [Wiley, 1999] (0471318523,djvu,285 p.,2499K,600dpi,en,T)
Strichartz R. The way of analysis [Jones and Bartlett, 2000] (0763714976,djvu,759 p.,6470K,400dpi,en,T)
Tarasov L.V. Calculus: Basic concepts for high school [Mir, 1982] (0828522782,djvu,181 p.,1249K,300dpi,en,T)
Toeplitz O. The calculus: A genetic approach [U.Chicago, 2007] (0226806685,djvu,206 p.,1587K,300dpi,en,T)
Trench W. Introduction to real analysis [PH, 2003] (0130457868,pdf,584 p.,1964K,en)
Troelss J. Angewandte Mathematik mit Mathcad, Band 1. Einfuehrung in Mathcad [Springer, 2005] (3211289054,pdf,498 p.,7052K,de)
Troelss J. Angewandte Mathematik mit Mathcad, Band 2. Komplexe Zahlen, Matrizenrechnung, Vektoranalysis [Springer, 2006] (3211296875,pdf,557 p.,5396K,de)
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Troelss J. Angewandte Mathematik mit Mathcad, Band 4. Reihen, Transformationen, DGL [Springer, 2006] (321129693X,pdf,493 p.,5477K,de)
Truss J.K. Foundations of mathematical analysis [OUP, 1997] (0198533756,djvu,363 p.,4860K,600dpi,en,T,K)
Wade W. Introduction to analysis [3ed., PH, 2004] (0131453335,djvu,638 p.,5623K,600dpi,en,T)
Yates R.C. Analytic geometry with calculus [PH, 1961] (B0000CL3G9,djvu,258 p.,3298K,600dpi,en,T)
Zakon E. Mathematical analysis 1 [Trillia Group, 2004] (193170502X,pdf,367 p.,1529K,en)
Zakon E. Mathematical analysis 2 [Trillia Group, 2009] (9781931705035,pdf,436 p.,2089K,en)
Zorich V.A. Mathematical analysis 2 [Springer, 2004] (3540406336,djvu,691 p.,5418K,200dpi,en,T)
Власова Е.А. Ряды [МвТУ09, 3изд., МГТУ, 2006] (5703828848,djvu,615 p.,6084K,600dpi,ru,T)
Волков И.К., Канатников А.Н. Интегральные преобразования и операционное исчисление [МвТУ11, 2изд., МГТУ, 2002] (5703812739,djvu,229 p.,3365K,300dpi,ru,T,K)
Грауэрт Г., Либ И., Фишер В. (Grauert,Lieb,Fischer) Дифференциальное и интегральное исчисление [Мир, 1971] (djvu,680 p.,6758K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
Зарубин В.С., Иванова Е.Е., Кувыркин Г.Н. Интегральное исчисление функций одного переменного [МвТУ06, МГТУ, 1999] (5703813366,djvu,528 p.,3710K,450dpi,ru,T)
Зюбин С.А., Тарбокова Т.В., Шахматов В.М. Сборник олимпиадных задач по высшей математике [Томск, 2005] (djvu,107 p.,1425K,300dpi,ru,T,K)
Иванова Е.Е. Дифференциальное исчисление функций одного переменного [МвТУ02, МГТУ, 2002] (5703812712,djvu,408 p.,4726K,450dpi,ru,T)
Камынин Л.И. Курс математического анализа. Т.1 [2изд., МГУ, 2001] (5211044835,djvu,433 p.,5180K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
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Канатников А.Н., Крищенко А.П., Четвериков В.Н. Дифференциальное исчисление функций многих переменных [МвТУ05, МГТУ, 2000] (5703816823,djvu,456 p.,8595K,450dpi,ru,T)
Кругликов В.И. Основы высшей математики [Изд-во ТюмГУ, 2004] (djvu,763 p.,4955K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
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Морозова В.Д. Введение в анализ [МвТУ01, МГТУ, 1996] (5703812674,djvu,408 p.,5379K,450dpi,ru,T)
Немыцкий В., Слудская М., Черкасов А. Курс математического анализа. Т.1 (нет стр.297-8) [ГИТТЛ, 1940] (djvu,460 p.,6718K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
Немыцкий В., Слудская М., Черкасов А. Курс математического анализа. Т.2 [ГИТТЛ, 1944] (djvu,404 p.,9432K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
Немыцкий В.В., Слудская М.И., Черкасов А.Н. Курс математического анализа. Том 1 [3изд., ГИТТЛ, 1957] (djvu,488 p.,5612K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
Немыцкий В.В., Слудская М.И., Черкасов А.Н. Курс математического анализа. Том 2 [2изд., ГИТТЛ, 1957] (djvu,500 p.,10085K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
Хинчин А.Я. Восемь лекций по математическому анализу [4изд., ФМЛ, 1977] (djvu,282 p.,3867K,600dpi,ru,T)
Щепин Е.В. Лекции по анализу. Семестр 1. Ряды [2009] (pdf,96 p.,630K,ru)
Щепин Е.В. Лекции по анализу. Семестр 1. Ряды и последовательности [2008] (pdf,67 p.,662K,ru)
Щепин Е.В. Лекции по анализу. Семестр 2. Дифференциальное и интегральное исчисление [2009] (pdf,48 p.,583K,ru)
top / Mathematics / Calculus / Elementary calculus textbooks / Problems
Radulescu T.L., et al: Problems in real analysis: Advanced calculus on the real axis [Springer, 2009] (0387773789,pdf,452 p.,2356K,en)
Aksoy A., Khamsi M. A problem book in real analysis [Springer, 2010] (1441912959,pdf,265 p.,2006K,en)
Chemnitius F. Differentiation und Integration: ausgewaehlter Beispiele [5ed., VEB, 1962] (B0000BH4BT,djvu,226 p.,1897K,600dpi,de,T)
Degen W., Boehmer K. Geloeste Aufgaben zur Differentialrechnung 1 [Zuerich, 1971] (djvu,254 p.,2276K,600dpi,de,T,K)
Erdman J. A problem text in advanced calculus [free book, 2008] (pdf,381 p.,1887K,en)
Finckenstein, Lehn, Schellhaas, Wegmann. Arbeitsbuch Mathematik fuer Ingenieure 1 [4ed., Teubner, 2006] (3835100343,djvu,465 p.,2344K,300dpi,de,T)
Forster O.., Szymczak T. Uebungsbuch zur Analysis 2 [Vieweg, 2008] (9783834805133,djvu,154 p.,638K,600dpi,de,T)
Hardy K., Williams K. The red book of mathematical problems [Dover, 1988] (0486694151,djvu,179 p.,3530K,600dpi,en,T,K)
Hardy K., Williams K.S. The green book of mathematical problems [Dover, 1997] (0486695735,djvu,190 p.,781K,300dpi,en,T)
Kaczor W.J., Nowak M.T. Problemes d'analyse 1: Nombres reelles, suites et series [EDP Sciences, 2008] (275980058X,pdf,380 p.,1535K,fr)
Kaczor W.J., Nowak M.T. Problemes d'analyse 2: Continuite et derivabilite [EDP Sciences, 2008] (2759800865,pdf,389 p.,1848K,fr)
Kaczor W.J., Nowak M.T. Problemes d'analyse 3: Integration [EDP Sciences, 2008] (2759800873,pdf,376 p.,1633K,fr)
Luh W., Wiessner M. Aufgabensammlung Analysis 1 [Aula-Verlag, 1991] (3891044992,djvu,434 p.,3403K,600dpi,de,T)
Luh W., Wiessner M. Aufgabensammlung Analysis 2 [Aula-Verlag, 1992] (389104500X,djvu,480 p.,2582K,600dpi,de,T)
Merziger G., Wirth T. Repetitorium der hoeheren Mathematik [5ed., Binomi, 2006] (3923923333,djvu,582 p.,6540K,600dpi,de,T)
Ramis E., Deschamps C., Odoux J. Analyse 1: exercises avec solutions (classe preparatoire) [Masson, 1991] (2225800987,djvu,201 p.,2381K,600dpi,fr,T)
Ramis E., Deschamps C., Odoux J. Analyse 2: Exercises avec solutions (classe preparatoire) [Masson, 1993] (2225805784,djvu,225 p.,3030K,600dpi,fr,T)
Santos D. Junior problem seminar [web draft, 2008] (pdf,150 p.,650K,en)
Timmann S. Repetitorium der Analysis. Teil 1 [Binomi, 2010] (9783923923502,djvu,332 p.,2023K,600dpi,de,T)
Timmann S. Repetitorium der Analysis. Teil 2 [Binomi, 2006] (9783923923526,djvu,344 p.,2610K,600dpi,de,T)
Weston J.D., Godwin H.J. Some exercises in pure mathematics with expository comments [CUP, 1968] (0521095611,djvu,145 p.,890K,300dpi,en,T)
Гурова З.И., Каролинская С.Н., Осипова А. Математический анализ. Начальный курс с примерами и задачами [Физматлит, 2002] (5922103288,djvu,352 p.,2532K,600dpi,ru,T)
Ефимов А.В., Поспелов А.С. (ред.) Сборник задач по математике для ВТУЗов. Часть 1 [4изд., Физматлит, 2004] (5940520340,djvu,289 p.,3478K,300dpi,ru,T)
Ефимов А.В., Поспелов А.С. (ред.) Сборник задач по математике для ВТУЗов. Часть 2 [4изд., Физматлит, 2004] (5940520359,djvu,432 p.,7919K,600dpi,ru,T)
Ефимов А.В., Поспелов А.С. (ред.) Сборник задач по математике для ВТУЗов. Часть 3 [4изд., Физматлит, 2004] (5940520367,djvu,576 p.,6496K,400dpi,ru,T)
Ефимов А.В., Поспелов А.С. (ред.) Сборник задач по математике для ВТУЗов. Часть 4 [4изд., Физматлит, 2004] (5940520375,djvu,433 p.,5041K,400dpi,ru,T)
Кириллов А.И. (ред.) Решебник. Высшая математика. Специальные разделы [2изд., Физматлит, 2003] (5922104233,djvu,398 p.,2288K,600dpi,ru,T)
Соболь Б.В., Мишняков Н.Т., Поркшеян В.М. Практикум по высшей математике [3изд.,Феникс, 2006] (5222096173,djvu,632 p.,6505K,300dpi,ru,T,K)
Черненко В.Д. Высшая математика в примерах и задачах. Том 1 [Политехника, 2003] (djvu,705 p.,5172K,600dpi,ru,T)
Черненко В.Д. Высшая математика в примерах и задачах. Том 2 [Политехника, 2003] (djvu,479 p.,3607K,600dpi,ru,T)
Черненко В.Д. Высшая математика в примерах и задачах. Том 3 [Политехника, 2003] (djvu,478 p.,4153K,600dpi,ru,T)
top / Mathematics / Calculus / Functional analysis
Abramovich Y.A., Aliprantis C.D. An invitation to operator theory [GSM050, AMS, 2002] (0821821466,djvu,547 p.,5369K,600dpi,en,T,K)
Abramovich Y.A., Aliprantis C.D. Problems in operator theory [GSM051, AMS, 2002] (0821821474,djvu,402 p.,10133K,600dpi,en,T)
Adams D.R., Hedberg L.I. Function spaces and potential theory [Springer, 1995] (3540570608,djvu,382 p.,4741K,600dpi,en,T)
Adamyan V., et al. (eds.) Modern analysis and applications, Vol.1: Mark Krein centenary conf. [Springer, 2009] (376439918X,pdf,513 p.,2562K,en)
Adamyan V., et al. (eds.) Modern analysis and applications, Vol.2: Mark Krein centenary conf. [Springer, 2009] (3764399201,pdf,536 p.,3006K,en)
Agarwal R., O'Regan D., Sahu D. Fixed point theory for Lipschitzian-type mappings with applications [Springer, 2009] (0387758178,pdf,373 p.,2631K,en)
Akerkar R. Nonlinear functional analysis [Narosa, 1999] (8173192308,djvu,162 p.,2220K,300dpi,en,T)
Akhiezer N.I., Glazman I.M. Theory of linear operators in Hilbert space [2ed., Dover, 1993] (0486677486,djvu,376 p.,2375K,300dpi,en,T,K)
Akhmerov R.R., et al. Measures of noncompactness and condensing operators [Birkhauser, 1992] (3764327162,djvu,255 p.,1872K,600dpi,en,T)
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Aliprantis C.D., Burkinshaw O. Problems in real analysis: a workbook with solutions [2ed., AP, 1999] (0120502534,djvu,412 p.,3255K,600dpi,en,T,K)
Alpay D., Vinnikov V. (eds.) Characteristic functions, scattering functions and transfer functions: Moshe Livsic memorial [Birkhauser, 2010] (3034601824,pdf,391 p.,2137K,en)
Alsina C., Sikorska J., Tomas M.S. Norm derivatives and characterizations of inner product spaces [WS, 2010] (9814287261,pdf,196 p.,783K,en)
Ambrosio L., Tilli P. Topics on analysis in metric spaces [OUP, 2004] (0198529384,djvu,142 p.,4404K,300dpi,en,T,K)
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Atkinson F.V. Multiparameter eigenvalue problems, Vol.1: Matrices and compact operators [AP, 1972] (0120658011,djvu,225 p.,1216K,300dpi,en,T)
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Bartle R. The elements of integration and Lebesgue measure [Wiley, 1995] (0471042226,djvu,191 p.,857K,300dpi,en,T)
Bauer H. Measure and integration theory [Gruyter, 2002] (3110167190,djvu,248 p.,4664K,600dpi,en,T)
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