
Merril, Judith (ed) - Beyond the Barriers of Space and Time / Меррил, Джудит (ред) - За границей пространства и времени [1954, EPUB, ENG]

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Judith Merril (ed) - Beyond the Barriers of Space and Time

Название: Beyond the Barriers of Space and Time / За границей пространства и времени
Год выпуска: 1954
Под редакцией: Merril, Judith / Меррил, Джудит
Издательство: Random House
ISBN: не указан
Формат: EPUB
Качество: OCR (Jerry eBooks)
Язык: английский

Фантастика, более или менее завязанная на парапсихологию.
Среди авторов: John Wyndham, Philip K. Dick, Isaac Asimov, Ray Bradbury, Robert Sheckley ...
Wolf Pack short story by Walter M. Miller, Jr.
No One Believed Me short story by Will Thompson
Perforce to Dream / Уснуть и видеть сны short story by John Wyndham
The Laocoön Complex short story by J. C. Furnas
Crazy Joey short story by Alex Apostolides and Mark Clifton
The Golden Man / Золотой человек novelette by Philip K. Dick
Malice Aforethought short story by Donald A. Wollheim (as by David Grinnell)
The Last Séance / Последний сеанс short story by Agatha Christie
Medicine Dancer short story by Bill Brown
Behold It Was a Dream short story by Rhoda Broughton
Belief / Вера novelette by Isaac Asimov
The Veldt / Вельд short story by Ray Bradbury
Mr. Kinkaid's Pasts short story by John R. Pierce (as by J. J. Coupling)
The Warning short story by Peter Phillips
The Ghost of Me short story by Anthony Boucher
The Wall Around the World / Стена вокруг мира novelette by Theodore R. Cogswell
Operating Instructions / Инструкция по эксплуатации short story by Robert Sheckley
Interpretation of a Dream / Толкование сновидения short story by John Collier
Defense Mechanism short story by Katherine MacLean
Belief by Isaac Asimov

“Did you ever dream you were flying?” asked Dr. Roger Toomey of his wife.
Jane Toomey looked up. “Certainly!”
Her quick fingers didn’t stop their nimble manipulations of the yarn out of which an intricate and quite useless doily was being created. The television set made a muted murmur in the room and the posturings on its screen were, out of long custom, disregarded.
Roger said, “Everyone dreams of flying at some time or other. It’s universal. I’ve done it many times. That’s what worries me.”
Jane said, “I don’t know what you’re getting at, dear. I hate to say so.” She counted stitches in an undertone.
. . .
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