
[Физика, Математика, Химия] (KOLXO3) Колхоз, Выпуск 8, DVD 35 - 09.11.10 [DjVu]

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Библиотека: (KOLXO3) Колхоз, Выпуск 8, DVD 35
Состояние: 09.11.10
Тематика: Физика, математика, химия
Формат: DjVu
Качество: Отсканированные страницы + слой распознанного текста
Автор релиза: Koh-i-noor

Описание: Это раздача библиотеки КОЛХОЗа, выкачанной частично с трекера РуБорда (трекер там закрытый), и от добрых людей.
Библиотека KOLXO3 - большая структурированная коллекция книг в основном физико-математической
тематики. Данный 8 выпуск содержит 12 ДВД (№№ 29-40) являющиеся обновлениями библиотеки Колхоза. Инструкция по установке лежит на каждом диске.
Оглавление содержится на 29-м диске (в HTML).
top / Mathematics
Maurin K. The Riemann legacy: Riemannian ideas in mathematics and physics [Kluwer, 1997] (079234636X,djvu,737 p.,4799K,600dpi,en,T)
Манин Ю.И. Математика как метафора [МЦНМО, 2008] (9785940572879,pdf,401 p.,2047K,ru)
Матвиевская Г.П. Становление плоской и сферической геометрии [Знание, 1982] (djvu,66 p.,1083K,600dpi,ru,T,K)


top / Mathematics / Algebra
McGinnis M.A. The universal solution for numerical and literal equations [1900, U.Michigan, 2005] (141818067X,djvu,205 p.,1974K,600dpi,en,T,K)
Szamuely T. Galois groups and fundamental groups [CUP, 2008] (9780521888509,pdf,282 p.,1370K,en)
Whitehead A.N. A treatise on universal algebra [CUP, 1891] (djvu,610 p.,11466K,600dpi,en,T,K)
Желябин В.Н., Махнёв А.А., и др. Группы и другие алгебраические системы с условиями конечности (сборник, Труды ИМ СОАН СССР, т.4) [Наука СО, 1984] (djvu,158 p.,3327K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
Молин Ф.Э. Числовые системы [Наука, 1985] (djvu,127 p.,3385K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
Назарова Л.А., Ройтер А.В., и др. Линейная алгебра и теория представлений (сборник работ) [Ин-т математики АН УССР, 1983] (djvu,144 p.,5279K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
Плоткин Б.И. Алгебраические структуры. Вып.1 [Рига, 1973] (djvu,115 p.,3017K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
Плоткин Б.И. Алгебраические структуры. Вып.2 [Рига, 1974] (djvu,169 p.,5966K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
Ройтер А.В., Овсиенко С.А., Завадский А.Г., и др. Матричные задачи (сборник работ) [Ин-т математики АН УССР, 1977] (djvu,167 p.,5809K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
Синьков М.В., Губарени Н.М. Непозиционные представления в многомерных числовых системах [Наукова думка, 1979] (djvu,139 p.,1602K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
Хованский А.Г., Чулков С.П. Геометрия полугруппы Z^n_geq 0. Приложения к комбинаторике, алгебре и дифференциальным уравнениям [МЦНМО, 2006] (594057243X,djvu,129 p.,1063K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
Шеметков Л.А., Скиба А.Н. Формации алгебраических систем [ФМЛ, 1989] (5020139181,djvu,254 p.,3340K,600dpi,ru,T,K)


top / Mathematics / Algebra / Combinatorics
Комбинаторно-алгебраические методы в прикладной математике [Горьковский унив., 1986] (djvu,210 p.,8575K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
Математические вопросы кибернетики и вычислительной техники: Теория графов [АН Армянской ССР, 1979] (djvu,73 p.,2011K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
Cohen D. Basic techniques of combinatorial theory [Wiley, 1978] (0471035351,djvu,308 p.,2514K,600dpi,en,T)
Colbourn C.J., Dinitz J.H. Handbook of Combinatorial Designs [2ed., CRC, 2007] (1584885068,pdf,1018 p.,6133K,en)
Cvetkovic D., Milic M. Teorija grafova i njene primene(sr) [Beograd, 1971] (djvu,128 p.,1908K,600dpi,en,T,K)
Cvetkovic D., et al. Recent results in the theory of graph spectra [ADM036, NH, 1988] (0444703616,djvu,319 p.,2372K,300dpi,en,T)
Damiani E., et al. From combinatorics to philosophy: The legacy of G.-C.Rota [Springer, 2009] (0387887520,pdf,261 p.,2821K,en)
Dehmer M., Emmert-Streib F. (eds.) Analysis of complex networks: From biology to linguistics [Wiley, 2009] (3527323457,pdf,482 p.,3952K,en)
Deo N. Graph theory with applications to engineering and computer science [Prentice Hall, 1974] (0133634736,djvu,491 p.,4061K,600dpi,en,T)
Deza M., Sikiric M.D. Geometry of chemical graphs: Polycycles and two-faced maps [CUP, 2008] (052187307X,djvu,313 p.,3649K,300dpi,en,T,K)
Diestel R. Graph decompositions: a study in infinite graph theory [OUP, 1990] (0198532105,djvu,242 p.,2110K,600dpi,en,T,K)
Drmota M. Random trees: An interplay between combinatorics and probability [Springer, 2009] (3211753559,pdf,466 p.,2388K,en)
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Fleischner H. Eulerian graphs and related topics [NH, 1990] (0444883959,djvu,406 p.,2979K,300dpi,en,T)
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Fournier J.-C. Graphs theory and applications [Wiley, 2009] (1848210701,pdf,285 p.,997K,en)
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Godsil C. Algebraic combinatorics [CRC, 1993] (0412041316,djvu,372 p.,9791K,600dpi,en,T,K)
Graham R.L. Rudiments of Ramsey theory [AMS, 1981] (0821816969,djvu,69 p.,860K,300dpi,en,T)
Graver J.E. Combinatorics: With emphasis on the theory of graphs [Springer, 1977] (0387902457,djvu,362 p.,2905K,600dpi,en,T)
Gyori E., Sos V. (eds.) Recent trends in combinatorics: The legacy of Paul Erdos [CUP, 2001] (0521120047,djvu,213 p.,1558K,300dpi,en,T)
Harris J., Hirst J., Mossinghoff M. Combinatorics and graph theory [Springer, 2008] (0387797106,pdf,391 p.,2408K,en)
Hartsfield N., Ringel G. Pearls in graph theory: A comprehensive introduction [AP, 1990] (0123285526,djvu,255 p.,2311K,600dpi,en,T)
Hedetniemi S.T., Laskar R.C. (eds.) Topics on domination [NH, 1991] (0444890068,djvu,287 p.,1842K,300dpi,en,T)
Hell P., Nesetril J. Graphs and Homomorphisms [OUP, 2004] (0198528175,pdf,257 p.,1552K,en)
Heubach S., Mansour T. Combinatorics of Compositions and Words [Chapman and Hall, 2009] (9781420072679,pdf,477 p.,3250K,en)
Heubach S., Mansour T. Combinatorics of compositions and words [CRC, 2010] (1420072676,pdf,477 p.,2522K,en)
Hilton A., Talbot J. (eds.) Surveys in combinatorics 2007 [CUP, 2007] (0521698235,pdf,295 p.,2137K,en)
Hong S., et al. (eds.) Combinatorial and computational mathematics [WS, 2001] (9810246781,djvu,285 p.,1862K,300dpi,en,T)
Hsu L.S., Lin C.K. Graph theory and interconnection networks [CRC, 2009] (1420044818,pdf,722 p.,8769K,en)
Hughes D.R., Piper F. Design Theory [CUP, 1988] (9780521358729,djvu,246 p.,1037K,300dpi,en,T)
Hwang F., Richards D., Winter P. The Steiner tree problem [ADM053, NH, 1992] (044489098X,djvu,352 p.,2516K,300dpi,en,T)
Jensen T.R., Toft B. Graph coloring problems [Wiley, 1995] (0471028657,djvu,321 p.,2753K,600dpi,en,T,K)
Jukna S. Extremal combinatorics: With applications in computer science [Springer, 2001] (3540663134,djvu,392 p.,2832K,600dpi,en,T)
Kandasamy W., Smarandache F. Groups as graphs [CuArt, 2009] (1599730936,pdf,170 p.,1200K,en)
Klin M., et al. Algorithmic algebraic combinatorics and Groebner bases [Springer, 2010] (9783642019609,pdf,315 p.,2944K,en)
Knuth D.E. Mariages stables, relations avec problemes combinatoires [Montreal, 1976] (2760605299,djvu,102 p.,981K,600dpi,fr,T)
Koenig D. Theorie der endlichen und unendlichen Graphen [Teubner, 1986] (3322003035,djvu,352 p.,4630K,600dpi,de,T,K)
Kotzig A. Suvislost a pravidelna suvislost konecnych grafov(sk) [Bratislava, 1956] (djvu,116 p.,7308K,600dpi,en,T,K)
Kung J., Rota G.C., Yan C.H. Combinatorics: The Rota way [CUP, 2009] (052188389X,pdf,410 p.,1877K,en)
Landman B., Robertson A. Ramsey theory on the integers [AMS, 2004] (0821831992,djvu,337 p.,2215K,300dpi,en,T)
Lindner C.C., Rosa A. (eds.) Topics on Steiner systems [NH, 1980] (0444854843,djvu,361 p.,2621K,300dpi,en,T)
Lovasz L. An Algorithmic Theory of Numbers, Graphs and Convexity [SIAM, 1987] (9780898712032,djvu,100 p.,725K,300dpi,en,T)
Lovasz L. Combinatorial problems and exercises [2ed., NH, 1993] (044481504X,djvu,630 p.,3914K,300dpi,en,T)
MacMahon P.A. Combinatory analysis. Vol.2 [CUP, 1916] (1112342613,djvu,357 p.,5892K,600dpi,en,T,K)
McKee T.A., McMorris F.R. Topics in Intersection Graph Theory [SIAM, 1999] (9780898714302,djvu,214 p.,1412K,300dpi,en,T,C)
Meng K.K., Dong F., Guan T.E. Introduction to graph theory: H3 mathematics [WS, 2007] (9812703861,djvu,245 p.,1403K,299dpi,en,T)
Miller E., Reiner V., Sturmfels B. Geometric combinatorics [AMS, 2007] (0821837362,pdf,696 p.,4971K,en)
Mirsky L. Transversal theory [AP, 1971] (0124985505,djvu,271 p.,1831K,300dpi,en,T)
Mitchell C. (ed.) Applications of combinatorial mathematics [OUP, 2003] (0198511922,djvu,253 p.,1560K,300dpi,en,T)
Mohar B., Thomassen C. Graphs on surfaces [Johns Hopkins Univ., 2001] (0801866898,djvu,298 p.,3070K,600dpi,en,T,K)
Murota K. Matrices and matroids for systems analysis [Springer, 2010] (3642039936,pdf,495 p.,2713K,en)
Nagamochi H., Ibaraki T. Algorithmic aspects of graph connectivity [CUP, 2008] (0521878640,pdf,392 p.,3002K,en)
Nebesky L. Algebraic properties of trees [Univ. Karlova, Praha, 1969] (djvu,101 p.,856K,600dpi,en,T,K)
Nesetril J., Rodl V. Mathematics of Ramsey theory [Springer, 1990] (0387181911,djvu,282 p.,2215K,300dpi,en,T)
Novak L., Gibbons A. Hybrid graph theory and network analysis [CUP, 1999] (0521461170,djvu,187 p.,1228K,300dpi,en,T)
Ore O. The four-color problem [AP, 1967] (B0006BP0IU,djvu,276 p.,1496K,300dpi,en,T)
Penrose M. Random geometric graphs [OUP, 2003] (0198506260,pdf,345 p.,4141K,en)
Picard C. Graphs and questionnaires [NHMS032, NH, 1980] (0444852395,djvu,446 p.,2712K,300dpi,en,T)
Puppe T. Spectral graph drawing [Univer. Konstanz, 2005] (3639066537,pdf,95 p.,735K,en)
Rees R.S. (ed.) Graphs, matrices, and designs [M.Dekker, 1993] (0824787900,djvu,322 p.,2691K,400dpi,en,T)
Riordan J. Combinatorial Identities [Wiley, 1968] (0471722758,djvu,270 p.,1976K,600dpi,en,T)
Riordan J. Introduction to combinatorial analysis [Wiley, 1958] (0486425363,djvu,252 p.,1714K,600dpi,en,T)
Rowlinson P. (ed.) Surveys in combinatorics, 1995 [CUP, 1995] (0521497973,djvu,240 p.,1433K,300dpi,en,T)
Sachs H. Einfuehrung in die Theorie der endlichen Graphen, Teil 1 [MNB43, Teubner, 1970] (djvu,183 p.,1658K,600dpi,de,T,K)
Sachs H. Einfuehrung in die Theorie der endlichen Graphen, Teil 2 [MNB44, Teubner, 1972] (djvu,273 p.,2663K,600dpi,de,T,K)
Sedlacek J. Kombinatorika v teorii a praxi(cs) [Ceskoslovenske akademie ved, 1964] (djvu,151 p.,1388K,600dpi,en,T,K)
Shrikhande M., Sane S. Quasi-symmetric designs [CUP, 1991] (0521414075,djvu,242 p.,1157K,300dpi,en,T)
Slomson A. An introduction to combinatorics [Chapman and Hall, 1991] (0412353709,djvu,285 p.,1494K,300dpi,en,T)
Soifer A. Geometric etudes in combinatorial mathematics [2ed., Springer, 2010] (0387754695,pdf,300 p.,2662K,en)
Soifer A. The mathematical coloring book: Mathematics of coloring and the colorful life of its creators [Springer, 2009] (0387746404,pdf,619 p.,5707K,en)
Spencer J. Ten Lectures on the Probabilistic Method [SIAM, 1987] (9780898713251,djvu,97 p.,622K,300dpi,en,T)
Stanley R. Bijective proof problems [web draft, 2008] (pdf,69 p.,334K,en)
Temperley H.N.V. (ed.) Combinatorics, Proc. Eighth British combinatorial conf. [CUP, 1981] (0521285143,djvu,198 p.,1138K,300dpi,en,T)
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Trudeau R.J. Dots and lines [Kent State U., 1976] (0873381890,djvu,207 p.,1288K,300dpi,en,T)
Turner J., Kautz W.H. A survey of progress in graph theory in the Soviet Union [SRI, 1968] (B0007FBGH4,djvu,143 p.,1116K,600dpi,en,T,K)
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Vasudev C. Combinatorics and graph theory [New Age, 2007] (9788122421231,pdf,577 p.,4139K,en)
Voloshin V.I. Coloring mixed hypergraphs: theory, algorithms and applications [FIM017, AMS, 2002] (0821828126,djvu,198 p.,1740K,600dpi,en,T,K)
Walker K. (ed.) Surveys in combinatorics, 1993 [CUP, 1993] (0521448573,djvu,295 p.,1749K,300dpi,en,T)
Wallis W.D. A beginner's guide to graph theory [2ed., Birkhauser, 2007] (0817644849,djvu,266 p.,1772K,300dpi,en,T)
Walther H. Anwendungen der Graphentheorie [DVW, 1979] (djvu,239 p.,2877K,600dpi,de,T,K)
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Иванов А.А., Клин М.Х., Фараджев И.А. Примитивные представления неабелевых простых групп порядка меньше 10^6. Ч.1 [ВНИИСИ, 1982] (djvu,41 p.,1200K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
Иванов А.А., Клин М.Х., Фараджев И.А. Примитивные представления неабелевых простых групп порядка меньше 10^6. Ч.2 [ВНИИСИ, 1984] (djvu,77 p.,3016K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
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Петросян А.В., Маркосян С.Е., Шукурян Ю.Г. Математические вопросы автоматизации проектирования ЭВМ [АН Армянской ССР, 1977] (djvu,145 p.,1865K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
Плесневич Г.С., Сапаров М.С. Алгоритмы в теории графов [Ылым, 1981] (djvu,313 p.,11557K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
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Фараджев И.А., и др. Алгоритмические исследования в комбинаторике (сборник статей) [Наука, 1978] (djvu,190 p.,3023K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
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top / Mathematics / Algebra / Computational algebra
Adams W.W., Loustaunau P. An introduction to Groebner bases [AMS, 1994] (9780821838044,djvu,301 p.,2963K,600dpi,en,T)
Bini D., Pan V.Y. Polynomial and matrix computations. Fundamental algorithms. Vol.1 [Birkhauser, 1994] (0817637869,djvu,429 p.,5157K,300dpi,en,T,K)
Buchmann J., Vollmer U. Binary Quadratic Forms: An Algorithmic Approach [Springer, 2007] (3540463674,pdf,326 p.,1975K,en)
Butler G. Fundamental algorithms for permutation groups [LNCS0559, Springer, 1991] (3540549552,djvu,250 p.,1438K,300dpi,en,T)
Fischer K.G., et al. (eds.) Computational algebra [M.Dekker, 1994] (0824790707,djvu,263 p.,2036K,400dpi,en,T)
Giusti M., Weil J.-A., Zimmermann P. Calcul formel [Journes X-UPS 1997] (djvu,71 p.,482K,600dpi,fr,T)
Klin M., et al. (eds.) Algorithmic algebraic combinatorics and Grobner bases [Springer, 2009] (3642019595,pdf,315 p.,2176K,en)
Lidl R., Pilz G. Applied abstract algebra [2ed., Springer, 1998] (0387982906,djvu,500 p.,3137K,600dpi,en,T)
Pistone, Riccomagno, Wynn. Algebraic statistics: computational commutative algebra in statistics [CRC, 2001] (1584882042,pdf,168 p.,912K,en)
Romanovski V.G., Shafer D.S. The center and cyclicity problems: A computational algebra approach [Birkhauser, 2009] (0817647260,pdf,336 p.,1603K,en)
Shoup V. A computational introduction to number theory and algebra [free web version 2.0, 2008] (0521516447,pdf,598 p.,2478K,en)
Shoup V. A computational introduction to number theory and algebra [free web version 2.2, 2008] (0521516447,pdf,596 p.,2420K,en)
Sims C.C. Computation with finitely presented groups [CUP, 1994] (0521135079,djvu,620 p.,3490K,300dpi,en,T)
Wang D. Elimination Practice: Software Tools and Applications [ICP, 2004] (1860944388,djvu,233 p.,1935K,300dpi,en,T,K)
Wicker S., Kim S. Fundamentals of codes, graphs and iterative decoding [Kluwer, 2002] (0306477947,djvu,240 p.,2300K,300dpi,en,T,K)
Ноден П., Китте К. (Naudin P., Quitte C.) Алгебраическая алгоритмика, с упражнениями и решениями [Мир, 1999] (5030033181,djvu,724 p.,6393K,600dpi,ru,T,K)


top / Mathematics / Algebra / Category theory
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McCall S. Aristotle's modal syllogisms (no TOC) [SLFM031, NH, 1963] (9780444533968,djvu,103 p.,593K,300dpi,en,T)
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Sanchis L.E. Recursive functionals [SLFM131, NH, 1992] (0444894470,djvu,290 p.,1571K,300dpi,en,T,K)
Schmidt H.A., Schutte K., Thiele H.-J. (eds.) Contributions to mathematical logic: Proceedings Hannover, 1966 (no TOC) [SLFM050, NH, 1968] (9780444534149,djvu,301 p.,1919K,300dpi,en,T)
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