
[Физика, Математика, Химия] (KOLXO3) Колхоз, Выпуск 8, DVD 33 - 09.11.10 [DjVu]

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Библиотека: (KOLXO3) Колхоз, Выпуск 8, DVD 33
Состояние: 09.11.10
Тематика: Физика, математика, химия
Формат: DjVu
Качество: Отсканированные страницы + слой распознанного текста
Автор релиза: Koh-i-noor

Описание: Это раздача библиотеки КОЛХОЗа, выкачанной частично с трекера РуБорда (трекер там закрытый), и от добрых людей.
Библиотека KOLXO3 - большая структурированная коллекция книг в основном физико-математической
тематики. Данный 8 выпуск содержит 12 ДВД (№№ 29-40) являющиеся обновлениями библиотеки Колхоза. Инструкция по установке лежит на каждом диске.
Оглавление содержится на 29-м диске (в HTML).

Список книг:
top / Computer science
Проблемы кибернетики (вып.17) [ФМЛ, 1966] (djvu,270 p.,4045K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
Проблемы кибернетики (вып.20) [ФМЛ, 1968] (djvu,320 p.,4332K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
Проблемы кибернетики (вып.22) [ФМЛ, 1970] (djvu,301 p.,4714K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
Gyllenberg M., Persson L.E. (eds.) Analysis, algebra, and computers in mathematical research [M.Dekker, 1994] (0824792173,djvu,403 p.,3207K,400dpi,en,T)
Mullen G.L., Shiue P.J-S. (eds.) Finite fields, coding theory, and advances in communications and computing [M.Dekker, 1993] (0824788052,djvu,439 p.,3825K,400dpi,en,T)
Weinberg G.M. Psychology of Computer Programming [Van Nostrand, 1985] (0442292643,djvu,299 p.,2319K,300dpi,en,T,C)
Глушков В.М. Кибернетика, вычислительная техника, информатика. Избранные труды. Т.1 [Наукова думка, 1990] (5120012736,djvu,264 p.,4288K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
Кронрод А.С. Беседы о программировании [УРСС, 2001] (5836003092,djvu,247 p.,4306K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
Марков А.С., Лисовский К.Ю. Базы данных [ФиС, 2006] (5279022985,djvu,512 p.,3461K,300dpi,ru,T)
Пейперт С. (Papert) Переворот в сознании: дети, компьютеры и плодотворные идеи [Педагогика, 1989] (5715500044,djvu,224 p.,2084K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
Советов Б.Я., Цехановский В.В. Информационные технологии [3изд., ВШ, 2006] (5060042758,djvu,265 p.,1944K,300dpi,ru,T)
Уокерли Дж. (Wakerly J.) Архитектура и программирование микро-ЭВМ. Кн.1 [Мир, 1984] (djvu,491 p.,9713K,600dpi,ru,T,K)


top / Computer science / Lecture notes
Technologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling and Entertainment, 2 conf., TIDSE 2004 [LNCS3105, Springer, 2004] (3540222839,pdf,321 p.,5714K,en)
Telecommunications and Networking - ICT 2004, 11 conf. [LNCS3124, Springer, 2004] (3540225714,pdf,1417 p.,29273K,en)
Term Rewriting and Applications, 16 conf., RTA 2005 [LNCS3467, Springer, 2005] (3540255966,pdf,529 p.,4453K,en)
Term Rewriting and Applications, 17 conf., RTA 2006 [LNCS4098, Springer, 2006] (3540368345,pdf,425 p.,4118K,en)
Term Rewriting and Applications, 18 conf., RTA 2007 [LNCS4533, Springer, 2007] (9783540734475,pdf,429 p.,4118K,en)
Tests and Proofs, 1 conf., TAP 2007 [LNCS4454, Springer, 2007] (9783540737698,pdf,225 p.,4484K,en)
Tests and Proofs, 3 conf., TAP 2009 [LNCS5668, Springer, 2009] (9783642029486,pdf,178 p.,2283K,en)
Text, Speech and Dialogue, 10 conf., TSD 2007 [LNCS4629, Springer, 2007] (9783540746270,pdf,679 p.,9140K,en)
Text, Speech and Dialogue, 7 conf., TSD 2004 [LNCS3206, Springer, 2004] (3540230491,djvu,687 p.,12563K,600dpi,en,T,C)
The Common Component Modeling Example: Comparing Software Component Models [LNCS5153, Springer, 2008] (9783540852889,pdf,465 p.,12761K,en)
The Computational Complexity of Equivalence and Isomorphism Problems [LNCS1852, Springer, 2000] (3540410325,pdf,143 p.,896K,en)
The Design of Intelligent Agents - A Layered Approach [LNCS1177, Springer, 1996] (3540620036,djvu,237 p.,2328K,300dpi,en,T)
The Disappearing Computer [LNCS4500, Springer, 2007] (9783540727255,pdf,314 p.,5997K,en)
The Dynamics of Concepts - A Connectionist Model [LNCS0766, Springer, 1994] (3540576479,djvu,350 p.,2224K,300dpi,en,T)
The Essence of Computation, Complexity, Analysis, Transformation [LNCS2566, Springer, 2002] (3540003266,pdf,477 p.,4721K,en)
The Generic Development Language Deva: Presentation and Case Studies [LNCS0738, Springer, 1993] (3540573356,djvu,252 p.,1514K,300dpi,en,T)
The Internet of Things, 1 conf., IOT 2008 [LNCS4952, Springer, 2008] (9783540787303,pdf,389 p.,12978K,en)
The Logic System of Concept Graphs with Negation And Its Relationship to Predicate Logic [LNCS2892, Springer, 2003] (3540206078,pdf,218 p.,3335K,en)
The Newton-Cauchy Framework: A Unified Approach to Unconstrained Nonlinear Minimization [LNCS0769, Springer, 1994] (3540576711,djvu,113 p.,747K,300dpi,en,T)
The Semantic Web - ISWC 2004: 3 conf. [LNCS3298, Springer, 2004] (3540237984,pdf,869 p.,28743K,en)
The Semantic Web: Research and Applications, 1 conf., ESWS 2004 [LNCS3053, Springer, 2004] (3540219994,pdf,505 p.,10798K,en)
The Vienna Development Method: The Meta-Language [LNCS0061, Springer, 1978] (3540087664,djvu,398 p.,1858K,300dpi,en,T)
Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics, 10 conf., TPHOLs'97 [LNCS1275, Springer, 1997] (3540633790,djvu,340 p.,3333K,300dpi,en,T)
Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics, 11 conf., TPHOLs'98 [LNCS1479, Springer, 1998] (3540649875,djvu,501 p.,3724K,300dpi,en,T)
Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics, 12 conf., TPHOLs'99 [LNCS1690, Springer, 1999] (3540664637,pdf,362 p.,3617K,en)
Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics, 13 conf., TPHOLs 2000 [LNCS1869, Springer, 2000] (3540678638,pdf,546 p.,28064K,en)
Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics, 14 conf., TPHOLs 2001 [LNCS2152, Springer, 2001] (354042525X,pdf,404 p.,2598K,en)
Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics, 15 conf., TPHOLs 2002 [LNCS2410, Springer, 2002] (3540440399,pdf,357 p.,2547K,en)
Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics, 16 conf., TPHOLs 2003 [LNCS2758, Springer, 2003] (3540406646,pdf,376 p.,1832K,en)
Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics, 17 conf., TPHOLs 2004 [LNCS3223, Springer, 2004] (3540230173,djvu,349 p.,3037K,300dpi,en,T,C)
Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics, 18 conf., TPHOLs 2005 [LNCS3603, Springer, 2005] (3540283722,pdf,417 p.,3327K,en)
Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics, 20 conf., TPHOLs 2007 [LNCS4732, Springer, 2007] (9783540745907,pdf,407 p.,3552K,en)
Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics, 21 conf., TPHOLs 2008 [LNCS5170, Springer, 2008] (9783540710653,pdf,329 p.,2875K,en)
Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics, 9 conf., TPHOLs'96 [LNCS1125, Springer, 1996] (3540615873,djvu,449 p.,3250K,300dpi,en,T)
Theorem Proving with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods 4 conf., TABLEAUX '95 [LNCS0918, Springer, 1995] (3540593381,djvu,363 p.,3625K,300dpi,en,T)
Theorem Proving with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods 5 conf., TABLEAUX '96 [LNCS1071, Springer, 1996] (3540612084,djvu,341 p.,3155K,300dpi,en,T)
Theorem proving in higher order logics, 17 conf., TPHOLs 2004 [LNCS3223, Springer, 2010] (9783540301424,pdf,349 p.,4756K,en)
Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, Advanced Lectures 2000 [LNCS2292, Springer, 2002] (3540433287,pdf,230 p.,3110K,en)
Theoretical Aspects of Computing - ICTAC 2004, 1 conf. [LNCS3407, Springer, 2005] (3540253041,pdf,573 p.,3647K,en)
Theoretical Aspects of Computing - ICTAC 2005, 2 conf. [LNCS3722, Springer, 2005] (3540291075,pdf,627 p.,5807K,en)
Theoretical Aspects of Computing - ICTAC 2006, 3 conf. [LNCS4281, Springer, 2006] (3540488154,pdf,383 p.,3806K,en)
Theoretical Aspects of Computing - ICTAC 2007, 4 conf. [LNCS4711, Springer, 2007] (9783540752905,pdf,490 p.,4395K,en)
Theoretical Aspects of Computing - ICTAC 2008, 5 conf. [LNCS5160, Springer, 2008] (9783540857617,pdf,465 p.,5848K,en)
Theoretical Computer Science Proc.conf.2000 [LNCS1872, Springer, 2000] (3540678239,pdf,632 p.,4211K,en)
Theoretical Computer Science [LNCS3895, Springer, 2006] (3540328807,pdf,409 p.,4094K,en)
Theoretical Computer Science, 7 conf., ICTCS 2001 [LNCS2202, Springer, 2001] (3540426728,pdf,452 p.,3370K,en)
Theoretical Computer Science, 8 conf., ICTCS 2003 [LNCS2841, Springer, 2003] (3540202161,pdf,408 p.,2734K,en)
Theoretical Computer Science, 9 conf., ICTCS 2005 [LNCS3701, Springer, 2005] (3540291067,pdf,420 p.,3960K,en)
Theoretical and Practical Aspects of SPIN Model Checking, 5 and 6 conf.s [LNCS1680, Springer, 1999] (3540664998,pdf,293 p.,2540K,en)
Theory Is Forever [LNCS3113, Springer, 2004] (3540223932,pdf,294 p.,5129K,en)
Theory and Applications of Models of Computation, 3 conf., TAMC 2006 [LNCS3959, Springer, 2006] (3540340211,pdf,808 p.,8546K,en)
Theory and Applications of Models of Computation, 4 conf., TAMC 2007 [LNCS4484, Springer, 2007] (9783540725039,pdf,784 p.,10248K,en)
Theory and Applications of Models of Computation, 5 conf., TAMC 2008 [LNCS4978, Springer, 2008] (9783540792277,pdf,609 p.,6383K,en)
Theory and Applications of Models of Computation, 6 conf., TAMC 2009 [LNCS5532, Springer, 2009] (9783642020162,pdf,493 p.,8919K,en)
Theory and Applications of Relational Structures as Knowledge Instruments, COST Action 274 [LNCS2929, Springer, 2003] (3540207805,pdf,279 p.,2479K,en)
Theory of Cryptography 1 conf. [LNCS2951, Springer, 2004] (3540210008,pdf,532 p.,5175K,en)
Theory of Cryptography 2 conf. [LNCS3378, Springer, 2005] (3540245731,djvu,641 p.,5662K,300dpi,en,T,C)
Theory of Cryptography 3 conf. [LNCS3876, Springer, 2006] (3540327312,pdf,626 p.,5245K,en)
Theory of Cryptography 4 conf. [LNCS4392, Springer, 2007] (3540709355,pdf,605 p.,5949K,en)
Theory of Cryptography 5 conf. [LNCS4948, Springer, 2008] (354078523X,pdf,656 p.,5827K,en)
Theory of Cryptography 6 conf. [LNCS5444, Springer, 2009] (9783642004568,pdf,623 p.,5290K,en)
Theory of Program Structures: Schemes [LNCS0036, Springer, 1975] (3540074155,djvu,375 p.,2721K,300dpi,en,T)
Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication, and Cryptography, 3 conf., TQC 2008 [LNCS5106, Springer, 2008] (9783540893035,pdf,121 p.,1818K,en)
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 1 conf., TACAS '95 [LNCS1019, Springer, 1995] (3540606300,djvu,298 p.,2354K,300dpi,en,T)
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 11 conf., TACAS 2005 [LNCS3440, Springer, 2005] (3540253335,pdf,602 p.,5830K,en)
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 12 conf., TACAS 2006 [LNCS3920, Springer, 2006] (3540330569,pdf,518 p.,5475K,en)
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 13 conf., TACAS 2007 [LNCS4424, Springer, 2007] (9783540712084,pdf,755 p.,8807K,en)
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 14 conf., TACAS 2008 [LNCS4963, Springer, 2008] (9783540787990,pdf,532 p.,6441K,en)
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 15 conf., TACAS 2009 [LNCS5505, Springer, 2009] (9783642007675,pdf,469 p.,5313K,en)
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 2 conf., TACAS '96 [LNCS1055, Springer, 1996] (3540610421,djvu,446 p.,3688K,300dpi,en,T)
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 3 conf., TACAS '97 [LNCS1217, Springer, 1997] (3540627901,djvu,442 p.,4284K,300dpi,en,T)
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 4 conf., TACAS '98 [LNCS1384, Springer, 1998] (3540643567,pdf,469 p.,3117K,en)
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 5 conf., TACAS '99 [LNCS1579, Springer, 1999] (3540657037,pdf,456 p.,3416K,en)
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 6 conf., TACAS 2000 [LNCS1785, Springer, 2000] (3540672826,pdf,569 p.,5490K,en)
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 7 conf., TACAS 2001 [LNCS2031, Springer, 2001] (3540418652,pdf,601 p.,4656K,en)
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 8 conf., TACAS 2002 [LNCS2280, Springer, 2002] (3540434194,pdf,495 p.,3450K,en)
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 9 conf., TACAS 2003 [LNCS2619, Springer, 2003] (3540008985,pdf,619 p.,4794K,en)
Topics in Case-Based Reasoning, 1 conf., EWCBR-93 [LNCS0837, Springer, 1994] (3540583300,djvu,474 p.,4874K,300dpi,en,T)
Topics in Cryptology - CT-RSA 2001, The Cryptographer's Track at RSA Conference 2001 [LNCS2020, Springer, 2001] (3540418989,pdf,481 p.,3236K,en)
Topics in Cryptology - CT-RSA 2002, The Cryptographer's Track at the RSA Conference, 2002 [LNCS2271, Springer, 2002] (3540432248,pdf,319 p.,2418K,en)
Topics in Cryptology - CT-RSA 2003, The Cryptographers' Track at the RSA Conference 2003 [LNCS2612, Springer, 2003] (3540008470,pdf,431 p.,3378K,en)
Towards Evolvable Hardware, The Evolutionary Engineering Approach 1995 [LNCS1062, Springer, 1996] (3540610936,djvu,274 p.,2875K,300dpi,en,T)
Towards Mechanized Mathematical Assistants, 14 conf., Calculemus 2007 [LNCS4573, Springer, 2007] (9783540730835,pdf,417 p.,4472K,en)
Towards digital optical networks: COST action 291 report [LNCS5412, Springer, 2009] (9783642015236,pdf,362 p.,11387K,en)
Tractable Reasoning in Artificial Intelligence [LNCS0941, Springer, 1995] (3540600582,djvu,255 p.,1799K,300dpi,en,T)
Transactional Agents: Towards a Robust Multi-Agent System [LNCS2249, Springer, 2001] (3540430466,pdf,216 p.,3727K,en)
Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development 1 conf. [LNCS3880, Springer, 2006] (3540329722,pdf,343 p.,6772K,en)
Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development 2 conf. [LNCS4242, Springer, 2006] (3540488901,pdf,297 p.,9397K,en)
Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development 3 conf. [LNCS4620, Springer, 2007] (9783540751618,pdf,208 p.,5113K,en)
Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development 4 conf. [LNCS4640, Springer, 2007] (9783540770411,pdf,199 p.,2762K,en)
Transactions on Computational Science 1 conf. [LNCS4750, Springer, 2008] (9783540792987,pdf,191 p.,4150K,en)
Transactions on Computational Science 4 conf. [LNCS5430, Springer, 2009] (9783642010033,pdf,279 p.,4739K,en)
Transactions on Computational Systems Biology 2 conf. [LNCS3680, Springer, 2005] (3540294015,pdf,161 p.,2218K,en)
Transactions on Computational Systems Biology 3 conf. [LNCS3737, Springer, 2005] (3540308830,pdf,177 p.,2496K,en)
Transactions on Computational Systems Biology 4 conf. [LNCS3939, Springer, 2006] (3540332456,pdf,147 p.,3874K,en)
Transactions on Computational Systems Biology 5 conf. [LNCS4070, Springer, 2006] (3540360484,pdf,138 p.,3655K,en)
Transactions on Computational Systems Biology 6 conf. [LNCS4220, Springer, 2006] (3540457798,pdf,253 p.,4527K,en)
Transactions on Computational Systems Biology 7 conf. [LNCS4780, Springer, 2007] (3540766383,pdf,109 p.,1884K,en)
Transactions on Computational Systems Biology 9 conf. [LNCS5121, Springer, 2008] (3540887644,pdf,159 p.,1896K,en)
Transactions on Computational Systems Biology VII [LNCS4230, Springer, 2006] (3540488375,pdf,192 p.,2075K,en)
Transactions on Data Hiding and Multimedia Security 2 conf. [LNCS4499, Springer, 2007] (9783540730910,pdf,123 p.,3218K,en)
Transactions on Data Hiding and Multimedia Security 3 conf. [LNCS4920, Springer, 2008] (9783540690160,pdf,98 p.,1593K,en)
Transactions on High-Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilers 2 conf. [LNCS5470, Springer, 2009] (9783642009037,pdf,335 p.,5803K,en)
Transactions on High-Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilers I [LNCS4050, Springer, 2007] (9783540715276,pdf,366 p.,9281K,en)
Transactions on Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency 1 conf. [LNCS5100, Springer, 2008] (9783540892861,pdf,264 p.,5087K,en)
Transactions on Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency II [LNCS5460, Springer, 2009] (9783642008986,pdf,310 p.,7771K,en)
Transactions on Rough Sets 2 conf. [LNCS3135, Springer, 2004] (3540239901,pdf,374 p.,7010K,en)
Transactions on Rough Sets 3 conf. [LNCS3400, Springer, 2005] (3540259988,pdf,469 p.,10983K,en)
Transactions on Rough Sets 4 conf. [LNCS3700, Springer, 2005] (3540298304,pdf,383 p.,4453K,en)
Transactions on Rough Sets 6 conf. [LNCS4374, Springer, 2007] (9783540711988,pdf,508 p.,7773K,en)
Transactions on Rough Sets 7 conf. [LNCS4400, Springer, 2007] (9783540716624,pdf,389 p.,5978K,en)
Transactions on Rough Sets 8 conf. [LNCS5084, Springer, 2008] (9783540850632,djvu,529 p.,6322K,400dpi,en,T,C)
Transactions on Rough Sets 9 conf. [LNCS5390, Springer, 2008] (9783540898757,pdf,760 p.,10672K,en)
Transactions on Rough Sets I [LNCS3100, Springer, 2004] (3540223746,pdf,415 p.,4320K,en)
Trends in Enterprise Application Architecture, 2 conf., TEAA 2006 [LNCS4473, Springer, 2007] (9783540759119,pdf,363 p.,5787K,en)
Trends, Techniques, and Problems in Theoretical Computer Science, 4 conf., 1986 [LNCS0281, Springer, 1987] (3540185356,djvu,219 p.,2113K,300dpi,en,T)
Trust Management, 2 conf., iTrust 2004 [LNCS2995, Springer, 2004] (3540213120,pdf,392 p.,6302K,en)
Trust and Privacy in Digital Business, 1 conf., TrustBus 2004 [LNCS3184, Springer, 2004] (3540229191,pdf,315 p.,4475K,en)
Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business, 4 conf., TrustBus 2007 [LNCS4657, Springer, 2007] (9783540744085,pdf,301 p.,3920K,en)
Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business, 5 conf., TrustBus 2008 [LNCS5185, Springer, 2008] (9783540857341,pdf,213 p.,6519K,en)
Trusted Computing - Challenges and Applications, 1 conf., Trust 2008 [LNCS4968, Springer, 2008] (9783540689782,pdf,200 p.,3111K,en)
Trusted Computing, 2 conf., Trust 2009 [LNCS5471, Springer, 2009] (9783642005862,pdf,272 p.,6024K,en)
Trustworthy Global Computing, 2 conf., TGC 2006 [LNCS4661, Springer, 2007] (9783540753339,pdf,348 p.,3553K,en)
Turing Machines with Sublogarithmic Space [LNCS0843, Springer, 1994] (3540583556,djvu,117 p.,979K,300dpi,en,T)
Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications, 3 conf., TLCA '97 [LNCS1210, Springer, 1997] (3540626883,djvu,414 p.,3012K,300dpi,en,T)
Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications, 4 conf., TLCA'99 [LNCS1581, Springer, 1999] (3540657630,pdf,408 p.,7528K,en)
Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications, 5 conf., TLCA 2001 [LNCS2044, Springer, 2001] (3540419608,pdf,440 p.,3936K,en)
Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications, 6 conf., TLCA 2003 [LNCS2701, Springer, 2003] (3540403329,pdf,324 p.,2502K,en)
Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications, 7 conf., TLCA 2005 [LNCS3461, Springer, 2005] (3540255931,pdf,441 p.,3581K,en)
Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications, 8 conf., TLCA 2007 [LNCS4583, Springer, 2007] (9783540732273,pdf,405 p.,2981K,en)
Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications, TLCA '93 1 conf. [LNCS0664, Springer, 1993] (3540565175,djvu,441 p.,3887K,300dpi,en,T)
Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications, TLCA '95 2 conf. [LNCS0902, Springer, 1995] (354059048X,djvu,452 p.,3629K,300dpi,en,T)
Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications: 9 conf., TLCA 2009 [LNCS5608, Springer, 2009] (9783642022722,pdf,426 p.,5498K,en)
Types for Proofs and Programs, TYPES 2006 [LNCS4502, Springer, 2007] (9783540744634,pdf,276 p.,3067K,en)
Types for Proofs and Programs, TYPES 2007 [LNCS4941, Springer, 2008] (9783540680840,pdf,209 p.,2092K,en)
UML 2004 7 conf. [LNCS3273, Springer, 2004] (3540233075,pdf,157 p.,3654K,en)
UbiComp 2004: Ubiquitous Computing, 6 conf. [LNCS3205, Springer, 2004] (3540229558,pdf,472 p.,10391K,en)
UbiComp 2007: Ubiquitous Computing, 9 conf. [LNCS4717, Springer, 2007] (9783540748526,pdf,536 p.,8289K,en)
Ubiquitous Computing Systems, 4 conf., UCS 2007 [LNCS4836, Springer, 2007] (9783540767718,pdf,317 p.,5923K,en)
Ubiquitous Convergence Technology, 1 conf., ICUCT 2006 [LNCS4412, Springer, 2007] (9783540717881,pdf,313 p.,7362K,en)
Ubiquitous Mobile Information and Collaboration Systems, 2 conf., UMICS 2004 [LNCS3272, Springer, 2005] (3540241000,pdf,209 p.,7762K,en)
Uncertain Projective Geometry: Statistical Reasoning for Polyhedral Object Reconstruction [LNCS3008, Springer, 2004] (3540220291,pdf,224 p.,4586K,en)
Unconventional Computation, 4 conf., UC 2005 [LNCS3699, Springer, 2005] (3540291008,pdf,276 p.,4149K,en)
Unconventional Computation, 5 conf., UC 2006 [LNCS4135, Springer, 2006] (3540385932,pdf,275 p.,4469K,en)
Unconventional Computation, 6 conf., UC 2007 [LNCS4618, Springer, 2007] (9783540735533,pdf,250 p.,3447K,en)
Unconventional Computing, 7 conf., UC 2008 [LNCS5204, Springer, 2008] (9783540851936,pdf,268 p.,4127K,en)
Unconventional Models of Computation, 3 conf., UMC 2002 [LNCS2509, Springer, 2002] (3540443118,pdf,338 p.,3434K,en)
Unconventional Programming Paradigms, UPP 2004 [LNCS3566, Springer, 2005] (3540278842,pdf,363 p.,3949K,en)
Understanding Planning Tasks: Domain Complexity and Heuristic Decomposition [LNCS4929, Springer, 2008] (9783540777229,pdf,273 p.,1952K,en)
Unifying Petri Nets [LNCS2128, Springer, 2001] (3540430679,pdf,494 p.,2990K,en)
Unifying Theories of Programming, 1 conf., UTP 2006 [LNCS4010, Springer, 2006] (354034750X,pdf,264 p.,2297K,en)
Universal Multiservice Networks: 3 conf., ECUMN 2004 [LNCS3262, Springer, 2004] (3540235515,pdf,577 p.,12373K,en)
Usability and Internationalization: Global and Local User Interfaces, 2 conf., UI-HCII 2007 [LNCS4560, Springer, 2007] (9783540732884,pdf,590 p.,9538K,en)
Utility Computing: 15 conf., Distributed Systems: Operations and Management, DSOM 2004 [LNCS3278, Springer, 2004] (3540236317,pdf,289 p.,5634K,en)
Utilizing Problem Structure in Planning [LNCS2854, Springer, 2003] (3540202595,pdf,254 p.,2746K,en)
VOCUS: A Visual Attention System for Object Detection and Goal-Directed Search [LNCS3899, Springer, 2006] (3540327592,pdf,218 p.,4762K,en)
Validation of Stochastic Systems - A Guide to Current Research [LNCS2925, Springer, 2004] (3540222650,pdf,472 p.,5341K,en)
Verbal and Nonverbal Communication Behaviours, COST Action 2102 [LNCS4775, Springer, 2007] (9783540764410,pdf,337 p.,6514K,en)
Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation, 10 conf., VMCAI 2009 [LNCS5403, Springer, 2009] (9783540938996,pdf,391 p.,4028K,en)
Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation, 3 conf., VMCAI 2002 [LNCS2294, Springer, 2002] (3540436316,pdf,339 p.,2441K,en)
Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation, 4 conf., VMCAI 2003 [LNCS2575, Springer, 2003] (3540003487,pdf,334 p.,2574K,en)
Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation, 5 conf., VMCAI 2004 [LNCS2937, Springer, 2004] (3540208038,pdf,343 p.,3449K,en)
Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation, 7 conf., VMCAI 2006 [LNCS3855, Springer, 2006] (3540311394,pdf,452 p.,4549K,en)
Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation, 8 conf., VMCAI 2007 [LNCS4349, Springer, 2007] (9783540697350,pdf,406 p.,4118K,en)
Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation, 9 conf., VMCAI 2008 [LNCS4905, Springer, 2008] (9783540781622,pdf,332 p.,4068K,en)
Verified Software: Theories, Tools, Experiments: 1 conf., VSTTE 2005 [LNCS4171, Springer, 2008] (3540691472,pdf,565 p.,7829K,en)
Virtual Reality, 2 conf., ICVR 2007 [LNCS4563, Springer, 2007] (9783540733348,pdf,775 p.,14288K,en)
Virtual Storytelling: Using Virtual Reality Technologies for Storytelling, 4 conf., ICVS 2007 [LNCS4871, Springer, 2007] (9783540770374,pdf,225 p.,6911K,en)
Virtual Systems and Multimedia, 13 conf., VSMM 2007 [LNCS4820, Springer, 2008] (9783540785651,pdf,225 p.,12382K,en)
Visual Data Mining - Theory [LNCS4404, Springer, 2008] (9783540710790,pdf,163 p.,3697K,en)
Visual Information Systems [LNCS1306, Springer, 1997] (3540636366,pdf,284 p.,21245K,en)
Visualization for Computer Security, 5 conf., VizSec 2008 [LNCS5210, Springer, 2008] (9783540859314,pdf,204 p.,11653K,en)
Visualization of Scientific Parallel Programs [LNCS0771, Springer, 1994] (3540577386,djvu,306 p.,3649K,300dpi,en,T)
Vivid Logic: Knowledge-Based Reasoning with Two Kinds of Negation [LNCS0764, Springer, 1994] (3540576045,djvu,154 p.,1004K,300dpi,en,T)
WALCOM: Algorithms and Computation, 2 conf., WALCOM 2008 [LNCS4921, Springer, 2008] (9783540778905,pdf,250 p.,3211K,en)
WALCOM: Algorithms and Computation, 3 conf., WALCOM 2009 [LNCS5431, Springer, 2009] (9783642002014,pdf,417 p.,6286K,en)
WEBKDD 2001 - Mining Web Log Data Across All Customers Touch Points [LNCS2356, Springer, 2002] (3540439692,pdf,177 p.,2009K,en)
WEBKDD 2002 - Mining Web Data for Discovering Usage Patterns and Profiles, 4 conf. [LNCS2703, Springer, 2003] (3540203044,pdf,189 p.,3846K,en)
Wavelet Analysis and Its Applications, 2 conf., WAA 2001 [LNCS2251, Springer, 2001] (3540430342,pdf,462 p.,7366K,en)
Web Content Caching and Distribution: 9 conf., WCW 2004 [LNCS3293, Springer, 2004] (3540235167,pdf,295 p.,10283K,en)
Web Engineering - 4 conf., ICWE 2004 [LNCS3140, Springer, 2004] (3540225110,pdf,646 p.,12056K,en)
Web Information Systems - WISE 2004 Workshops: WISE 2004 [LNCS3307, Springer, 2004] (3540238921,pdf,297 p.,5380K,en)
Web Information Systems - WISE 2004, 5 conf. [LNCS3306, Springer, 2004] (3540238948,pdf,769 p.,27432K,en)
Web Information Systems Engineering - WISE 2007 Workshops [LNCS4832, Springer, 2007] (9783540770091,pdf,530 p.,10236K,en)
Web Information Systems Engineering - WISE 2008 Workshops [LNCS5176, Springer, 2008] (9783540851998,pdf,199 p.,5135K,en)
Web Intelligence Meets Brain Informatics, 1 conf., WImBI 2006 [LNCS4845, Springer, 2007] (9783540770275,pdf,525 p.,10513K,en)
Web Mining: From Web to Semantic Web, 1 conf., EMWF 2003 [LNCS3209, Springer, 2004] (3540232583,pdf,209 p.,2874K,en)
Web Services - ICWS-Europe 2003, ICWS-Europe 2003 [LNCS2853, Springer, 2003] (3540201254,pdf,236 p.,3917K,en)
Web Services, E-Business, and the Semantic Web, 2 conf., WES 2003 [LNCS3095, Springer, 2004] (3540223967,pdf,161 p.,2382K,en)
Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems, 7 conf., W2GIS 2007 [LNCS4857, Springer, 2007] (9783540769231,pdf,301 p.,10915K,en)
Web, Web-Services, and Database Systems, NODe 2002 [LNCS2593, Springer, 2003] (3540007458,pdf,337 p.,5266K,en)
Wired-Wireless Internet Communications, 5 conf., WWIC 2007 [LNCS4517, Springer, 2007] (9783540726944,pdf,394 p.,7669K,en)
Wireless Sensor Networks, 4 conf., EWSN 2007 [LNCS4373, Springer, 2007] (3540698299,pdf,368 p.,6663K,en)
Wireless Sensor Networks, 5 conf., EWSN 2008 [LNCS4913, Springer, 2008] (9783540776895,pdf,408 p.,13323K,en)
Wireless Sensor Networks, 6 conf., EWSN 2009 [LNCS5432, Springer, 2009] (9783642002236,pdf,384 p.,7046K,en)
Wireless Systems and Mobility in Next Generation Internet [LNCS4396, Springer, 2007] (9783540709688,pdf,279 p.,4703K,en)
van Gasteren A.J.M. On the Shape of Mathematical Arguments [LNCS0445, Springer, 1990] (3540528490,djvu,190 p.,1264K,600dpi,en,T)


top / Computer science / Computability
Arora S., Barak B. Computational complexity: A modern approach [CUP, 2009] (0521424267,pdf,605 p.,3214K,en)
Calude C. Information and randomness: An algorithmic perspective [2ed., Springer, 2002] (3540434666,djvu,487 p.,3756K,600dpi,en,T)
Chazelle B. The discrepancy method. Randomness and complexity [draft, 2001] (pdf,497 p.,3087K,en)
Cooper S.B. Computability theory [CRC, 2004] (1584882379,djvu,421 p.,3242K,600dpi,en,T,K)
Cutland N. Computability: an Introduction to Recursive Function Theory [CUP, 1992] (0521223849,djvu,260 p.,2401K,300dpi,en,T,K)
Eilenberg S., Elgot C. Recursiveness [AP, 1970] (0122340507,djvu,94 p.,442K,600dpi,en,T)
Epstein R.L., Carnielli W.A. Computability: computable functions, logic, foundations of mathematics [3ed., Advanced Reasoning Forum, 2008] (098155072X,djvu,377 p.,2703K,400dpi,en,T)
Fernandez M. Models of computation: An introduction to computability theory [Springer, 2009] (1848824335,pdf,188 p.,1047K,en)
Griffor E.R. (ed.) Handbook of computability theory [SLFM140, Elsevier, 1999] (0444898824,djvu,735 p.,4617K,300dpi,en,T)
Lipton R. The P=NP question and Godels lost letter [Springer, 2010] (1441971548,pdf,254 p.,1126K,en)
Nies A. Computability and randomness [OUP, 2009] (0199230765,pdf,450 p.,2395K,en)
Parberry I. Complexity of parallel computations [free web version, 1987] (0470209313,djvu,212 p.,1399K,300dpi,en,T)
Peter R. Recursive functions [2ed., AP, 1967] (B0006BP0OE,djvu,301 p.,1866K,300dpi,en,T)
Singh A. Elements of computation theory [Springer, 2009] (1848824963,pdf,429 p.,3198K,en)
Streicher T. Domain-theoretic foundations of functional programming [WS, 2006] (9812701427,djvu,132 p.,856K,300dpi,en,T,C)
Turner R. Computable Models [Springer, 2009] (1848820518,pdf,238 p.,1042K,en)
Zhou C., Hansen M.R. Duration Calculus: A Formal Approach to Real-Time Systems [Springer, 2004] (3540408231,djvu,256 p.,1828K,600dpi,en,T)
Успенский В.А., Верещагин Н.К., Шень А. Колмогоровская сложность [драфт, 2007] (ps.gz,420 p.,1278K,ru)


top / Computer science / Programming languages
Алгоритмический язык АЛГОЛ 60: Модифицированное сообщение [Мир, 1982] (djvu,72 p.,1057K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
Семантика языков программирования (сборник статей) [Мир, 1980] (djvu,397 p.,4930K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
Armstrong J. Making reliable distributed systems (using Erlang) [PhD thesis, Stockholm, 2003] (pdf,295 p.,839K,en)
Bowen J. Formal Specification and Documentation Using Z: A Case Study Approach [Thomson Computer Press, 1996] (9781850322306,pdf,315 p.,700K,en)
Budd T. A little Smalltalk [AW, 1987] (9780201106985,djvu,295 p.,2139K,600dpi,en,T,K)
Finkel R.A. Advanced programming language design [AW 1996] (0805311912,djvu,370 p.,2415K,600dpi,en,T)
Finkel R.A. Advanced programming language design [AW, 1996] (0805311912,pdf,370 p.,1387K,en)
Friedman D.P., Felleisen M. The Little Schemer [4ed., MIT, 1995] (0262560992,djvu,211 p.,2007K,600dpi,en,T)
Gabbar H.A. (eds.) Modern Formal Methods and Applications [Springer, 2006] (9781402042232,pdf,216 p.,1640K,en)
Griswold R.E. Macroimplementation of Snobol 4 [W.H.Freeman, 1972] (9780716704478,djvu,323 p.,2236K,600dpi,en,T)
Griswold R.E., et al. Snobol 4 Programming Language [PH, 1971] (9780138153731,djvu,272 p.,1674K,600dpi,en,T,K)
Harvey B., Wright M. Simply SCHEME: introducing computer science [MIT, 1994] (0262082268,djvu,610 p.,5505K,300dpi,en,T)
Hill P., Lloyd J. The Goedel Programming Language [MIT, 1994] (9780262082297,djvu,370 p.,2032K,600dpi,en,T)
Hook B. Write Portable Code: An Introduction to Developing Software for Multiple Platforms [No Starch Press, 2005] (9781593270568,djvu,273 p.,1747K,150dpi,en,T)
Iverson K. A Programming Language [Wiley, 1962] (0471430145,djvu,303 p.,2763K,600dpi,en,T)
Jacky J. The Way of Z: Practical Programming with Formal Methods [CUP, 1996] (9780521559768,djvu,370 p.,2266K,600dpi,en,T)
Leler W. Constraint Programming Languages: Their Specification and Generation [AW, 1987] (9780201062434,djvu,210 p.,1366K,600dpi,en,T,K)
Milner R., Tofte M., Harper R., MacQueen D. The definition of Standard ML, revised [MIT, 1997] (9780262631815,djvu,104 p.,663K,400dpi,en,T)
Petricek T., Skeet J. Functional Programming for the Real World: With Examples in F# and C# [Manning Publications, 2009] (9781933988924,pdf,495 p.,3589K,en)
Pickering R. Foundations of F# [Apress, 2007] (9781590597576,pdf,383 p.,5074K,en)
Ross P. Advanced Prolog: Techniques and Examples [AW, 1989] (0201175274,djvu,306 p.,2070K,600dpi,en,T)
Scott M.L. Programming Language Pragmatics [Morgan Kaufmann, 2000] (9781558604421,djvu,866 p.,8673K,600dpi,en,T,K)
Smith G. The Object-Z Specification Language [Springer, 1999] (9780792386841,pdf,159 p.,576K,en)
Woodcock J., Davies J. Using Z: Specification, Refinement, and Proof [PH, 1996] (9780139484728,pdf,408 p.,1274K,en)
Woodcock, Davies. Using Z [free web version, 1999] (pdf,407 p.,1268K,en)
Wordsworth J. Software Development With Z: A Practical Approach to Formal Methods in Software Engineering [AW, 1992] (9780201627572,djvu,375 p.,2167K,600dpi,en,T)
Yourdon E. Writings of the revolution [Yourdon Press, 1982] (0917072251,djvu,471 p.,5039K,600dpi,en,T)
Yourdon E.N. (ed.) Classics in software engineering [Yourdon Press, 1979] (0917072146,djvu,433 p.,3336K,600dpi,en,T)
Бородич Ю.С., Вальвачев А.Н., Кузьмич А.И. Паскаль для персональных компьютеров [Вышэйшая школа, 1991] (533900662X,djvu,367 p.,3455K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
Боттенбрух Г. (Bottenbruch) Структура АЛГОЛ-60 и его использование (нет с.14) [ИЛ, 1963] (djvu,100 p.,1118K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
Брауде Э. (Braude) Технология разработки программного обеспечения [Питер, 2004] (594723663X,djvu,655 p.,10782K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
Буч Г., и др. (Booch) Объектно-ориентированный анализ и проектирование с примерами приложений [3изд., Вильямс, 2008] (9785845914019,djvu,720 p.,9589K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
Бьюли А. (Beaulieu) Изучаем SQL [Символ, 2007] (5932860510,pdf,311 p.,1665K,ru)
Джоунз Г. (Jones) Программирование на языке Оккам [Мир, 1989] (5030011552,djvu,208 p.,1345K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
Пильщиков В.Н. Язык плэнер [Наука, 1983] (djvu,210 p.,3262K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
Якобсон А., Буч Г., Рамбо Дж. (Jacobson, Booch, Rumbaugh) Унифицированный процесс разработки программного обеспечения [Питер, 2002] (5318003583,djvu,496 p.,6932K,600dpi,ru,T,K)


top / Computer science / Programming languages / C
Harbison S.P., Steele G.L. C, a reference manual [PH, 2002] (013089592X,djvu,551 p.,4024K,600dpi,en,T)
Болски М.И. (M.I.Bolsky) Язык программирования Си. Справочник [РиС, 1988] (525600171X,djvu,98 p.,1596K,400dpi,ru,T)
Керниган Б., Пайк Р. (Kernighan,Pike) Практика программирования [Вильямс, 2004] (5845906792,djvu,289 p.,2638K,600dpi,ru,T)
Керниган Б., Ритчи Д. (Kernighan,Ritchie) Язык программирования C [2изд., Вильямс, 2009] (9785845908919,djvu,292 p.,2451K,600dpi,ru,T)
Хезфилд Р., Кирби Л., и др. (Heathfield,Kirby) Искусство программирования на C [ДиаСофт, 2001] (9667393828,djvu,730 p.,10802K,400dpi,ru,T,K)


top / Computer science / Programming languages / C++
Коплиен Дж. (Coplien) Мультипарадигменное проектирование для C++ [Питер, 2005] (5947238950,djvu,237 p.,2162K,600dpi,ru,T)
Коплиен Дж. (Coplien) Программирование на C++ [Питер, 2005] (546900189X,djvu,481 p.,5319K,600dpi,ru,T,K)


top / Computer science / Programming languages / Erlang
Armstrong J. Programming Erlang: Software for a Concurrent World [Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2007] (9781934356005,pdf,526 p.,2861K,en)
Cesarini F., Thompson S. Erlang Programming [O'Reilly, 2009] (9780596518189,djvu,496 p.,4456K,600dpi,en,T,C)
Cesarini F., Thompson S. Erlang programming [O'Reilly, 2009] (9780596518189,pdf,496 p.,3113K,en)
Virding R., Wikstrom C., Williams M. Concurrent Programming in Erlang. Part 1 [2ed., PH, 1996] (9780135083017,pdf,205 p.,557K,en)


top / Computer science / Programming languages / Fortran
Chapman S.J. Fortran 95,2003 for scientists and engineers [3ed., MGH, 2007] (0390911976,djvu,988 p.,7656K,600dpi,en,T)
Chapman S.J. Fortran 95,2003 for scientists and engineers(program code) [3ed., MGH, 2007] (0390911976,rar,1048K,en)


top / Computer science / Programming languages / Haskell
Chakravarty M.M.T., Keller G.C. Einfuehrung in die Programmierung mit Haskell [Pearson, 2004] (3827371376,djvu,199 p.,2010K,600dpi,de,T,K)
Hudak P. The Haskell school of expression [CUP, 2000] (0521643384,djvu,382 p.,3405K,600dpi,en,T,K)


top / Computer science / Programming languages / Lisp
Allen J. Anatomy of LISP [MGH, 1978] (007001115X,djvu,463 p.,4260K,600dpi,en,T)
Cooper D. Basic LISP techniques [free web version, 2003] (pdf,100 p.,395K,en)
Eisenberg M., Abelson H. Programming in Scheme [MIT, 1988] (9780262550178,djvu,318 p.,2308K,300dpi,en,T,K)
Gabriel R.P. Performance and evaluation of LISP systems [MIT, 1985] (9780262070935,pdf,294 p.,1130K,en)
Kiczales G., des Rivieres J., Bobrow D.G. The art of the metaobject protocol [MIT, 1991] (9780585358123,djvu,330 p.,1642K,300dpi,en,T,K)
McCarthy J. LISP 1.5 Programmer's Manual [MIT, 1962] (0262130114,djvu,116 p.,745K,400dpi,en,T)
Seibel P. Practical Common Lisp [Apress, 2005] (1590592395,djvu,532 p.,3359K,600dpi,en,T)
Steele G. Common LISP. The Language [2ed., Digital Press, 1990] (1555580416,pdf,1097 p.,3853K,en)
Крюков А.П., Родионов А.Я., Таранов А.Ю., Шаблыгин Е.М. Программирование на языке R-Лисп [Радио и связь, 1991] (525600526X,djvu,191 p.,2667K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
Семенова Е.Т. Язык программирования LISP 1.5 [Москва, 1977] (djvu,87 p.,3383K,600dpi,ru,T,K)


top / Computer science / Programming languages / Prolog
Ait-Kaci H. Warren's Abstract Machine: a tutorial reconstruction [MIT, 1991] (9780262510585,djvu,134 p.,910K,600dpi,en,T)
Bothner P.P., Kaehler W. Programmieren in PROLOG. Eine umfassende und praxisgerechte Einfuehrung [Vieweg, 1991] (9783528051587,pdf,369 p.,1082K,de)
Bramer M. Logic Programming with Prolog [Springer, 2005] (9781852339388,pdf,229 p.,620K,en)
Clocksin W., Mellish C. Programming in Prolog, using the ISO standard [5ed., Springer, 2003] (3540006788,djvu,314 p.,1843K,300dpi,en,T)
Clocksin W.F., Mellish C.S. Programming in Prolog [3ed., Springer, 1987] (9783540175391,djvu,297 p.,2276K,600dpi,en,T)
Covington M.A., Nute D., Vellino A. Prolog programming in depth [PH, 1996] (9780131386457,djvu,528 p.,3068K,400dpi,en,T)
O'Keefe R. The Craft of Prolog [MIT, 1990] (9780262150392,djvu,412 p.,2021K,600dpi,en,T,K)
Van Le T. Techniques of PROLOG Programming: with Implementation of Logical Negation and Quantified Goals [Wiley, 1993] (0471599700,djvu,621 p.,3427K,600dpi,en,T)
Адаменко А.Н., Кучуков А.М. Логическое программирование и Visual Prolog [БХВ, 2003] (5941571569,djvu,990 p.,11079K,600dpi,ru,T)
Братко И. (Bratko) Алгоритмы искусственного интеллекта на языке Prolog [3изд., Вильямс, 2004] (5845906644,djvu,640 p.,6218K,600dpi,ru,T)
Доорс Дж., Рейблейн А.Р., Вадера С. (J.Doores,A.R.Reiblein,S.Vadera) Пролог - язык программирования будущего [ФиС, 1990] (5279004448,djvu,146 p.,2279K,600dpi,ru,T,K)
Стерлинг Л., Шапиро Е. (Sterling,Shapiro) Искусство программирования на языке Пролог [Мир, 1990] (5030004068,djvu,336 p.,3756K,600dpi,ru,T)


top / Computer science / Popular-level
Кобринский Н.Е., Пекелис В.Д. Быстрее мысли [Молодая Гвардия, 1963] (djvu,475 p.,8674K,600dpi,ru,T)


top / Computer science / Quantum computing
Accardi, Ohya, Watanabe. (eds.) Quantum information and computing [WS, 2006] (9812566147,djvu,398 p.,2466K,300dpi,en,T)
Bruening E., Petruccione F. (eds.) Theoretical Foundations of Quantum Information Processing and Communication [LNP0787, Springer, 2009] (3642028705,pdf,260 p.,3160K,en)
Desurvire E. Classical and Quantum Information Theory: An Introduction for the Telecom Scientist [CUP, 2009] (0521881714,pdf,715 p.,4858K,en)
Everitt H. (ed.) Experimental aspects of quantum computing [Springer, 2005] (0387230459,djvu,303 p.,3532K,300dpi,en,T,K)
Kollmitzer C., Pivk M. (eds.) Applied Quantum Cryptography [LNP0797, Springer, 2010] (3642048293,pdf,227 p.,5152K,en)
Lanzagorta M., Uhlmann J. Quantum Computer Science [MC, 2008] (1598297325,pdf,125 p.,998K,en)
Macchiavello C., Palma G.M., Zeilinger A. (eds.) Quantum Computation and Quantum Information Theory [WS, 2001] (9810241178,djvu,531 p.,7677K,300dpi,en,T,K)
Pavicic M. Quantum computation and quantum communication: Theory and experiments [Springer, 2006] (0387244123,djvu,236 p.,1959K,300dpi,en,T,K)
Pittenger A.O. An introduction to quantum computing algorithms [Birkhauser, 2000] (0817641270,djvu,153 p.,1349K,600dpi,en,T,K)
Soo C., Zhang W.-M. (eds.) Quantum information science [WS, 2005] (9812564608,djvu,270 p.,3432K,300dpi,en,T,K)
Venegas-Andraca S.E. Quantum Walks for Computer Scientists [MC, 2008] (1598296566,pdf,133 p.,856K,en)
Viamontes G.F., Markov I., Hayes J.P. Quantum Circuit Simulation [Springer, 2009] (9048130646,pdf,194 p.,2072K,en)


top / DjVu software


top / DjVu software / Windows
pdf_remove_password_cmd (zip,704K,en)
pdfcompressor31 (rar,2121K,en)
pdfremovepass (rar,548K,en)
pdfspy-1.0.2-1.1-win32-regged (rar,1912K,en)


top / DjVu software / Windows / Kromsator
ScanAndShare1.07 (rar,821K,en)
Scan_and_share_1.07_printer (pdf,23 p.,1048K,en)
scan_kromsator_v5_6a_full (rar,2314K,en)
scan_kromsator_v5_91_full (rar,3342K,en)
sk-exe-5.92_final (zip,2062K,en)


top / DjVu software / Windows / Recogniform
ImageProcessor6.0.3 (exe,4078K,en)
ImageProcessor6.0 (exe,3017K,en)


top / DjVu software / Windows / WinDjView
WinDjView-1.0.3-Setup (exe,3976K,en)


top / DjVu software / Windows / unix
UNIX_utils_for_Windows.readypak (rar,15656K,en)


top / Engineering
Без тайн и секретов: Танковое КБ Кировского завода [2изд., СПб, 1997] (djvu,304 p.,5048K,400dpi,ru,T)
Большая энциклопедия транспорта, Т.4, Железнодорожный транспорт [2изд., БРЭ, 2003] (5852702315,djvu,1051 p.,16292K,300dpi,ru,T)
Barbaro P., Bianchini C. (eds.) Catalysis for Sustainable Energy Production [Wiley, 2009] (3527320954,pdf,463 p.,7682K,en)
Block, Feiner. (eds.) Vol.1. Proc. 7th meeting on nuclear reactor thermal-hydraulics NURETH-7 [1995] (djvu,864 p.,9044K,600dpi,en,T,K)
Block, Feiner. (eds.) Vol.2. Proc. 7th meeting on nuclear reactor thermal-hydraulics NURETH-7 [1995] (djvu,797 p.,9264K,600dpi,en,T,K)
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top / Finance / Accounting, Corporate
Alexander D., Nobes C. Financial accounting [2ed., FTPH, 2004] (0273685201,pdf,497 p.,2304K,en)
Auerbach A.J. (ed.) Corporate takeovers [UCP, 1988] (0226032116,djvu,354 p.,3034K,400dpi,en,T,K)
Beaumont P.H. Financial engineering principles [Wiley, 2004] (0471463582,pdf,318 p.,1338K,en)
Bender R., Ward K. Corporate Financial Strategy [3ed., BH, 2008] (0750686650,pdf,406 p.,1448K,en)
Bragg S.M. Mergers & Acquisitions [Wiley, 2008] (0470398949,pdf,321 p.,1067K,en)
Brealey R.A., Myers S.C. Principles of corporate finance [7ed., MGH, 2003] (0072467665,pdf,1062 p.,6615K,en)
Brealey R.A., Myers S.C., Marcus A.J. Fundamentals of corporate finance [3ed., MGH, 2001] (0072380519,pdf,651 p.,3842K,en)
Britton A., Waterston C. Financial accounting [4ed., FTPH, 2006] (0273703609,pdf,365 p.,1865K,en)
Bruner R.F. Deals from Hell: M&A lessons that rise above the ashes [Wiley, 2009] (0470452595,pdf,435 p.,2530K,en)
Chorafas D.N. Liabilities, liquidity, and cash management [Wiley, 2002] (0471106305,pdf,336 p.,1889K,en)
Ehrhardt M.C., Brigham E.F. Corporate finance [Thomson, 2003] (0324180357,pdf,651 p.,5577K,en)
Evans F.C., Bishop D.M., Evans F.C., Bishop D.M. Valuation for M&A [Wiley, 2001] (0471411019,pdf,313 p.,645K,en)
Frankel M.E.S. Mergers and acquisitions basics [Wiley, 2005] (0471675180,pdf,322 p.,885K,en)
Freixas X., Rochet J.-C. Microeconomics of Banking [2ed., MIT, 2008] (0262062704,pdf,389 p.,2955K,en)
Friedlob G.T., Schleifer L.L.F. Essentials of financial analysis [Wiley, 2003] (0471228303,pdf,241 p.,1871K,en)
Gaughan P.A. Mergers, acquisitions, and corporate restructurings [Wiley, 2007] (0471705640,pdf,639 p.,3622K,en)
Grinblatt M., Titman S. Financial markets and corporate strategy [MGH, 2002] (0072294337,pdf,893 p.,5510K,en)
Guerard J.B.Jr., Schwartz E. Quantitative Corporate Finance [Springer, 2007] (1402070195,pdf,546 p.,3665K,en)
Heffernan S. Modern banking [Wiley, 2005] (0470095008,pdf,739 p.,3767K,en)
Helfert E.A. Financial analysis [MGH, 2001] (0071378340,pdf,510 p.,3464K,en)
Holden C.W. Spreadsheet modeling in corporate finance [PH, 2002] (0130499056,pdf,168 p.,1519K,en)
Jacobs B.I., Levy K.N. (eds.) Market neutral strategies [Wiley, 2005] (0471268682,pdf,304 p.,3426K,en)
Kramer B., Johnson C. Financial Statements Demystified [MGH, 2009] (0071543872,pdf,305 p.,1489K,en)
Krishnamurti C., Vishwanath S.R. Mergers, Acquisitions and Corporate Restructuring [Sage, 2008] (076193586X,pdf,433 p.,1607K,en)
Lerner J., Cashin J.A. Schaum's outline of theory and problems of principles of accounting I [5ed., MGH, 1998] (0070381496,djvu,397 p.,4064K,300dpi,en,T)
Livingstone J.L., Grossman T. (eds.) The portable MBA in finance and accounting [3ed., Wiley, 2002] (0471061859,pdf,672 p.,3301K,en)
Marriott P., Edwards J.R., Mellett H.J. Introduction to accounting [3ed., Sage, 2002] (0761970371,pdf,552 p.,1749K,en)
Mayes S. Financial Analysis with Microsoft Excel 2002 [3ed., Thomson, 2006] (0324372264,pdf,387 p.,3911K,en)
Miller E.L. Mergers and acquisitions [Wiley, 2008] (0470222743,pdf,347 p.,1383K,en)
Minbiole E.A. Accounting Principles II [Cliffs Notes, 2000] (0764585657,pdf,306 p.,1015K,en)
Morris G.D., McKay S., Oates A. Finance Director's Handbook [5ed., CIMA Pub., 2009] (0750687010,pdf,1006 p.,6533K,en)
Paramasivan C., Subramanian T. Financial Management [New Age Pub., 2008] (8122425739,pdf,283 p.,1291K,en)
Proctor K.S. Building financial models with Microsoft Excel [Wiley, 2004] (0471661031,chm,32352K,en)
Reed S.F., Lajoux A., Nesvold H.P. The art of M & A [4ed., MGH, 2007] (0071403027,pdf,1082 p.,4419K,en)
Reilly R.F., Schweihs R.P. Handbook of advanced business valuation [MGH, 1999] (0071347690,chm,1356K,en)
Reuvid J. (ed.) Mergers and Acquisitions [Kogan Page, 2007] (0749447508,pdf,304 p.,831K,en)
Riggs H.E. Understanding the Financial Score [MC, 2007] (1598291688,pdf,176 p.,946K,en)
Robinson T.R., van Greuning H., Henry E., Broihahn M.A. International Financial Statement Analysis [Wiley, 2008] (0470287667,pdf,864 p.,5137K,en)
Rosenbaum J., Pearl J., Perella J.R. Investment Banking: Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts, and Mergers and Acquisitions [Wiley, 2009] (0470442204,pdf,332 p.,2145K,en)
Ross S.A., Westerfield R.W., Jaffe J. Corporate Finance [6ed., MGH, 2002] (0072831936,pdf,971 p.,5686K,en)
Shim J.K., Siegel J.G. Schaum's Outline of Financial Management [3ed., MGH, 2007] (0071481281,pdf,498 p.,3265K,en)
Siciliano G. Finance for non-financial managers [MGH, 2003] (0071413774,pdf,239 p.,2557K,en)
Tirole J. The theory of corporate finance [PUP, 2006] (0691125562,pdf,657 p.,3669K,en)
Tjia J. Building financial models [MGH, 2004] (0071402101,pdf,353 p.,2631K,en)
Tracy J. Accounting For Dummies [Wiley, 2008] (0470246006,pdf,409 p.,2452K,en)
Tracy J.A. The fast forward MBA in finance [2ed., Wiley, 2002] (0471202851,pdf,337 p.,2065K,en)
Vernimmen P., Quiry P. Corporate Finance [2ed., Wiley, 2009] (0470721928,pdf,1059 p.,6536K,en)
Vishwanath S.R. Corporate Finance [Sage, 2007] (0761934979,pdf,764 p.,4230K,en)
Wasserstein B. Big Deal: Mergers and Acquisitions in the Digital Age [Warner Business Books, 2001] (0446675210,chm,974K,en)
Weaver S.C., Weston J.F. Finance and accounting for nonfinancial managers [MGH, 2001] (0071382593,pdf,360 p.,4629K,en)
Welch I. A first course in corporate finance [draft, Brown, 2006] (pdf,764 p.,5472K,en)
Брейли Р., Майерс С. (Brealey R.A., Myers S.C.) Принципы корпоративных финансов [Олимп-Бизнес, 1997] (5901028015,djvu,1083 p.,14816K,300dpi,ru,T)
Рид С.Ф., Лажу А.Р. (Reed S.F., Lajoux A.R.) Искусство слияний и поглощений [Альпина, 2004] (5961400158,djvu,960 p.,8847K,300dpi,ru,T,K)
Рудык Н.Б. Структура капитала корпораций [Дело, 2004] (577490377X,djvu,272 p.,2872K,300dpi,ru,T)
Сицилиано Д. (Siciliano G.) Финансы для нефинансовых менеджеров [ГроссМедиа, 2005] (5476001298,djvu,252 p.,3221K,300dpi,ru,T,K)


top / Finance / Bonds, Interest Rates
Barnhill T., Shenkman M., Maxwell W. (eds.) High yield bonds [MGH, 1999] (0070067864,chm,2324K,en)
Batten J.A., Fetherston T.A., Szilagyi P.G. (eds.) European fixed income markets [Wiley, 2004] (0470850531,pdf,505 p.,2390K,en)
Brandes M.V. Naked guide to bonds [Wiley, 2003] (0471462217,pdf,259 p.,1009K,en)
Brigo D., Mercurio F. Interest Rate Models - Theory and Practice [Springer, 2006] (3540221492,pdf,1014 p.,7101K,en)
Brown P.J. Bond markets: Strucures and yield calculations [AMACOM, 1998] (0814404731,chm,448K,en)
Buetow G.W., Sochacki J. Term-structure models using binomial trees [CFA Institute, 2001] (0943205530,pdf,103 p.,650K,en)
Carmona R.A. Interest rate models [draft, 2000] (pdf,58 p.,333K,en)
Choudhry M. An Introduction to Repo Markets [3ed., Wiley, 2006] (0470017562,pdf,226 p.,4005K,en)
Choudhry M. An introduction to bond markets [3ed., Wiley, 2006] (0470017589,pdf,434 p.,7827K,en)
Choudhry M. Bonds: A Concise Guide for Investors [Palgrave Macmillan, 2006] (0230006493,pdf,191 p.,1392K,en)
Choudhry M. The Futures Bond Basis [2ed., Wiley, 2006] (0470025891,pdf,257 p.,3099K,en)
Choudhry M. The bond and money markets [BH, 2001] (0750646772,pdf,1151 p.,10331K,en)
Eurex. Interest Rate Derivatives: Fixed Income Trading Strategies[brochure, 2002](pdf,109 p.,516K,en)
Fabozzi F.J. (ed.) Interest rate, term structure, and valuation modeling [Wiley, 2002] (0471220949,pdf,530 p.,5314K,en)
Fabozzi F.J., Mann S.V. (eds.) The handbook of fixed income securities [7ed., MGH, 2005] (0071440992,pdf,1531 p.,9661K,en)
Faerber E. All About Bonds, Bond Mutual Funds, and Bond ETFs [3ed., MGH, 2008] (0071544275,pdf,335 p.,1560K,en)
Faerber E. Fundamentals of the bond market [MGH, 2001] (0071362517,pdf,270 p.,809K,en)
Filipovic D. Term-Structure Models: A Graduate Course [Springer, 2009] (3540097260,pdf,259 p.,2797K,en)
Gatarek D., Bachert P., Maksymiuk R. The LIBOR market model in practice [Wiley, 2006] (0470014431,pdf,291 p.,1832K,en)
Grandville O. Bond pricing and portfolio analysis [MIT, 2001] (0262041855,pdf,473 p.,2554K,en)
Homer S., Leibowitz M.L. Inside the yield book [Bloomberg, 2004] (1576601595,pdf,286 p.,7202K,en)
Kellison S.G. The Theory of Interest [2ed., MGH, 2000] (0256091501,djvu,345 p.,2965K,300dpi,en,T,K)
Motamen-Scobie H., Cagliesi G., Valeur C. The Euro Bond Market [Risk Books, 1999] (1899332405,chm,411K,en)
Munk C. Fixed income analysis: Securities, pricing, and risk management [draft, Denmark, 2004] (pdf,340 p.,2428K,en)
Munnik J.F.J.d. The valuation of interest rate derivative securities [Routledge, 1996] (0415137276,pdf,195 p.,2645K,en)
Nawalkha S.K., Soto G.M., Beliaeva N.K. Interest rate risk modeling [Wiley, 2005] (0471427241,pdf,430 p.,2240K,en)
Puhle M. Bond Portfolio Optimization [Springer, 2008] (3540765921,pdf,143 p.,802K,en)
Rebonato R. Interest-rate option models [2ed., Wiley, 1998] (0471979589,djvu,543 p.,6610K,300dpi,en,T,K)
Repplinger D. Pricing of Bond Options: Unspanned Stochastic Volatility and Random Field Models [Springer, 2008] (3540707212,pdf,141 p.,1255K,en)
Ryan R.J. (ed.) Yield Curve Dynamics [Global Professional Pub., 1999] (1888998067,djvu,231 p.,1535K,200dpi,en,T,K)
Schoenmakers J. Robust Libor Modelling and Pricing of Derivative Products [CRC, 2005] (0203499093,chm,2783K,en)
Stander Y. Yield Curve Modelling [Palgrave, 2005] (1403947260,pdf,205 p.,1541K,en)
Sundaresan S. Fixed Income Markets and Their Derivatives [3ed., AP, 2009] (0123704715,pdf,456 p.,4542K,en)
Svoboda S. Interest Rate Modelling [Palgrave, 2004] (1403934703,chm,7135K,en)
Thau A. The bond book [2ed., MGH, 2001] (0071358625,chm,712K,en)
Tuckman B. Fixed income securities [2ed., Wiley, 2002] (0471063177,pdf,511 p.,2668K,en)
Yago G., Trimbath S. Beyond junk bonds: Expanding high yield markets [OUP, 2003] (0195149238,pdf,315 p.,1415K,en)


top / Finance / Credit, Risk
Anson M., et al. Credit derivatives [Wiley, 2004] (047146600X,pdf,354 p.,6964K,en)
Armendariz de Aghion B., Morduch J. The economics of microfinance [MIT, 2005] (0262012162,pdf,361 p.,2054K,en)
Arvanitis A., Gregory J. Credit: The complete guide to pricing, hedging and risk management [Risk Books, 2001] (1899332731,pdf,439 p.,2284K,en)
Banks E. Synthetic and structured assets [Wiley, 2006] (0470017139,pdf,281 p.,1455K,en)
Bertola G., Disney R., Grant C. (eds.) The economics of consumer credit [MIT, 2006] (0262026015,pdf,389 p.,2440K,en)
Bouchet M.H., Clark E., Groslambert B. Country risk assessment [Wiley, 2003] (0470845007,pdf,288 p.,1322K,en)
Bruyere R., et al. (eds.) Credit derivatives and structured credit [Wiley, 2006] (0470018798,pdf,295 p.,2034K,en)
Caselli S., Gatti S. (eds.) Structured Finance: Techniques, Products and Market [Springer, 2005] (3540253114,pdf,215 p.,1217K,en)
Chong Y.Y. Investment risk management [Wiley, 2004] (0470849517,pdf,223 p.,1251K,en)
Choudhry M., Tanna K. (eds.) An Introduction to Value-at-Risk [4ed., Wiley, 2006] (0470017570,pdf,194 p.,3389K,en)
Cont R. (ed.) Frontiers in Quantitative Finance: Volatility and Credit Risk Modeling [Wiley, 2008] (047029292X,pdf,320 p.,2511K,en)
Dowd K. An introduction to market risk measurement [Wiley, 2002] (0470847484,pdf,307 p.,1454K,en)
Dowd K. Measuring market risk [Wiley, 2002] (0471521744,pdf,395 p.,1783K,en)
Duffie D., Singleton K.J. Credit risk [PUP, 2003] (0691090467,pdf,414 p.,8491K,en)
Esch L., Kieffer R., Lopez T. Asset and risk management: Risk oriented finance [Wiley, 2005] (0471491446,pdf,416 p.,2371K,en)
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Jameson R. (ed.) Credit Derivatives [Risk Books, 1998] (1899332618,chm,1771K,en)
Jameson R. (ed.) Derviative Credit Risk [2ed., Risk Books, 1999] (1899332480,chm,3184K,en)
Jameson R. (ed.) Managing energy price risks [2ed., Risk Books, 1999] (1899332545,chm,13939K,en)
Jorion P. Financial Risk Manager Handbook [2ed., Wiley, 2003] (047143003X,pdf,733 p.,2479K,en)
Jorion P. Value at risk [2ed., MGH, 2001] (0071355022,chm,2687K,en)
Jorion P., GARP. (eds.) Financial risk manager handbook [4ed., Wiley, 2007] (0470126302,pdf,739 p.,3390K,en)
Krapels E.N., Pratt M. Crude Oil Hedging [Risk Books, 1998] (1899332316,chm,1418K,en)
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Lehman Brothers. Credit Derivatives Explained [Lehman Brothers, 2001] (pdf,86 p.,309K,en)
Lehman Brothers. Guide to Exotic Credit Derivatives [Lehman Brothers, 2003] (pdf,60 p.,1069K,en)
Malevergne Y., Sornette D. Extreme Financial Risks: From Dependence to Risk Management [Springer, 2005] (354027264X,pdf,321 p.,5106K,en)
Meissner G. Credit Derivatives [Blackwell, 2005] (1405126760,pdf,246 p.,943K,en)
Meucci A. Risk and asset allocation [Springer, 2005] (3540222138,pdf,546 p.,4379K,en)
Meyer D.J. (ed.) The economics of risk [W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, 2003] (0880992689,pdf,192 p.,997K,en)
Mun J. Modeling risk [Wiley, 2006] (0471789003,pdf,623 p.,12191K,en)
Pilipovic D. Energy Risk [2ed., MGH, 2007] (0071485945,pdf,530 p.,7932K,en)
Preinitz W. A Fast Track To Structured Finance Modeling, Monitoring and Valuation: Jump Start VBA [Wiley, 2009] (0470398124,pdf,769 p.,10495K,en)
Rajan A., McDermott G., Roy R. The structured credit handbook [Wiley, 2007] (0471747491,pdf,499 p.,2637K,en)
Raynes S., Rutledge A. The analysis of structured securities [OUP, 2003] (0195152735,pdf,462 p.,2387K,en)
Rychlik I., Ryden J. Probability and Risk Analysis [Springer, 2006] (3540242236,pdf,286 p.,4196K,en)
Shirreff D. Dealing with Financial Risk [Economist Books, 2004] (1861975910,pdf,223 p.,840K,en)
Skinner F. Pricing and hedging interest and credit risk sensitive instruments [Elsevier BH, 2005] (075066259X,pdf,389 p.,1660K,en)
Smithson C.W. Managing financial risk [3ed., MGH, 1998] (007059354X,chm,5723K,en)
Tapiero C. Risk and financial management [Wiley, 2004] (0470849088,pdf,344 p.,2161K,en)
Tarantino D.A., Cernauskas D. Risk Management in Finance [Wiley, 2009] (0470413468,pdf,358 p.,1960K,en)
Warwick B. (ed.) The handbook of risk [Wiley, 2002] (0471064122,pdf,285 p.,1737K,en)
Меньшиков И.С., Шелагин Д.А. Рыночные риски: Модели и методы [РАН, 2000] (pdf,55 p.,606K,ru)
Ступаков В.С., Токаренко Г.С. Риск-менеджмент [Финансы и Статистика, 2006] (5279028436,djvu,289 p.,3331K,300dpi,ru,T,K)
Чекулаев М.В. Риск-Менеджмент [Альпина, 2002] (5945990353,djvu,343 p.,3219K,300dpi,ru,T)


top / Finance / Derivatives
Alexander C. Market risk analysis III: Pricing, hedging and trading financial instruments [Wiley, 2008] (0470997893,pdf,423 p.,10076K,en)
Back K. A course in derivative securities [Springer, 2005] (3540253734,pdf,357 p.,1383K,en)
Baxter M., Rennie A. Financial calculus: An introduction to derivative pricing [CUP, 1996] (0521552893,djvu,241 p.,2216K,300dpi,en,T)
Bjoerk T. Arbitrage theory in continuous time [2ed., OUP, 2004] (0199271267,djvu,486 p.,4420K,400dpi,en,T,K)
Bjoerk T. Arbitrage theory in continuous time [OUP, 1998] (0198775180,pdf,324 p.,6243K,en,T,K)
Bouziane M. Pricing Interest-Rate Derivatives [Springer, 2008] (9783540770657,pdf,207 p.,3356K,en)
Brockhaus O., et al. Modelling and hedging equity derivatives [Risk Books, 1999] (1899332340,chm,3607K,en)
Buff R. Uncertain Volatility Models - Theory and Application [Springer, 2002] (3540426574,djvu,256 p.,1874K,300dpi,en,T,K)
Calvet L., Fisher A. Multifractal Volatility..Theory, Forecasting, and Pricing [AP, 2008] (0121500136,pdf,252 p.,3471K,en)
Chance D.M. Essays in derivatives [2ed., Wiley, 2008] (0470086254,pdf,435 p.,2065K,en)
Chern I.-L. Financial mathematics [LN, Taiwan, 2007] (pdf,109 p.,513K,en)
Chisholm A.M. Derivatives demystified [Wiley, 2004] (047009382X,pdf,251 p.,1077K,en)
Chorafas D.N. Introduction to derivative financial instruments [MGH, 2008] (0071546642,pdf,384 p.,1780K,en)
Chriss N.A. Black-Scholes and beyond: Option pricing models [MGH, 1997] (0786310251,chm,3865K,en)
Culp C.L. Risk transfer: Derivatives in theory and practice [Wiley, 2004] (0471464988,pdf,481 p.,1647K,en)
Deutsch H.-P. Derivatives and internal models [Palgrave, 2002] (0333977068,pdf,638 p.,3484K,en)
Deutsch H.P. Derivatives and Internal Models [3ed., Palgrave, 2004] (1403921504,chm,5552K,en)
Duarte J. Futures & options for dummies [Wiley, 2006] (0471752835,pdf,387 p.,3064K,en)
Eales B.A., Choudhry M. Derivative instruments [BH, 2003] (0750654198,pdf,273 p.,2527K,en)
Epps T.W. Pricing Derivative Securities [2ed., WS, 2007] (9812700331,pdf,644 p.,4152K,en)
Fengler M.R. Semiparametric Modeling of Implied Volatility [Springer, 2005] (3540262342,pdf,231 p.,4352K,en)
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Henry-Labordere P. Analysis, Geometry, and Modeling in Finance: Advanced Methods in Option Pricing [CRC, 2008] (1420086995,pdf,402 p.,2455K,en)
Higham D. An introduction to financial option valuation [CUP, 2004] (0521547571,pdf,297 p.,2541K,en)
Hull J.C. Options, Futures, and other Derivatives [7ed., PH, 2009] (9780135009949,djvu,838 p.,13158K,300dpi,en,T,K)
Hull J.C. Options, futures and other derivatives [7ed., Pearson PH, 2009] (0136015867,djvu,837 p.,10761K,300dpi,en,T,K)
Hunt P.J., Kennedy J.E. Financial derivatives in theory and practice [Revised Ed., Wiley, 2004] (0470863595,pdf,469 p.,5268K,en)
James P. Option theory [Wiley, 2003] (0471492892,pdf,388 p.,7667K,en)
Jarrow R. (ed.) Over the rainbow: Developments in exotic options and complex swaps [Risk Books, 1995] (1899332308,chm,4704K,en)
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Jiang L. Mathematical Modeling and Methods of Option Pricing [WS, 2005] (9812563695,djvu,342 p.,1799K,300dpi,en,T,K)
Kline D. Fundamentals of the futures market [MGH, 2001] (0071379886,pdf,272 p.,2377K,en)
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Kwok Y.-K. Mathematical Models of Financial Derivatives [Springer, 2008] (3540422889,pdf,541 p.,4303K,en)
Kyprianou A., Schoutens W., Wilmott P. Exotic option pricing and advanced Levy models [Wiley, 2005] (0470016841,pdf,344 p.,3384K,en)
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Lofton T. Getting started in futures [Wiley, 2005] (0471732923,pdf,303 p.,4808K,en)
McCafferty T.A. All about options [2ed., MGH, 1998] (0070455430,pdf,257 p.,1114K,en)
McMillan L.G. McMillan on options [2ed., Wiley, 2004] (0471678759,pdf,671 p.,2684K,en)
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Neftci S.N. Principles of Financial Engineering [2ed., AP, 2008] (0123735742,pdf,697 p.,3391K,en)
Overhaus M., et al. Equity Derivatives: Theory and Applications [Wiley, 2001] (0471436461,pdf,238 p.,1015K,en)
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Ross S.M. An introduction to mathematical finance: Options and other topics [CUP, 1999] (0521770432,djvu,200 p.,1030K,600dpi,en,T)
Rostek S. Option Pricing in Fractional Brownian Markets [Springer, 2009] (3642003303,pdf,146 p.,2278K,en)
Rouah F.D., Vainberg G. Option Pricing Models and Volatility Using Excel-VBA [Wiley, 2007] (0471794643,pdf,458 p.,10433K,en)
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Schofield N.C. Commodity derivatives [Wiley, 2007] (0470019107,pdf,337 p.,1410K,en)
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Syz J.M. Property derivatives [Wiley, 2008] (0470998024,pdf,246 p.,1803K,en)
Taleb N. Dynamic hedging: Managing vanilla and exotic options [Wiley, 1997] (0471152803,djvu,515 p.,4899K,300dpi,en,T)
Tavella D. Quantitative methods in derivatives pricing [Wiley, 2002] (0471394475,pdf,304 p.,1628K,en)
Thomsett M.C. Getting Started in Options [7ed., Wiley, 2007] (0470138068,pdf,395 p.,4581K,en)
Tompkins R. From Black-Scholes to black holes: New frontiers in options [Risk Books, 1992] (0951645323,chm,1555K,en)
Wiersema U. Brownian Motion Calculus [Wiley, 2005] (0470021705,pdf,331 p.,2249K,en)
Wilmott P. (ed.) The Best of Wilmott 1 [Wiley, 2004] (0470023511,pdf,460 p.,5089K,en)
Wilmott P. (ed.) The best of Wilmott 2 [Wiley, 2006] (0470017384,pdf,407 p.,4931K,en)
Wilmott P. Frequently Asked Questions in Quantitative Finance [Wiley, 2007] (0470058269,pdf,432 p.,1603K,en)
Wilmott P. Paul Wilmott on quantitative finance [2ed., Wiley, 2006] (0470018704,pdf,1401 p.,15250K,en)
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Буренин А.Н. Форварды, фьючерсы, опционы [Москва, 2005] (5902189063,djvu,542 p.,4662K,300dpi,ru,T)
Вайн С. (Vine) Опционы [Альпина, 2003] (5945990809,djvu,382 p.,5752K,300dpi,ru,T)
Коннолли К.Б. (Connolly K.B.) Покупка и продажа волатильности [ИК Аналитика, 2000] (djvu,243 p.,2166K,300dpi,ru,T)
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top / Finance / Derivatives / Real Options
Brach M.A. Real options in practice [Wiley, 2003] (0471263087,pdf,378 p.,5704K,en)
Chance D.M., Peterson P.P. Real options and investment valuation [CFA Institute, 2002] (0943205573,pdf,126 p.,1114K,en)
Eapen G. Decision Options: The Art and Science of Making Decisions [CRC, 2009] (1420086820,pdf,320 p.,8490K,en)
Kodukula P., Papudesu C. Project Valuation Using Real Options [J. Ross Pub., 2006] (1932159436,pdf,257 p.,1558K,en)
Mun J. Real options analysis [Wiley, 2002] (047125696X,pdf,415 p.,3848K,en)
Mun J. Real options analysis course [Wiley, 2003] (0471430013,pdf,319 p.,6025K,en)
Reuer J.J., Tong T.W. (eds.) Real Options Theory [JAI Press, 2007] (0762314273,pdf,519 p.,2879K,en)
Smit H.T.J., Trigeorgis L. Strategic investment [PUP, 2004] (0691010390,pdf,505 p.,1592K,en)


top / Finance / Derivatives / Trading
Allaire M. The Options Strategist [MGH, 2003] (0071408959,pdf,273 p.,953K,en)
Bernstein J. How to trade the new single stock futures [Dearborn Trade Pub., 2003] (0793157811,pdf,214 p.,2883K,en)
Bernstein J. Strategies for the electronic futures trader [MGH, 2000] (0071352325,chm,1742K,en)
Bittman J. Trading Options as a Professional [MGH, 2008] (0071465057,pdf,382 p.,1356K,en)
Borsellino L.J. Trading S&P, Nasdaq 100 & E-mini Futures [web draft, 2001] (pdf,45 p.,499K,en)
CBOE. (ed.) Options: Essential concepts and trading strategies [3ed., MGH, 1999] (0071341692,chm,2509K,en)
Cohen G. Options Made Easy: Your Guide to Profitable Trading [2ed., FTPH, 2005] (0131871358,pdf,369 p.,4801K,en)
Cohen G. The Bible of Options Strategies [FTPH, 2005] (0131710664,pdf,401 p.,2207K,en)
Cottle C.M. Options Trading: The Hidden Reality [RiskDoctor, 2006] (0977869172,pdf,430 p.,4458K,en)
De Weert F. An introduction to options trading [Wiley, 2006] (0470029706,pdf,178 p.,1162K,en)
De Weert F. Exotic Options Trading [Wiley, 2008] (0470517905,pdf,205 p.,1436K,en)
Duarte J. Trading Futures For Dummies [Wiley, 2008] (0470287225,pdf,386 p.,4884K,en)
Dubil R. An arbitrage guide to financial markets [Wiley, 2004] (0470853328,pdf,346 p.,2855K,en)
Fontanills G.A. The Options Course Workbook [2ed., Wiley, 2005] (0471694215,pdf,236 p.,723K,en)
Fontanills G.A. The Options Course: High Profit & Low Stress Trading Methods [Wiley, 2005] (0471668516,pdf,594 p.,2476K,en)
Fontanills G.A. Trade Options Online [2ed., Wiley, 2009] (0470336021,pdf,482 p.,7581K,en)
Fontanills G.A. Trading Options For Dummies [Wiley, 2008] (0470241764,pdf,385 p.,4762K,en)
Gallacher W.R. The options edge [MGH, 1999] (0070382964,djvu,294 p.,2431K,300dpi,en,T,K)
Jabbour G., Budwick P. The option trader handbook [Wiley, 2004] (0471567078,pdf,355 p.,1061K,en)
Johnston S.A., Johnston S. Trading options to win [Wiley, 2003] (0471226858,pdf,319 p.,900K,en)
Kaiser W.S., Green J.E. The art of electronic futures trading [MGH, 2001] (0071355855,chm,922K,en)
Katz J.O., McCormick D.L. How to start day trading futures, options, and indicies [MGH, 2001] (0071359192,chm,2154K,en)
Lind-Waldock. The Complete Guide to Futures Trading [Wiley, 2006] (0470055596,pdf,313 p.,3569K,en)
Powers M. Starting out in futures trading [6ed., MGH, 2001] (0071363904,pdf,395 p.,1936K,en)
Sinclair E. Volatility Trading, + CD-ROM [Wiley, 2008] (0470181990,pdf,227 p.,2618K,en)
Thomsett M.C. Options trading for the conservative investor [FTPH, 2005] (0131497855,pdf,285 p.,1855K,en)
Thomsett M.C. Winning With Futures [AMACOM, 2008] (0814409873,pdf,257 p.,4347K,en)
Ward R. Options and options trading [MGH, 2004] (0071432094,pdf,405 p.,3080K,en)
Wasendorf R.R. All about futures [MGH, 2001] (0071341706,pdf,289 p.,1262K,en)
Yates L. High performance options trading [Wiley, 2003] (0471323659,pdf,238 p.,4889K,en)
Yates T. Enhanced Indexing Strategies: Utilizing Futures and Options to Achieve Higher Performance [Wiley, 2008] (0470259256,pdf,305 p.,5748K,en)
Тхомсетт М.С. (Thomsett) Торговля опционами [3ед., Альпина, 2001] (5896840160,djvu,342 p.,3413K,300dpi,ru,T)


top / Finance / General
Adams A.A., et al. Investment Mathematics [Wiley, 2002] (0471998826,pdf,437 p.,2085K,en)
Bailey R.E. The economics of financial markets [CUP, 2005] (052184827X,pdf,550 p.,2634K,en)
Cheng B., Tong H. Asset pricing: A structural theory and its applications [WS, 2008] (9812704558,pdf,91 p.,1051K,en)
Cliff M. Finance notes [draft, 1998] (pdf,213 p.,867K,en)
Cochrane J.H. Asset pricing [Rev.Ed., PUP, 2005] (0691121370,pdf,553 p.,3788K,en)
Constantinides G.M., Harris M.,Stulz R.M. (eds.) Handbook of the economics of finance [Elsevier NH, 2003] (0444513639,pdf,698 p.,3350K,en)
Crack T.F. Heard on the street: quantitative questions from Wall Street interviews [9ed., T.F.Crack, 2004] (0970055234,djvu,274 p.,2993K,500dpi,en,T)
Cuthbertson K., Nitzsche D. Quantitative financial economics: Stocks, bonds and foreign exchange [2ed., Wiley, 2004] (0470091711,pdf,738 p.,3382K,en)
Cvitanic J., Zapatero F. Introduction to the economics and mathematics of financial markets [MIT, 2004] (0262033208,pdf,517 p.,1584K,en)
Danthine J.-P., Donaldson J.B. Intermediate financial theory [2ed., PH, 2002] (0130174467,pdf,466 p.,4381K,en)
Eeckhoudt L., Gollier C., Schlesinger H. Economic and financial decisions under risk [PUP, 2005] (0691122156,pdf,245 p.,1957K,en)
Estrada J. Finance in a nutshell [FTPH, 2005] (0273675400,pdf,403 p.,2528K,en)
Fabozzi F.J. (ed.) Handbook of finance [Wiley, 2008] (0470078146,pdf,869 p.,10145K,en)
Fabozzi F.J., Focardi S.M., Kolm P.N. Financial Modeling of the Equity Market: From CAPM to Cointegration [Wiley, 2005] (0471699004,pdf,673 p.,9270K,en)
Funke C. Selected Essays in Empirical Asset Pricing [Gabler, 2008] (3834911429,pdf,122 p.,524K,en)
Howells P., Bain K. The economics of money, banking and finance: A European text [3ed., FTPH, 2005] (0273693395,pdf,621 p.,8713K,en)
Jones C. Financial Economics [Routledge, 2008] (0415375843,pdf,333 p.,2156K,en)
LeRoy S.F., Werner J. Principles of financial economics [draft, CUP, 2001] (0521586054,pdf,289 p.,1182K,en)
Lee C.-F., Lee A.C. (eds.) Encyclopedia of finance [Springer, 2006] (0387263365,pdf,859 p.,3654K,en)
Lehmann B.N. (ed.) The legacy of Fischer Black [OUP, 2004] (0195168364,pdf,319 p.,2669K,en)
MacMinn R.D. Fisher Model And Financial Markets [WS, 2005] (9812564071,pdf,121 p.,812K,en)
Mele A. Lecture notes in financial economics [LSE, 2007] (pdf,336 p.,2560K,en)
Mishkin F.S. The economics of money, banking, and financial markets [draft, 7ed., Pearson, 2004] (0321122356,pdf,850 p.,16601K,en)
Mishkin F.S., Eakins S.G. Financial markets and institutions [5ed., AW, 2006] (0321280296,djvu,730 p.,22673K,300dpi,en,T,K)
Ross S.A. Neoclassical finance [PUP, 2004] (0691121389,pdf,117 p.,1173K,en)
Singal V. Beyond the random walk: A guide to stock market anomalies [OUP, 2004] (0195158679,pdf,369 p.,1302K,en)
Steiner R. Mastering financial calculations [FTPH, 1996] (027362587X,pdf,417 p.,1817K,en)
Первозванский А.А., Первозванская Т.Н. Финансовый рынок: расчет и риск [Инфра, 1994] (5862250182,djvu,192 p.,1697K,300dpi,ru,T,K)


top / Finance / Investments, Valuation
Amenc N., Sourd V.L. Portfolio theory and performance analysis [Wiley, 2003] (0470858745,pdf,283 p.,1148K,en)
Au T.P. A modern approach to Graham and Dodd investing [Wiley, 2004] (0471584150,pdf,350 p.,1378K,en)
Bhattacharya S., Constantinides G.M. (eds.) Theory of Valuation [2ed., WS, 2005] (9812563741,djvu,387 p.,3335K,300dpi,en,T,K)
Bodie Z., Kane A., Marcus A.J. Essentials of investments [5ed., MGH, 2004] (0072510773,pdf,777 p.,6246K,en)
Bodie Z., Kane A., Marcus A.J. Investments, vol. 1 [5ed., MGH, 2001] (0390320021,pdf,923 p.,5785K,en)
Bodie Z., Kane A., Marcus A.J. Investments, vol. 2 [5ed., MGH, 2001] (0390320021,pdf,104 p.,675K,en)
Calverley J. The investor's guide to economic fundamentals [Wiley, 2003] (0470846909,pdf,263 p.,1146K,en)
Canto V. Understanding asset allocation [FTPH, 2006] (0131876767,pdf,337 p.,1809K,en)
Courcoubetis C., Weber R. Pricing communication networks [Wiley, 2003] (0470851309,pdf,379 p.,2502K,en)
Cragg J.G., Malkiel B.G. Expectations and the structure of share prices [UCP, 1982] (0226116689,djvu,184 p.,1305K,300dpi,en,T,K)
Crescenzi A. Investing from the top down: A macro approach to captial markets [MGH, 2008] (0071543848,pdf,302 p.,1381K,en)
Damodaran A. Investment valuation [draft, 2ed., Wiley, 2002] (0471414883,pdf,1372 p.,3487K,en)
Dempster M., Pflug G., Mitra G. (eds.) Quantitative Fund Management [CRC, 2008] (1420081918,pdf,488 p.,4412K,en)
Dimson E., Marsh P., Staunton M. Triumph of the optimists [PUP, 2002] (0691091943,pdf,353 p.,2569K,en)
Domash H. Fire your stock analyst [FTPH, 2006] (0132260387,pdf,415 p.,3201K,en)
Elton E.J., Gruber M. Investments, vol. 1 [MIT, 1999] (0262050595,chm,1451K,en)
Elton E.J., Gruber M. Investments, vol. 2 [MIT, 1999] (0262050609,chm,917K,en)
English J. Applied equity analysis [MGH, 2001] (0071360514,djvu,438 p.,2325K,300dpi,en,T)
Дамодаран А. (Damodaran A.) Инвестиционные байки [Питер, 2007] (546900998X,djvu,478 p.,6188K,300dpi,ru,T,K)
Дамодаран А. (Damodaran) Инвестиционная оценка [2ед., Альпина, 2004] (5961400247,djvu,1339 p.,18197K,300dpi,ru,T)


top / Finance / Investments, Valuation / Hedge Funds
Burton K. Hedge Hunters [Bloomberg, 2007] (1576602451,pdf,224 p.,886K,en)

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