
[Научная книга] (KOLXO3 Library) Библиотека Колхоз, Выпуск 10, DVD 57-60 [ISO] - 18.12.2012 [PDF/DjVu/CHM]

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Библиотека Колхоз (KOLXO3 Library), Выпуск 10, DVD 57-60 [ISO] - 18.12.2012

Библиотека: (KOLXO3 Library) Библиотека Колхоз, Выпуск 10, DVD 57-60
Состояние: 18.12.2012
Тематика: Физика, математика, химия, биология, экономика, Computer science, Engineering, Finance, Languages, Software manuals, Papers
Язык: En/Ru/Other
Формат: DjVu/PDF/CHM
Качество: Отсканированные страницы + слой распознанного текста
Разрешение: 300-400 DPI
Количество книг: 3174 (805+778+791+800)
Автор релиза источника: nanolab [rutracker.org]

Описание: Это раздача библиотеки КОЛХОЗа, выкачанной частично с англоязычного закрытого трекера, и от добрых людей.
Библиотека KOLXO3 - большая структурированная коллекция книг в основном физико-математической тематики, но в последних выпусках появились книги по химии и другим наукам. Данный 10 выпуск содержит 4 ДВД (№№ 57-60) являющиеся обновлениями библиотеки Колхоза. Инструкция по установке на английском языке лежит на каждом диске (00README.TXT).
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DVD 57:
1. Current Developments in Knowledge Acquisition - EKAW'92, 6 conf.(LNCS0599, Springer, 1992)(ISBN 3540555463)(T)(O)(457s)_CsLn_.djvu - 7,437 Mb
2. Voprosy teorii plazmy, Vyp.22 (__Reviews of plasma physics, Vol.22__) (net s.2-225)(__Kluwer__, 2001)(ISBN 0306110679)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(121s)_PPl_.djvu - 1,709 Mb
3. Peck R., Olsen C., Devore J. Introduction to statistics and data analysis (4ed., Brooks, 2012)(ISBN 9780840054906)(C)(O)(950s)_MVsa_.pdf - 13,055 Mb
4. Canon L.C. (ed.) Radiology (MGH, 2010)(ISBN 9780071601658)(O)(943s)_BH_.pdf - 6,909 Mb
5. Advances in Web Mining and Web Usage Analysis, 8 conf., WebKDD 2006(LNCS4811, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540774846)(258s).pdf - 4,124 Mb
6. Bers L. Topology (no p.252)(New York Univ., 1957)(ASIN B0007DQABS)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(273s)_MDat_.djvu - 8,138 Mb
7. Vocking B., et al. (eds.) Algorithms unplugged (Springer, 2011)(ISBN 3642153275)(O)(417s)_CsAl_.pdf - 7,861 Mb
8. Ozima M., Podosek F.A. Noble gas geochemistry (2ed., CUP, 2002)(ISBN 0521803667)(O)(302s)_PGp_.pdf - 1,678 Mb
9. Tramontano A. The Ten Most Wanted Solutions in Protein Bioinformatics (CRC, 2005)(ISBN 1584884916)(219s)_CsBi_.pdf - 6,669 Mb
10. Atkins P., Trapp C., Cady M., Giunta C. Physical chemistry.. Solutions manual (8ed., OUP, 2006)(ISBN 0199288577)(400dpi)(T)(O)(508s)_Ch_.djvu - 6,079 Mb
11. Xramcov P.B., Brik S.A., Rusak A.M., Surin A.I. Vvedenie v __HTML__ (2003)(ru)(60s)_CsPl_.pdf - 0,622 Mb
12. Li T., Peng Y., Rao B. (eds.) Some problems on nonlinear hyperbolic equations and applications (WS, 2010)(ISBN 9814322881)(T)(O)(464s)_MCde_.djvu - 3,000 Mb
13. Futterman J.A.H., Handler F.A., Matzner R.A. Scattering from Black Holes (CUP, 2009)(ISBN 0521112109)(T)(O)(203s)_PGr_.djvu - 1,484 Mb
14. Viterbi A.D., Omura Dzh.K. (_Viterbi,Omura_) Principy cifrovoj svyazi i kodirovaniya (RiS, 1982)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(537s)_CsIn_.djvu - 8,228 Mb
15. Conceptual Structures.. Knowledge Representation as Interlingua, 4 conf., ICCS '96(LNCS1115, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540615342)(T)(O)(333s)_CsLn_.djvu - 4,476 Mb
16. Next Generation Teletraffic and Wired-Wireless Advanced Networking, 7 conf., NEW2AN 2007(LNCS4712, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540748328)(495s).pdf - 10,876 Mb
17. Bellman R., E'ndzhel E'. (_Bellman,Angel_) Dinamicheskoe programmirovanie i uravneniya v chastnyx proizvodnyx (Mir, 1974)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(209s)_MOc_.djvu - 2,134 Mb
18. Lee T.D. Symmetries, asymmetries, and the world of particles (Univ. of Washington, 1988)(ISBN 0295965193)(K)(S)(T)(O)(81s)_PPop_.djvu - 0,537 Mb
19. Burachik R., Yao J.C. (eds.) Variational analysis and generalized differentiation in optimization and control. In honor of B.S. Mordukhovich (Springer, 2010)(ISBN 9781441904362)(O)(243s)_MOc_.pdf - 1,504 Mb
20. Web Information Systems Engineering - WISE 2005 Workshops, WISE 2005(LNCS3807, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 354030018X)(287s).pdf - 6,705 Mb
21. A Practical Programming Model for the Multi-Core Era, 3 conf., IWOMP 2007(LNCS4935, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540693024)(217s).pdf - 3,521 Mb
22. Bezuxov N.I., Luzhin O.V. Prilozhenie metodov teorii uprugosti i plastichnosti k resheniyu inzhenernyx zadach (VSh, 1974)(ru)(400dpi)(T)(201s)_EM_.djvu - 2,290 Mb
23. Rohde U.L., at al. Introduction to differential calculus (Wiley, 2012)(ISBN 9781118117750)(O)(757s)_MCet_.pdf - 3,345 Mb
24. Lyusternik L.A., Abramov A.A., Shestakov V.I., Shura-Bura M.R. Reshenie matematicheskix zadach na avtomaticheskix cifrovyx mashinax (net str.295)(AN SSSR, 1952)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(O)(S)(327s)_CsAl_.djvu - 2,983 Mb
25. Gorzkowski W. (ed.) XX International Physics Olympiad (WS, 1990)(ISBN 9810200846)(T)(O)(156s)_PSch_.djvu - 0,895 Mb
26. Davydov V.G. Texnologii programmirovaniya __C++__ (BXV, 2005)(ru)(ISBN 5941576056)(657s)_CsPl_.pdf - 8,807 Mb
27. Crafts N., Toniolo G. (eds.) Economic growth in Europe since 1945 (CUP, 1996)(ISBN 0521496276)(O)(T)(S)(625s)_GH_.djvu - 5,057 Mb
28. Carslaw H.S. Introduction to the theory of Fourier's series and integrals (2ed., MacMillan, 1921)(ASIN B007KPXKNW)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(332s)_MCf_.djvu - 5,184 Mb
29. Lial M., Hornsby J., McGinnis T. Intermediate algebra (11ed., AW, 2012)(ISBN 9780321715418)(C)(O)(796s)_MSch_.pdf - 16,366 Mb
30. Kitai A. Principles of Solar Cells, LEDs and Diodes.. The role of the PN junction (Wiley, 2011)(ISBN 1444318330)(O)(333s)_PSse_.pdf - 2,632 Mb
31. Bellert S., Voznyacki G. (_Bellert,Wozniacki_) Analiz i sintez e'lektricheskix cepej metodom strukturnyx chisel (Mir, 1972)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(334s)_EE_.djvu - 7,460 Mb
32. Bojkova I.G., i dr. E'kspluataciya, rekonstrukciya i oxrana vodnyx ob~ektov v gorodax (net s32,33)(ASV, 2008)(ISBN 9785930935554)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(257s)_E_.djvu - 6,085 Mb
33. Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems, 5th IFIP WG 6.1, DAIS 2005(LNCS3543, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540262628)(244s).pdf - 3,792 Mb
34. Gill P., Murray W. Numerical methods for constrained optimization (AP, 1975)(ISBN 0122835506)(600dpi)(T)(O)(298s)_MOc_.djvu - 2,703 Mb
35. Artificial Intelligence in Structural Engineering(LNCS1454, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540648062)(T)(O)(508s)_CsLn_.djvu - 7,778 Mb
36. Koval' D. Celitel'nye tochki nashego tela. Prakticheskij atlas (AST, 2012)(ru)(ISBN 9785170682928)(T)(160s)_BH_.djvu - 0,814 Mb
37. Coben D., O'Donoghue J., FitzSimons G. (eds.) Perspectives on adults learning mathematics (Kluwer, 2002)(ISBN 0792364155)(O)(373s)_MPop_.pdf - 1,347 Mb
38. Gupta S.C. The classical Stefan problem.. basic concepts, modelling and analysis (Elsevier, 2003)(ISBN 0444510869)(299dpi)(T)(O)(405s)_MCde_.djvu - 3,428 Mb
39. Modenov P.S., Parkhomenko A.S. Geometric transformations, Vol.2 Projective transformations (AP, 1965)(ASIN B000HGQWHC)(600dpi)(O)(T)(147s)_MSch_.djvu - 1,011 Mb
40. Formal Approaches to Software Testing, 5 conf., FATES 2005(LNCS3997, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540344543)(228s).pdf - 2,359 Mb
41. FM 2005.. Formal Methods(LNCS3582, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540278826)(569s).pdf - 5,440 Mb
42. Method of Programming(LNCS0544, Springer, 1991)(ISBN 354054576X)(T)(O)(273s)_CsLn_.djvu - 2,195 Mb
43. Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2005, IFIP TC13(LNCS3585, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540289437)(1185s).pdf - 52,027 Mb
44. Tabeling P. Introduction to microfluidics (OUP, 2005)(ISBN 0198568649)(312s)_PCfm_.pdf - 3,484 Mb
45. Levine W.S. (ed.) The Control Handbook.. Control System Fundamentals (2ed., CRC, 2010)(ISBN 1420073621)(O)(788s)_MOc_.pdf - 4,774 Mb
46. Lind D., Sanders S.P. The physics of skiing (Springer, 1996)(ISBN 1563963191)(T)(O)(C)(288s)_PPop_.djvu - 3,093 Mb
47. Branec V.N., Shmyglevskij I.P. Primenenie kvaternionov v zadachax orientacii tverdogo tela (FML, 1973)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(321s)_EAs_.djvu - 3,220 Mb
48. Welschenbach M. Cryptography in C and C++ (2ed., Apress, 2005)(ISBN 1590595025)(O)(504s)_CsCr_.pdf - 1,325 Mb
49. Shimura G. Elementary Dirichlet series and modular forms (Springer, 2007)(ISBN 0387724737)(150s)_MAg_.pdf - 1,358 Mb
50. Pais A. Subtle is the Lord.. the science and the life of Albert Einstein (Oxford, 2005)(ISBN 0192806726)(T)(O)(C)(582s)_PPop_.djvu - 4,563 Mb
51. Kochurov B.I. Geoe'kologicheskoe kartografirovanie (Akademiya, 2009)(ru)(ISBN 9785769549403)(500dpi)(T)(218s)_PGp_.djvu - 4,515 Mb
52. Dmitriev I.S. Neizvestnyj N'yuton. Silue't na fone e'poxi (Aletejya, 1999)(ru)(ISBN 5893291565)(600dpi)(T)(785s)_PPop_.djvu - 5,066 Mb
53. Pattern Recognition, 30 conf.(LNCS5096, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540693208)(550s).pdf - 43,050 Mb
54. Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing, 5 conf., RSCTC 2006(LNCS4259, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540476938)(921s).pdf - 17,439 Mb
55. Ladunga I. (ed.) Computational biology of transcription factor binding (Humana, 2010)(ISBN 1607618532)(O)(452s)_CsBi_.pdf - 6,299 Mb
56. Suhov Yu., Kelbert M. Probability and statistics by example. V.1. Basic probability and statistics (CUP, 2005)(ISBN 0521847664)(O)(374s)_MV_.pdf - 1,529 Mb
57. Zappe H.P. Fundamentals of Micro-Optics (draft, CUP, 2010)(ISBN 0521895421)(O)(649s)_PEo_.pdf - 9,232 Mb
58. Gorobec B.S. Geologi shutyat. I ne shutyat (2izd., URSS, 2010)(ru)(ISBN 9785397014335)(K)(T)(245s)_PPop_.djvu - 1,975 Mb
59. Rovenski V., Walczak P. Topics in extrinsic geometry of codimension-one foliations (Springer, 2011)(ISBN 1441999078)(O)(131s)_MDdg_.pdf - 0,882 Mb
60. Sheperd G. (_Shepherd G.M._) Nejrobiologiya. Tom 2 (Mir, 1987)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(368s)_B_.djvu - 13,000 Mb
61. Modeling and Using Context, 2 conf., CONTEXT'99(LNCS1688, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540664327)(539s)_CsLn_.pdf - 5,091 Mb
62. Rozen B. Sem'ya solerodov (Detgiz, 1956)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(162s)_ChSch_.djvu - 2,870 Mb
63. Kolyagin Yu., Oganesyan V. Uchis' reshat' zadachi.. Posobie dlya uchashchixsya 7-8 klassov (Prosveshchenie, 1980)(ru)(T)(S)(99s)_MSch_.djvu - 1,096 Mb
64. Hybrid Metaheuristics, 2 conf., HM 2005(LNCS3636, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540285350)(164s).pdf - 2,365 Mb
65. Jones D.S. Methods in electromagnetic wave propagation (2ed., OUP, 1994)(ISBN 0780311558)(600dpi)(T)(O)(666s)_PE_.djvu - 5,772 Mb
66. Agarwal R.P., Grace S.R., O'Regan D. Oscillation theory for second order dynamic equations (Taylor, 2003)(ISBN 0415300746)(T)(413s)_MCde_.djvu - 2,418 Mb
67. Glushkov V.M. Makroe'konomicheskie modeli i principy postroeniya OGAS (Statistika, 1975)(ru)(T)(K)(O)(600dpi)(161s)_GM_.djvu - 4,192 Mb
68. Enochs E., Jenda O.M.G. Relative homological algebra, Vol.2 (de Gruyter, 2010)(ISBN 3110215225)(O)(109s)_MAh_.pdf - 0,555 Mb
69. Morbidelli A. Modern celestial mechanics (CRC, 2002)(ISBN 0415279399)(600dpi)(T)(O)(S)(370s)_PCcm_.djvu - 5,696 Mb
70. Scadron M.D. Advanced quantum theory (3ed., WS, 2006)(ISBN 9812700501)(T)(O)(443s)_PQm_.djvu - 3,011 Mb
71. The Semantic Web, 6 conf., 2 conf.(LNCS4825, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540762973)(998s).pdf - 49,921 Mb
72. Livesley R.K. Matrix methods of structural analysis (2ed., Pergamon Press, 1975)(ISBN 0080188885)(T)(O)(287s)_EM_.djvu - 3,358 Mb
73. Remmert R. Classical topics in complex function theory (GTM172, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 1441931147)(500dpi)(K)(T)(357s)_MCc_.djvu - 10,794 Mb
74. Frohlich S. Surfaces in Euclidean spaces (draft, 2010)(O)(383s)_MDdg_.pdf - 1,526 Mb
75. Hashemi R.H., Bradley W.G., Lisanti C.J. MRI. The basics (3ed., Lippincott, 2010)(ISBN 9781608311156)(O)(400s)_CsIp_.chm - 12,653 Mb
76. Tisserand F. Traite de mecanique celeste, tome 3. Mouvement de la lune (fr)(Gauthier-Villars, 1894)(400dpi)(T)(437s)_PCcm_.djvu - 3,277 Mb
77. Hazewinkel M. (ed.) Vol. 2. Handbook of algebra (Elsevier, 2000)(ISBN 044450396X)(T)(899s)_MRef_.djvu - 6,417 Mb
78. Wilson P. Hieroglyphs.. A very short introduction (OUP, 2004)(ISBN 0192805029)(O)(144s)_L_.pdf - 2,183 Mb
79. Efros A.L. Physics and Geometry of Disorder.. Percolation Theory (Mir, 1987)(ISBN 0828532915)(600dpi)(T)(S)(265s)_PT_.djvu - 2,746 Mb
80. Fabien B.C. Analytical system dynamics modeling and simulation (Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9780387856056)(O)(339s)_MNs_.pdf - 1,506 Mb
81. Latoguz S.I. Prakticheskoe rukovodstvo po refleksoterapii i igloukalyvaniyu (Feniks, 2003)(ISBN 5222032469)(ru)(K)(T)(413s)_BH_.djvu - 3,634 Mb
82. Rumyancev K.E. Radiopriemnye ustrojstva (Akademiya, 2006)(ru)(ISBN 5769528699)(600dpi)(K)(T)(336s)_EE_.djvu - 3,606 Mb
83. FM 2009.. Formal methods, 2 congress (LNCS5850, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642050886)(O)(835s)_CsLn_.pdf - 10,185 Mb
84. Technologies for E-Learning and Digital Entertainment, 1 conf., Edutainment 2006(LNCS3942, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540334238)(1419s).pdf - 51,877 Mb
85. Context.. Nature, Impact, and Role - 5 conf., CoLIS 2005(LNCS3507, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540261788)(262s).pdf - 4,115 Mb
86. Tracy W. Letters of Credit.. A View of Type Design (David R. Godine, 2003)(ISBN 9781567922400)(600dpi)(T)(222s)_ST_.djvu - 2,821 Mb
87. Huth M., Ryan M. Logic in Computer Science.. Modelling and Reasoning about Systems (CUP, 1999)(ISBN 9780521656023)(600dpi)(T)(O)(407s)_CsDi_.djvu - 3,819 Mb
88. Ferguson T.S. Mathematical statistics. A decision theoretic approach (AP, 1967)(ISBN 0122537505)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(405s)_MVsa_.djvu - 4,741 Mb
89. Katz M.H. Multivariable analysis. A practical guide for clinicians and public health researchers (3ed., CUP, 2011)(ISBN 0521760984)(O)(251s)_MVsa_.pdf - 1,532 Mb
90. Broadband Communications - Networks, Services, Applications IZS'96(LNCS1044, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540608958)(T)(O)(363s)_CsLn_.djvu - 4,359 Mb
91. Hasselkamp D., et al. Particle induced electron emission II (STMP0123, Springer, 1992)(ISBN 3540541470)(T)(O)(231s)_PM_.djvu - 3,325 Mb
92. Aleksandrov A.A. Autotrening (2izd., Piter, 2002)(ru)(ISBN 9785459003642)(600dpi)(K)(T)(239s)_BH_.djvu - 2,069 Mb
93. Information Hiding, 5 conf., IH 2002(LNCS2578, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540004211)(437s)_CsLn_.pdf - 6,788 Mb
94. Gustafson S.J., Sigal I.M. Mathematical concepts of quantum mechanics (2ed., Springer, 2011)(ISBN 3642218652)(O)(397s)_PQm_.pdf - 2,125 Mb
95. Resnik M. Choices.. An Introduction to Decision Theory (Univ. Minnesota, 1987)(ISBN 9780816614400)(T)(O)(238s)_GA_.djvu - 1,730 Mb
96. GI 4 Theoretical Computer Science(en)(de)(LNCS0067, Springer, 1979)(ISBN 3540091181)(T)(O)(331s)_CsLn_.djvu - 2,959 Mb
97. Fomin S.V. Number systems (Univ. of Chicago, 1975)(ISBN 0226256693)(600dpi)(T)(O)(46s)_MSch_.djvu - 0,454 Mb
98. Mendel'son K. (_Mendelssohn_) Na puti k absolyutnomu nulyu (Atomizdat, 1971)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(228s)_PPop_.djvu - 2,699 Mb
99. Komarov N.S. Iskusstvennyj xolod (ru)(NPB, Gostexizdat, 1954)(600dpi)(T)(58s)_E_.djvu - 1,237 Mb
100. ECOOP'87 European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming(LNCS0276, Springer, 1987)(ISBN 3540183531)(T)(O)(279s)_CsLn_.djvu - 3,805 Mb
101. Beucher O. Signale und Systeme.. Theorie, Simulation, Anwendung.. mit MATLAB (de)(Springer, 2011)(ISBN 9783642202933)(O)(601s)_MNw_.pdf - 8,552 Mb
102. Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design I, 8 conf., CSCWD 2004(LNCS3168, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540294007)(468s).pdf - 10,242 Mb
103. Parallel Processing.. CONPAR 94 - VAPP 6 conf.(LNCS0854, Springer, 1994)(ISBN 3540584307)(T)(O)(906s)_CsLn_.djvu - 9,951 Mb
104. Azimov A. (_Asimov_) Kratkaya istoriya biologii (Mir, 1967)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(177s)_B_.djvu - 1,579 Mb
105. Smith J.M. Mathematical ideas in biology (CUP, 1968)(ISBN 0521095506) (T)(159s)_B_.djvu - 0,868 Mb
106. Kondratyev K.Ya. Radiation in the atmosphere (AP, 1969)(ISBN 0124190502)(T)(O)(929s)_PGp_.djvu - 7,879 Mb
107. Khan I.A., Abourashed E.A. Leungs Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients (3ed., Wiley, 2009)(ISBN 047146743X)(O)(845s)_Ch_.pdf - 3,381 Mb
108. Advances in Artificial Life(LNCS0929, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540594965)(T)(O)(970s)_CsLn_.djvu - 12,257 Mb
109. Murnaghan F.D. The unitary and rotation groups (Spartan Books, 1962)(ASIN B0007FLSK4)(600dpi)(T)(O)(155s)_MAr_.djvu - 3,690 Mb
110. Mulmuley K. Computational geometry.. An introduction through randomized algorithms (PH, 1994)(ISBN 0133363635)(T)(461s)_CsCg_.djvu - 4,138 Mb
111. Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques, 18 conf., WADT 2006(LNCS4409, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540719977)(176s).pdf - 2,790 Mb
112. Kolmogorov A.N., Fomin S.V. Introductory real analysis (Dover, 1970)(ASIN B002K07RGI)(T)(S)(411s)_MCf_.djvu - 2,512 Mb
113. Peixoto M.M., et al. (eds.) Dynamics, Games and Science 2 (Springer, 2011)(ISBN 3642147879)(O)(784s)_G_.pdf - 7,025 Mb
114. Ericson T., Weise W. Pions and nuclei (OUP, 1988)(ISBN 0198520085)(600dpi)(T)(O)(495s)_PQcd_.djvu - 6,585 Mb
115. Kernevez J.-P. Enzyme mathematics (NH, 1980)(ISBN 044486122X)(T)(O)(277s)_MNs_.djvu - 1,769 Mb
116. Nadyozhnost' i e'ffektivnost' v texnike 09 Texnicheskaya diagnostika (Mashinostroenie, 1987)(ru)(T)(351s)_E_.djvu - 9,475 Mb
117. Doets K. Basic Model Theory (CSLI, Stanford, 1996)(ISBN 9781575860497)(T)(O)(142s)_MAa_.pdf - 1,445 Mb
118. Schumann A.H. (ed.) Flood risk assessment and management (Springer, 2010)(ISBN 9048199166)(O)(291s)_PGp_.pdf - 5,748 Mb
119. Ablowitz M.J. Nonlinear Dispersive Waves.. Asymptotic Analysis and Solitons (CUP, 2011)(ISBN 1107012546)(364s)_MCde_.pdf - 3,772 Mb
120. Liou K.-N. An introduction to atmospheric radiation (AP, 1980)(ISBN 0124514502)(T)(O)(C)(409s)_PGp_.djvu - 3,671 Mb
121. Satter G., Aleksandresku A. (_Sutter,Alexandrescu_) Standarty programmirovaniya na __C++__ (Vil'yams, 2005)(ISBN 5845908590)(ru)(O)(223s)_CsPl_.chm - 0,211 Mb
122. Date C.J. Relational database writings 1985-1989 (AW, 1990)(ISBN 0201508818)(T)(535s)_CsDb_.djvu - 3,360 Mb
123. Intelligent Agents 3 conf., Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages, ECAI '96 Workshop (ATAL)(LNCS1193, Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540625070)(T)(O)(399s)_CsLn_.djvu - 3,465 Mb
124. Bol'cman L. Izbrannye trudy (Nauka, 1984)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(O)(592s)_PW_.djvu - 14,418 Mb
125. Teugels J., Sundt B. (eds.) Encyclopedia of actuarial science (Wiley, 2004)(ISBN 0470846763)(O)(4209s)_G_.pdf - 9,933 Mb
126. Zhang W., Tanigawa Y. (eds.) Number theory.. tradition and modernization (DEVM15, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 0387304142)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(256s)_MT_.djvu - 3,575 Mb
127. Triebel H. Fractals and spectra.. Related to Fourier analysis and function spaces (Birkhauser, 1997)(ISBN 3034800339)(O)(280s)_MCf_.pdf - 1,705 Mb
128. Canuto C., Tabacco A. Mathematical analysis 2 (Springer, 2010)(ISBN 8847017831)(O)(528s)_MCet_.pdf - 6,318 Mb
129. Bramer M. Principles of data mining (Springer, 2007)(ISBN 1846287650)(O)(353s)_CsDm_.pdf - 1,499 Mb
130. Fomenko A.T. The Plateau problem, Part 1. Historical survey (Gordon, 1990)(ISBN 2881247008)(T)(O)(233s)_MDdg_.djvu - 2,327 Mb
131. Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing, 6 conf., RSCTC 2008(LNCS5306, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540884231)(543s)_CsLn_.pdf - 10,290 Mb
132. Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, 4 conf., ECDL 2000(LNCS1923, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540410236)(527s).pdf - 5,369 Mb
133. Jaranowski P., Krolak A. Analysis of Gravitational-Wave Data (CUP, 2009)(ISBN 0521864593)(O)(271s)_PGr_.pdf - 1,145 Mb
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135. Groves P.D. Principles of GNSS, inertial, and multi-sensor integrated navigation systems (Artech, 2008)(ISBN 1580532551)(O)(522s)_EAs_.pdf - 3,858 Mb
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140. Hamm P., Zanni M. Concepts and Methods of 2D Infrared Spectroscopy (CUP, 2011)(ISBN 110700005X)(O)(298s)_PM_.pdf - 5,396 Mb
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143. Lenz F.A., Casey K.L., Jones E.G., Willis W.D. The Human Pain System (CUP, 2010)(ISBN 0521114527)(O)(650s)_BH_.pdf - 14,460 Mb
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148. Knuth D.E. The art of computer programming, vol.1.. fundamental algorithms (2ed., AW, 1973)(ISBN 9780201038095)(T)(658s)_CsAl_.djvu - 5,998 Mb
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152. Conway B. (ed.) Spacecraft Trajectory Optimization (CUP, 2010)(ISBN 0521518504)(O)(312s)_EAs_.pdf - 3,468 Mb
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216. Walker C.H. Organic Pollutants.. An Ecotoxicological Perspective (Taylor & Francis, 2001)(ISBN 0748409610)_Ch_.chm - 1,405 Mb
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218. Glynn I. An anatomy of thought.. The origin and machinery of the mind (OUP, 2003)(ISBN 0195158032)(S)(T)(O)(465s)_BH_.djvu - 3,889 Mb
219. Kudryashov N.A. Metody nelinejnoj matematicheskoj fiziki (MIFI, 2008)(ru)(ISBN 9785726209432)(352s)_MP_.pdf - 1,258 Mb
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221. Schwab B. AI game engine programming (2ed., Cengage, 2009)(ISBN 1584505729)(O)(741s)_CsAi_.pdf - 3,705 Mb
222. Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering, 4 conf., CDVE 2007(LNCS4674, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540747796)(442s).pdf - 17,538 Mb
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225. Bagotsky V.S. Fuel cells.. Problems and solutions (Wiley, 2009)(ISBN 0470232897)(O)(341s)_Ch_.pdf - 1,793 Mb
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227. Rodino L., Wong M., Zhu H. (eds.) Pseudo-differential operators.. Analysis, applications and computations (Birkhauser, 2011)(ISBN 3034800487)(O)(314s)_MCf_.pdf - 3,642 Mb
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231. Sergienko I.V., Deineka V.S. Optimal control of distributed systems with conjugation conditions (Kluwer, 2005)(ISBN 1402081081)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(400s)_MOc_.djvu - 3,200 Mb
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241. Strangeways I. Measuring the natural environment (CUP, 2000)(ISBN 0521573106)(O)(374s)_PGp_.pdf - 4,293 Mb
242. Rolewicz S. Metric linear spaces (Kluwer, 1985)(ISBN 9027714800)(600dpi)(T)(O)(470s)_MCf_.djvu - 2,714 Mb
243. Kaufman A.A. Geophysical field theory and method, Part B (AP, 1994)(ISBN 0124020429)(T)(O)(C)(231s)_PGp_.djvu - 1,852 Mb
244. Whittle P. Networks.. Optimisation and evolution (CUP, 2007)(ISBN 052187100X)(O)(283s)_MVspa_.pdf - 1,547 Mb
245. Fujita, Ikebe, Kuroda. (eds.) Functional-analytic methods for partial differential equations (LNM1450, Springer, 1990)(ISBN 3540533931)(T)(265s)_Mln_.djvu - 1,695 Mb
246. Diet, nutrition, and the prevention of chronic diseases (World Health Organization, 2003)(ISBN 924120916X)(O)(160s)_BH_.pdf - 0,807 Mb
247. Senn S. Dicing with death.. Chance, risk and health (CUP, 2003)(ISBN 0521832594)(O)(265s)_MVsa_.pdf - 2,074 Mb
248. Williams R., Livio M. (eds.) The analysis of emission lines (CUP, 1995)(ISBN 0521480817)(T)(S)(237s)_PAp_.djvu - 2,167 Mb
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251. Kay S. Intuitive probability and random processes using MATLAB (Springer, 2006)(ISBN 0387241574)(600dpi)(T)(O)(836s)_MVspa_.djvu - 8,573 Mb
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253. Kunze H., et al. Fractal-based methods in analysis (Springer, 2012)(ISBN 9781461418900)(O)(425s)_MCat_.pdf - 3,930 Mb
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258. Pais A. Robert Oppenheimer.. A Life (OUP, 2006)(ISBN 0195166736)(T)(396s)_PPop_.djvu - 3,880 Mb
259. Atkinson D. Quantum field theory.. A self-contained course. Vol. 2 (Rinton Press, 2003)(ISBN 158949024X)(800dpi)(T)(S)(218s)_PQft_.djvu - 2,749 Mb
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266. Suli E., Mayers D. An introduction to numerical analysis (Cambridge, 2003)(ISBN 0521810264)(O)(444s)_MN_.pdf - 3,046 Mb
267. Sizov R.A. Materiya, Antimateriya i E'nergosreda (LAZHA, LZHENAUKA)(Sizov, 2012)(ru)(T)(O)(K)(600dpi)(192s)_PZ_.djvu - 2,008 Mb
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271. Scherer P. Computational Physics (Springer, 2010)(ISBN 3642139892)(O)(336s)_MNs_.pdf - 3,195 Mb
272. Formal Approaches to Agent-Based Systems, 2 conf., FAABS 2002(LNCS2699, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540406654)(293s)_CsLn_.pdf - 3,983 Mb
273. Astrom K., Persson L.E., Silvestrov S. (eds.) Analysis for science, engineering and beyond (Springer, 2012)(ISBN 9783642202353)(O)(362s)_M_.pdf - 3,143 Mb
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276. Product-Focused Software Process Improvement, 8 conf., PROFES 2007(LNCS4589, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540734598)(424s).pdf - 8,771 Mb
277. Pierce J.R. Almost All About Waves (MIT, 1976)(ISBN 026266027X)(T)(222s)_POs_.djvu - 1,090 Mb
278. Kordemskij B.A. Velikie zhizni v matematike (Prosveshchenie, 1995)(ISBN 5090038597)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(C)(195s)_MPop_.djvu - 5,932 Mb
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281. Spencer C.D. Digital design for computer data acquisition (CUP, 1990)(ISBN 0521371996)(T)(S)(368s)_EE_.djvu - 3,181 Mb
282. Computer Algebra and Geometric Algebra with Applications, 6 conf., IWMM 2004(LNCS3519, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540262962)(456s).pdf - 6,382 Mb
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291. Landau L.D., Kitaigorodsky A.I. Physics for Everyone, Book 4.. Photons and Nuclei (Mir, 1981)(600dpi)(T)(243s)_PPop_.djvu - 3,603 Mb
292. Cutkosky S.D. Resolution of singularities (GSM0063, AMS, 2004)(ISBN 0821835556)(600dpi)(T)(O)(191s)_MAg_.djvu - 4,005 Mb
293. Fejnman R. (_Feynman R.P._) Vy, konechno, shutite, Mister Fejnman (RXD, 2001)(ISBN 5939720870)(ru)_PPop_.chm - 0,329 Mb
294. Baryshnikov N.B. Gidravlicheskie soprotivleniya rechnyx rusel (RGGMU, 2003)(ru)(ISBN 5868130626)(150dpi)(K)(T)(146s)_PGp_.djvu - 0,926 Mb
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297. Wheelon A.D. Electromagnetic scintillation, vol. 1 (CUP, 2001)(ISBN 0521801982)(O)(475s)_PEo_.pdf - 2,689 Mb
298. Lamport L. Specifying Systems.. The TLA+ Language and Tools for Hardware and Software Engineering (AW, 2002)(ISBN 032114306X)(382s)_CsAl_.pdf - 2,481 Mb
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300. Surveys in differential geometry, Vol.12, Geometric flows (IP, 2008)(ISBN 1571461183)(600dpi)(T)(O)(354s)_MDdg_.djvu - 2,532 Mb
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302. Advances in Artificial Reality and Tele-Existence, 16 conf., ICAT 2006(LNCS4282, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540497765)(1366s).pdf - 64,957 Mb
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304. Litvinov P.P. Anglijskie slova, kotorye my znaem iz russkogo (Ajris, 2006)(ISBN 5811219482)(ru)(400dpi)(T)(329s)_LEn_.djvu - 2,659 Mb
305. High Performance Computing - HiPC 2001, 8 conf.(LNCS2228, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540430091)(428s)_CsLn_.pdf - 4,396 Mb
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308. Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2009, 12 conf., part 2 (LNCS5762, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642042706)(1167s)_CsLn_.pdf - 25,483 Mb
309. Jukna S. Boolean function complexity. Advances and frontiers (Springer, 2012)(ISBN 9783642245077)(O)(634s)_CsDi_.pdf - 3,359 Mb
310. Voronov G.S. Storming the Fortress of Fusion (Science for Everyone) (Mir, 1990)(ISBN 5030002219)(600dpi)(T)(O)(339s)_PPop_.djvu - 3,723 Mb
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312. Barron E.N. Game theory. An introduction (Wiley, 2008)(ISBN 0470171324)(T)(O)(436s)_GA_.djvu - 2,542 Mb
313. Product Focused Software Process Improvement, 3 conf., PROFES 2001(LNCS2188, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540425713)(393s)_CsLn_.pdf - 2,667 Mb
314. Computer Aided Systems Theory - EUROCAST'99(LNCS1798, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540678220)(594s)_CsLn_.pdf - 7,289 Mb
315. Bruce D.W., Walton R., O'Hare D. (eds.) Functional Oxides (Wiley, 2010)(ISBN 0470997508)(O)(320s)_Ch_.pdf - 5,060 Mb
316. Vilenkin A. Many worlds in one.. the search for other universes (Hill and Wang, 2006)(ISBN 9780809095230)(600dpi)(K)(T)(245s)_PPop_.djvu - 2,706 Mb
317. Maran S.P. Astronomiya dlya chajnikov (Dialektika, 2006)(ISBN 5845906121)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(O)(269s)_PPop_.djvu - 7,545 Mb
318. Zorich V. Mathematical analysis of problems in the natural sciences (Springer, 2011)(ISBN 3642148123)(O)(148s)_MP_.pdf - 1,124 Mb
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320. Simmons H. An introduction to category theory (CUP, 2011)(ISBN 9780521283045)(O)(238s)_MAct_.pdf - 0,786 Mb
321. Shostak V.I. Priroda nashix oshchushchenij (Prosveshchenie, 1983)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(127s)_BH_.djvu - 2,438 Mb
322. Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems, ACM SIGPLAN Workshop LCTES'98(LNCS1474, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 354065075X)(536s)_CsLn_.pdf - 5,453 Mb
323. Cohen I.B. The Newtonian revolution (CUP, 1980)(ISBN 0521229642)(T)(O)(S)(421s)_PPop_.djvu - 3,884 Mb
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325. Prasad K. Micronutrients in health and disease (CRC, 2010)(ISBN 1439821062)(O)(382s)_BH_.pdf - 2,520 Mb
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327. Berge C. Lectures on graph theory (Tata inst., 1967)(ASIN B0007IVCIO)(600dpi)(T)(O)(52s)_MAc_.djvu - 1,779 Mb
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329. Tourlakis G. Lectures in logic and set theory, vol. 1 Mathematical logic (CUP, 2003)(ISBN 0521753732)(O)(342s)_MAml_.pdf - 1,385 Mb
330. Cohen-Tannoudji C., Dupont-Roc J., Grynberg G. Photons and atoms (Wiley, 1989)(ISBN 0471845264)(K)(600dpi)(T)(C)(O)(492s)_PQed_.djvu - 3,711 Mb
331. Laurens D. A. Siebbeles, Grozema F.C. (eds.) Charge and Exciton Transport through Molecular Wires (Wiley, 2011)(ISBN 3527325018)(O)(323s)_PSa_.pdf - 3,479 Mb
332. Fialkov Yu.Ya. Svet nevidimogo (2izd., Det.lit., 1984)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(113s)_ChSch_.djvu - 2,048 Mb
333. Gansner E.R., Reppy J.H. (eds.) The Standard ML Basis Library (CUP, 2002)(ISBN 0521794781)(O)(487s)_CsPl_.pdf - 1,308 Mb
334. Lehtonen R., Pahkinen E.J. Practical Methods for Design and Analysis of Complex Surveys (Wiley, 1995)(ISBN 047193934X)_MVsa_.chm - 2,509 Mb
335. Mandl F., Shaw G. Quantum field theory (2ed., Wiley, 2010)(ISBN 9780471496830)(400dpi)(K)(T)(O)(493s)_PQft_.djvu - 3,060 Mb
336. Polyanin A.D., Zaitsev V.F. Handbook of nonlinear partial differential equations (2ed., CRC, 2011)(ISBN 9781420087246)(O)(1878s)_MCde_.pdf - 10,342 Mb
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338. Walecka J.D. Theoretical Nuclear And Subnuclear Physics (2ed., WS, 2004)(ISBN 9812387951)(T)(S)(628s)_PQcd_.djvu - 3,977 Mb
339. Thyagarajan K., Ghatak A. Lasers.. Fundamentals and Applications (2ed., GTP, Springer, 2010)(ISBN 144196441X)(O)(674s)_PEo_.pdf - 9,261 Mb
340. Eberly D. Game physics (Morgan Kaufmann, 2004)(ISBN 1558607404)(400dpi)(K)(T)(O)(826s)_CsCg_.djvu - 8,202 Mb
341. Pospelov D.A. Modelirovanie rassuzhdenij. Opyt analiza myslitel'nyx aktov (RiS, 1989)(ISBN 5256001833)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(186s)_CsAi_.djvu - 2,438 Mb
342. Aluru S. (ed.) Handbook of Computational Molecular Biology (CRC, 2005)(ISBN 1584884061)(1092s)_CsBi_.pdf - 12,129 Mb
343. Waseda Y., Matsubara E., Shinoda K. X-Ray Diffraction Crystallography (Springer, 2011)(ISBN 3642166342)(O)(322s)_PM_.pdf - 9,042 Mb
344. Fonseca I., Leoni G. Modern methods in the calculus of variations.. Lp spaces (Springer, 2007)(ISBN 038735784X)(O)(602s)_MCv_.pdf - 2,691 Mb
345. Hollinger M.A. Introduction to pharmacology (2ed., TF, 2003)(ISBN 0415280338)(O)(395s)_Ch_.pdf - 3,097 Mb
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348. Nazarov V.I. E'volyuciya ne po Darvinu (URSS, 2005)(ru)(ISBN 548400067X)(400dpi)(T)(519s)_B_.djvu - 7,780 Mb
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350. Audio-and Video-Based Biometrie Person Authentication, 4 conf., AVBPA 2003(LNCS2688, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540403027)(997s)_CsLn_.pdf - 26,400 Mb
351. Dunne L. Nutrition almanac (5ed., MGH, 2002)(ISBN 0071373381)(O)(291s)_BH_.pdf - 1,081 Mb
352. Berne B.J., Pecora R. Dynamic light scattering (Dover, 2000)(ISBN 0486411559)(T)(O)(375s)_PEo_.djvu - 3,129 Mb
353. Piotrovskij K.B. Sergej Lebedev (ZhZL, MG, 1960)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(O)(254s)_Ch_.djvu - 3,974 Mb
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357. Helemskii A.Ya. Quantum functional analysis.. non-coordinate approach (AMS, 2010)(ISBN 082185254X)(600dpi)(K)(T)(264s)_MCf_.djvu - 5,000 Mb
358. Nott J. Extreme events.. A physical reconstruction and risk assessment (CUP, 2006)(ISBN 0521824125)(309s)_MVsa_.pdf - 3,635 Mb
359. Menxin Yu.V., Menxin A.V. Ozdorovitel'naya gimnastika (Feniks, 2002)(ru)(ISBN 5222022986)(L)(195s)_BH_.pdf - 2,835 Mb
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361. Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 7 conf., PRIMA 2004(LNCS3371, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540253408)(339s).pdf - 5,999 Mb
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363. Stavely A.M. Toward zero-defect programming (AW, 1999)(ISBN 0201385953)(600dpi)(T)(258s)_CsF_.djvu - 1,778 Mb
364. Bonilla L.L., Teitsworth S.W. Nonlinear Wave Methods for Charge Transport (Wiley, 2010)(ISBN 3527406956)(O)(285s)_PSse_.pdf - 3,436 Mb
365. Struve W.S. Fundamentals of molecular spectroscopy (Wiley, 1989)(ISBN 0471854247)(600dpi)(T)(O)(394s)_PM_.djvu - 3,916 Mb
366. Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery, 4 conf., DaWaK 2002(LNCS2454, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540441239)(350s)_CsLn_.pdf - 4,545 Mb
367. Yager R., Kacprzyk J., Beliakov G. (eds.) Recent developments in the ordered weighted averaging operators (Springer, 2011)(ISBN 3642179096)(O)(299s)_MVsa_.pdf - 3,855 Mb
368. Evolutionary Image Analysis, Signal Processing and Telecommunications, 1 conf.s, EvoIASP'99 and EuroEcTel'99(LNCS1596, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540658378)(234s)_CsLn_.pdf - 2,752 Mb
369. Kotz S., Nadarajah S. Multivariate t distributions and their applications (CUP, 2004)(ISBN 0521826543)(O)(T)(S)(285s)_MVsa_.djvu - 1,625 Mb
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371. Intelligent Tutoring Systems, 2 conf., ITS '92(LNCS0608, Springer, 1992)(ISBN 3540556060)(T)(O)(700s)_CsLn_.djvu - 13,228 Mb
372. Rino C. The Theory of Scintillation with Applications in Remote Sensing (Wiley, 2011)(ISBN 047064477X)(T)(O)(C)(245s)_PM_.djvu - 4,768 Mb
373. Bierens H.J. Introduction to the mathematical and statistical foundations of econometrics (CUP, 2004)(ISBN 0521834317)(O)(345s)_GL_.pdf - 1,778 Mb
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375. Georgievskij A.B. E'volyuciya adaptacij (Nauka, 1989)(ru)(ISBN 502026573X)(600dpi)(T)(191s)_B_.djvu - 1,852 Mb
376. Hognas G., Mukherjea A. Probability measures on semigroups. Convolution products, random walks (2ed., Springer, 2011)(ISBN 0387775471)(O)(443s)_MV_.pdf - 2,228 Mb
377. Lewis R., Olofsson U. Wheel Rail Interface Handbook (CRC, 2009)(ISBN 1439801460)(T)(O)(C)(924s)_EM_.djvu - 15,069 Mb
378. Obruchev V.A. Proisxozhdenie gor i materikov (ru)(NPB, Gostexizdat, 1948)(600dpi)(T)(38s)_E_.djvu - 1,436 Mb
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384. Fedorenko N.P. (red.) Matematika i kibernetika v e'konomike. Slovar'-spravochnik (2izd., E'konomika, 1975)(ru)(T)(K)(O)(600dpi)(702s)_GM_.djvu - 10,286 Mb
385. Sham L.J. Quantum mechanics (LN, UCSD, 2003)(O)(791s)_PQmtb_.pdf - 2,461 Mb
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388. Sierksma G. Linear and Integer Programming.. Theory and Practice (2ed., Dekker, 2002)(ISBN 0824706730)_MOc_.chm - 6,949 Mb
389. Pickover C.A. The Moebius Strip (Basic Books, 2006)(ISBN 9781560258261)(T)(267s)_MPop_.djvu - 2,892 Mb
390. Gulpinar N., Harrison P., Rustem B. (eds.) Performance models and risk management in communications systems (Springer, 2011)(ISBN 1441905332)(O)(269s)_MOc_.pdf - 3,568 Mb
391. Nordberg G.F., et al. (eds.) Handbook on the toxicology of metals (3ed., AP, 2007)(ISBN 0123694132)(O)(998s)_BH_.pdf - 5,326 Mb
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393. Peeters K. A guide to quantum field theory (LN, Durham U., 2011)(O)(112s)_PQft_.pdf - 0,792 Mb
394. Kalinin A.Yu., Teryoshin D.A. Geometriya. 10-11 klassy (MCNMO, 2011)(ISBN 9785940575818)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(642s)_MSch_.djvu - 9,891 Mb
395. Lax P.D., Zalcman L. Complex proofs of real theorems (AMS, 2012)(ISBN 9780821875599)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(93s)_MC_.djvu - 0,749 Mb
396. Borchardt-Ott W. Crystallography. An introduction (3ed., Springer, 2011)(ISBN 364216451X)(O)(374s)_PS_.pdf - 11,728 Mb
397. Houldcroft P.T. Welding and Cutting (Woodhead Pub., 2001)(ISBN 1855735784)(T)(C)(238s)_EM_.djvu - 3,827 Mb
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399. Coey M. Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (CUP, 2010)(ISBN 0521816149)(O)(633s)_PS_.pdf - 14,609 Mb
400. van Overschee P., Moor B.L. Subspace identification for linear systems (Kluwer, 1996)(ISBN 0792397177)(O)(268s)_MOc_.pdf - 1,129 Mb
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402. Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN 2002(LNCS2415, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540440747)(1385s)_CsLn_.pdf - 43,283 Mb
403. Greenler R. Rainbows, Halos and Glories (CUP, 1980)(ISBN 9780521236058)(T)(C)(236s)_PPop_.djvu - 3,224 Mb
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405. Reppy J.H. Concurrent Programming in ML (CUP, 2007)(ISBN 0521714729)(325s)_CsPl_.pdf - 0,870 Mb
406. Chabert P., Braithwaite N. Physics of Radio-Frequency Plasmas (CUP, 2011)(ISBN 0521763002)(O)(395s)_PPl_.pdf - 2,539 Mb
407. Advances in Databases and Information Systems, 6 conf., ADBIS 2002(LNCS2435, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540441387)(427s)_CsLn_.pdf - 4,618 Mb
408. Mink D.V. Strategies for teaching mathematics (Shell Edu., 2009)(ISBN 9781425802493)(O)(320s)_MSch_.pdf - 4,012 Mb
409. Schlick T. Molecular Modeling and Simulation.. An Interdisciplinary Guide (2ed., Springer, 2010)(ISBN 1441963502)(O)(757s)_ChCm_.pdf - 16,061 Mb
410. Pis'mennyj D.T. Konspekt lekcij po teorii veroyatnostej, matematicheskoj statistike i sluchajnym processam (Ajris press, 2006)(ISBN 5811218532)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(290s)_MVsa_.djvu - 3,092 Mb
411. Pohlmann K.C. Principles of Digital Audio (4ed., MGH, 2000)(ISBN 0071348190)_MNw_.chm - 7,605 Mb
412. Dillon P.F. Biophysics.. A physiological approach (draft, CUP, 2012)(ISBN 1107001447)(314s)_B_.pdf - 5,025 Mb
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414. Progress in Artificial Intelligence, 7 conf., EPIA '95(LNCS0990, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540604286)(T)(O)(487s)_CsLn_.djvu - 4,803 Mb
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416. Xogland G., Mak-Grou G. (_Hoglund G., McGraw G._) Vzlom programmnogo obespecheniya.. analiz i ispol'zovanie koda (Vil'yams, 2005)(ISBN 5845907853)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(O)(398s)_CsAl_.djvu - 6,983 Mb
417. Eleckij A.V., Palkina L.A., Smirnov B.M. Yavleniya perenosa v slaboionizovannoj plazme (Atomizdat, 1975)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(338s)_PPl_.djvu - 3,296 Mb
418. Scott S., Duncan C.J. Biology of plagues (CUP, 2001)(ISBN 0521801508)(435s)_BH_.pdf - 1,974 Mb
419. Lovasz L., Pelikan J., Vesztergombi K. Discrete mathematics. Elementary and beyond (Springer, 2003)(ISBN 0387955852)(O)(301s)_CsDi_.pdf - 1,673 Mb
420. Regulated Agent-Based Social Systems, 1 conf., RASTA 2002(LNCS2934, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540209239)(311s)_CsLn_.pdf - 4,697 Mb
421. Baliga B.J. Power semiconductor devices (PWS publ., 1996)(ISBN 0534940986)(600dpi)(T)(621s)_EE_.djvu - 8,280 Mb
422. Parfenov V.A. Redkie metally (ru)(NPB, Gostexizdat, 1954)(600dpi)(T)(50s)_E_.djvu - 0,866 Mb
423. Peccati G., Taqqu M. Wiener chaos. Moments, cumulants and diagrams (Springer, 2011)(ISBN 9788847016781)(O)(290s)_MV_.pdf - 1,217 Mb
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425. Bukhovtsev B., Krivchenkov V., Myakishev G., Shalnov V. Problems in Elementary Physics (Mir, 1971)(ISBN 0846407582)(T)(O)(439s)_PSch_.djvu - 5,236 Mb
426. Giblin P. Graphs, surfaces and homology (3ed., CUP, 2010)(ISBN 0521766656)(O)(273s)_MDat_.pdf - 1,244 Mb
427. Der G., Everitt B.S. Basic Statistics Using SAS Enterprise Guide.. A Primer (SAS Pub., 2007)(ISBN 1599945738)(245s)_MVsa_.pdf - 1,592 Mb
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429. Fishel' V. (_Fischel W._) Dumayut li zhivotnye (MNT, Mir, 1973)(ru)(T)(O)(600dpi)(162s)_B_.djvu - 3,198 Mb
430. Phillipson P., Schuster P. Modeling by nonlinear differential equations.. Dissipative and conservative processes (WS, 2009)(ISBN 9814271594)(600dpi)(T)(C)(232s)_PD_.djvu - 2,288 Mb
431. Forster T. Set theory with a universal set.. Exploring an untyped universe (OUP, 1995)(ISBN 0198514778)(T)(O)(177s)_MAml_.djvu - 0,850 Mb
432. Intelligent Agents 4 conf., ATAL '97(LNCS1365, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540641629)(T)(O)(345s)_CsLn_.djvu - 4,208 Mb
433. Chuprin A. Pervaya muzhskaya kniga (Irkutsk, 2012)(ru)(98s)_BH_.pdf - 1,671 Mb
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435. Levy D.H. Observing variable stars (CUP, 1998)(ISBN 0521321131)(274s)_PA_.pdf - 3,855 Mb
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437. Boley H. A tight, practical integration of relations and functions(LNCS1712, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540666443)(T)(O)(178s)_CsLn_.djvu - 1,118 Mb
438. Agarwal R.P., Meehan M., O'Regan D. Fixed point theory and applications (CUP, 2001)(ISBN 0521802504)(O)(181s)_MDat_.pdf - 0,671 Mb
439. Logan J.D. A first course in differential equations (2ed., Springer, 2011)(ISBN 1441975918)(O)(405s)_MCde_.pdf - 2,433 Mb
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442. Graph-Grammars and Their Application to Computer Science, 3 conf.(LNCS0291, Springer, 1987)(ISBN 3540187715)(T)(O)(616s)_CsLn_.djvu - 6,063 Mb
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444. Shroff G. Enterprise Cloud Computing (CUP, 2010)(ISBN 052176095X)(O)(291s)_CsAl_.pdf - 1,975 Mb
445. Gass S. (_Gass_) Puteshestvie v stranu linejnogo programmirovaniya (Mir, 1973)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(177s)_MOc_.djvu - 2,761 Mb
446. Nida E.A. A synopsis of English syntax (Mouton, 1966)(ISBN 3112194780)(600dpi)(T)(177s)_LEn_.djvu - 1,355 Mb
447. Wilhelmsson H. Fusion.. A Voyage Through the Plasma Universe (IOP, 2000)(ISBN 0750306394)_PPop_.chm - 0,918 Mb
448. Goldstine H.H. A History of Numerical Analysis from the 16th through the 19th Century (Springer, 1977)(ISBN 9780387902777)(600dpi)(T)(361s)_MPop_.djvu - 3,678 Mb
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451. Information Processing in Medical Imaging, 17 conf., IPMI 2001(LNCS2082, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540422455)(552s)_CsLn_.pdf - 10,607 Mb
452. Database Machine Performance.. Modeling Methodologies and Evaluation Strategies(LNCS0257, Springer, 1987)(ISBN 3540179429)(T)(O)(259s)_CsLn_.djvu - 1,814 Mb
453. Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization, 8 conf., EvoCOP 2008(LNCS4972, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540786030)(299s).pdf - 3,611 Mb
454. Jaiswal A.K., Khandelwal A. A textbook of computer based numerical and statistical techniques (New Age, 2009)(ISBN 812242466X)(O)(618s)_MN_.pdf - 7,785 Mb
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459. Myers R.H., et al. Generalized linear models, with applications to engineering and sciences (2ed., Wiley, 2010)(ISBN 9780470454633)(T)(O)(521s)_MVsa_.djvu - 3,265 Mb
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478. Kashkin V.B., Suxinin A.I. Cifrovaya obrabotka ae'rokosmicheskix izobrazhenij (Krasnoyarsk, 2008)(ISBN 9785763810547)(ru)(O)(121s) _CsIp_.pdf - 2,889 Mb
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480. The Cray X-MP-Model 24(LNCS0374, Springer, 1989)(ISBN 3540970894)(T)(O)(170s)_CsLn_.djvu - 1,439 Mb
481. Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, 18 conf.(LNCS1530, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540653848)(404s)_CsLn_.pdf - 5,893 Mb
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483. E'jler L. Differencial'noe ischislenie (GITTL, 1949)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(O)(581s)_MCet_.djvu - 12,054 Mb
484. Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science, 13 conf., AICS 2002(LNCS2464, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540441840)(252s)_CsLn_.pdf - 3,113 Mb
485. Lifshits M. Lectures on Gaussian processes (Springer, 2012)(ISBN 9783642249389)(O)(133s)_MVspa_.pdf - 0,763 Mb
486. Database Systems of the 90s(LNCS0466, Springer, 1990)(ISBN 3540533974)(T)(O)(342s)_CsLn_.djvu - 4,093 Mb
487. Agarwal R.P., Perera K., Pinelas S. An introduction to complex analysis (Springer, 2011)(ISBN 1461401941)(O)(346s)_MCc_.pdf - 2,648 Mb
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490. Lehmann E.L., Casella G. Theory of point estimation (2ed., Springer, 1998)(ISBN 0387985026)(O)(617s)_MVsa_.pdf - 2,415 Mb
491. Computational Methods for SNPs and Haplotype Inference(LNCS2983, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540212493)(162s)_CsLn_.pdf - 1,907 Mb
492. Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment, 1 conf., INTETAIN 2005(LNCS3814, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540305092)(350s).pdf - 11,805 Mb
493. Fulves K. Self-Working Table Magic.. 97 Foolproof Tricks with Everyday Objects (Dover, 1981)(ISBN 9780486241166)(T)(129s)_MPop_.djvu - 0,810 Mb
494. Swinburne R. Space and time (2ed., Macmillan, 1981)(ISBN 0333290720)(K)(T)(O)(274s)_PGr_.djvu - 2,025 Mb
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499. Banerjee A. Clinical physiology (CUP, 2005)(ISBN 9780521542265)(373s)_BH_.pdf - 1,064 Mb
500. Spatial Information Theory, COSIT 2005(LNCS3693, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 354028964X)(504s).pdf - 12,219 Mb
501. Stern S.A. (ed.) Our Universe (CUP, 2001)(ISBN 0521783305)(162s)_PA_.pdf - 2,400 Mb
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503. Zhurkin I.G, Shajtura S.V. Geoinformacionnye sistemy (Kudic, 2009)(ru)(ISBN 9785911360658)(K)(T)(273s)_PGp_.djvu - 2,717 Mb
504. Maor E. To Infinity and Beyond.. A Cultural History of the Infinite (PUP, 1991)(ISBN 9780691025117)(600dpi)(T)(301s)_MPop_.djvu - 14,587 Mb
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507. Didenko V., Silbermann B. Approximation of additive convolution-like operators.. Real C-star-algebra approach (Birkhauser, 2008)(ISBN 3764387505)(O)(320s)_MN_.pdf - 3,020 Mb
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510. Colton D., Kress R. Inverse acoustic and electromagnetic scattering theory (2ed., Springer, 1998)(ISBN 354062838X)(T)(O)(349s)_MP_.djvu - 7,176 Mb
511. Schinke R. Photodissociation Dynamics.. Spectroscopy and Fragmentation of Small Polyatomic Molecules (CUP, 1995)(ISBN 0521383684)(O)(T)(S)(434s)_Ch_.djvu - 4,012 Mb
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513. Muzhskie bolezni (Populyarnaya medicina, 2010)(ru)(ISBN 9789660337305)(T)(300s)_BHPop_.djvu - 1,537 Mb
514. Russell N. Communicating science (CUP, 2010)(ISBN 0521113830)(O)(350s)_PPop_.pdf - 1,646 Mb
515. Baker G.A., Gammel J.L. (eds.) The Pade approximant in theoretical physics (AP, 1970)(KA)(600dpi)(T)(395s)_MP_.djvu - 4,096 Mb
516. Leskovac V. Comprehensive enzyme kinetics (Kluwer, 2003)(ISBN 0306467127)(T)(S)(451s)_Ch_.djvu - 3,808 Mb
517. Tisserand F. Traite de mecanique celeste, tome 2. Figure des corps celestes (fr)(Gauthier-Villars, 1891)(400dpi)(T)(566s)_PCcm_.djvu - 4,127 Mb
518. Amosov N.M. (red.) Kibernetika i zhivoj organizm (Kiev, 1964)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(120s)_BH_.djvu - 1,037 Mb
519. Delmonte R. Computational linguistic text processing.. lexicon, grammar, parsing, and anaphora resolution (Nova, 2008)(ISBN 9781604567496)(600dpi)(T)(401s)_CsNl_.djvu - 3,267 Mb
520. Kuznecov B.T. Matematika (dlya e'konomistov)(2izd., YUniti, 2004)(ru)(ISBN 523800754X)(K)(T)(720s)_GM_.djvu - 4,644 Mb
521. Koerner S. (ed.) Philosophy of logic (Univ. of California, 1976)(ISBN 0520032357)(K)(T)(279s)_MAml_.djvu - 2,099 Mb
522. Modular Construction and Partial Order Semantics of Petri Nets(LNCS0625, Springer, 1992)(ISBN 3540557679)(T)(O)(257s)_CsLn_.djvu - 2,138 Mb
523. Petsko G.A. Protein stucture and function (no TOC, title)(New Science, 2004)(ISBN 0878936637)(C)(O)(174s)_B_.pdf - 6,289 Mb
524. Greenberg B.R., Patterson D. Art in Chemistry, Chemistry in Art (Teacher Ideas, 1998)(ISBN 1563084872)_Ch_.chm - 1,171 Mb
525. Meyer V.R. Practical High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (5ed., Wiley, 2010)(ISBN 0470682175)(O)(428s)_Ch_.pdf - 5,793 Mb
526. Applied Parallel Computing, New Paradigms for HPC in Industry and Academia, 5 conf., PARA 2000(LNCS1947, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 354041729X)(411s)_CsLn_.pdf - 5,781 Mb
527. Bohr A., Mottelson B.R. Nuclear structure (WS, 1998)(ISBN 9810239793)(T)(492s)_PNu_.djvu - 5,081 Mb
528. Anderson J.A. An introduction to neural networks (MIT, 1997)(ISBN 0262510812)(T)(651s)_CsGn_.djvu - 6,221 Mb
529. Famincyn A.S. Obmen veshchestv i prevrashchenie e'nergii v rasteniyax (Nauka, 1989)(ru)(ISBN 5020040010)(600dpi)(T)(O)(642s)_B_.djvu - 9,939 Mb
530. Curran G. Homework Helpers.. Chemistry (Career Press, 2004)(ISBN 1564147215)(344s)_Ch_.pdf - 5,500 Mb
531. Vojshvillo E.K., Degtyarev M.G. Logika kak chast' teorii poznaniya i nauchnoj metodologii 1 (Nauka, 1994)(ru)(ISBN 5020135143)(600dpi)(T)(314s)_MAml_.djvu - 3,135 Mb
532. Information Security, 9 conf., ISC 2006(LNCS4176, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540383417)(558s).pdf - 6,776 Mb
533. Loprieno A. Ancient Egyptian.. A linguistic introduction (CUP, 1995)(ISBN 0521443849)(T)(S)(340s)_L_.djvu - 2,980 Mb
534. DNA Computing, 6 conf., DNA 2000(LNCS2054, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540420762)(279s)_CsLn_.pdf - 3,180 Mb
535. Erdmann M. The Partonic Structure of the Photon.. Photoproduction at the Lepton-Proton Collider Hera (Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540626212)(T)(O)(126s)_PQft_.djvu - 1,556 Mb
536. Kennedy J.B. Space, time, and Einstein (McGill-Queen's, 2003)(ISBN 077352472X)(O)(255s)_PPop_.pdf - 2,015 Mb
537. Karaushev A.V. Rechnaya gidravlika (Gidromet, 1969)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(418s)_PGp_.djvu - 11,564 Mb
538. FM'99 - Formal Methods, World Congress on Formal Methods in the Development of Computing Systems, 1999(LNCS1709, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540665889)(954s)_CsLn_.pdf - 11,333 Mb
539. Chandler D. Introduction to modern statistical mechanics (Oxford, 1987)(400dpi)(ISBN 019504276X)(T)(O)(286s)_PT_.djvu - 2,091 Mb
540. Stein E.M. (ed.) Beijing lectures in harmonic analysis (Ann.Math.Stud.112, PUP, 1986)(ISBN 0691084181)(600dpi)(T)(O)(434s)_MCat_.djvu - 3,188 Mb
541. Yazdandoost F., Attari J. (eds.) Hydraulics of dams and river structures (Taylor, 2004)(ISBN 0203024095)(O)(610s)_E_.pdf - 15,379 Mb
542. Manna Z. Mathematical theory of computation (McGH, 1974)(ISBN 0070399107)(600dpi)(T)(O)(459s)_CsAl_.djvu - 3,112 Mb
543. NETWORKING 2000, Broadband Communications, High Performance Networking(LNCS1815, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 354067506X)(999s)_CsLn_.pdf - 8,338 Mb
544. Gwartney J.D., Stroup R.L., Sobel R.S., Macpherson D. Macroeconomics (13ed., South-Western College Pub, 2010)(ISBN 0538754281)(O)(624s)_GK_.pdf - 20,530 Mb
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547. Computer Algebra and Parallelism(LNCS0584, Springer, 1992)(ISBN 3540553282)(T)(O)(120s)_CsLn_.djvu - 0,949 Mb
548. Slavyanov S.Yu., Lay W. Special functions.. a unified theory based on singularities (OUP, 2000)(ISBN 0198505736)(T)(S)(309s)_MCsf_.djvu - 2,268 Mb
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550. Coxeter H.S.M. Regular Complex Polytopes (2ed., CUP, 1991)(ISBN 0521394902)(T)(224s)_MD_.djvu - 4,221 Mb
551. Cristini V., Lowengrub J. Multiscale Modeling of Cancer (CUP, 2010)(ISBN 052188442X)(O)(300s)_B_.pdf - 4,942 Mb
552. Soper D.E. Classical field theory (Dover, 2008)(ISBN 0486462609)(T)(O)(266s)_MP_.djvu - 3,337 Mb
553. Ansari Q.H., Yao J.C. (eds.) Recent developments in vector optimization (Springer, 2012)(ISBN 9783642211133)(O)(576s)_MOc_.pdf - 3,220 Mb
554. Topics in Artificial Intelligence, 4 conf., AI-IA'95(LNCS0992, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540604375)(T)(O)(464s)_CsLn_.djvu - 5,403 Mb
555. Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence, 2 Advanced Course, ACAI '87(LNCS0345, Springer, 1988)(ISBN 3540506764)(T)(O)(240s)_CsLn_.djvu - 2,124 Mb
556. Dependable Computing, 1 conf., LADC 2003(LNCS2847, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540202242)(383s)_CsLn_.pdf - 5,102 Mb
557. Powell J. How music works.. The science and psychology of beautiful sounds (Little, Brown & Co., 2010)(ISBN 9780316183673)_PPop_.epub - 2,114 Mb
558. Nair A.J. Introduction to Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering (Infinity Science, 2008)(ISBN 1934015164)(O)(812s)_BN_.pdf - 7,145 Mb
559. Levin I.P. Relating Statistics and Experimental Design.. An Introduction (Sage, 1999)(ISBN 0761914722)_MVsa_.chm - 0,287 Mb
560. Agent Computing and Multi-Agent Systems, 9 conf., PRIMA 2006(LNCS4088, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540367071)(842s).pdf - 22,342 Mb
561. N'yuton I. Optika ili Traktat ob otrazheniyax, prelomleniyax, izgibaniyax i cvetax sveta (GITTL, 1954)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(O)(370s)_PEo_.djvu - 5,316 Mb
562. Irodov I.E. Basic Laws of Electromagnetism (Mir, 1986)(ISBN 8181160193)(T)(O)(318s)_PG_.djvu - 3,126 Mb
563. Real-Time Mobile Multimedia Services, 10th IFIP-IEEE on Management of Multimedia and Mobile Networks and Services, MMNS 2007(LNCS4787, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540758686)(199s).pdf - 7,181 Mb
564. Grebencha M.K., Novoselov S.I. Kurs matematicheskogo analiza, 1 (5izd., VSh, 1960)(ru)(600dpi)(545s)_MCet_.djvu - 11,052 Mb
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566. Atwood J.L., Steed J.W. (eds.) Organic Nanostructures (Wiley-VCH, 2008)(ISBN 3527318364)(O)(371s)_Ch_.pdf - 9,150 Mb
567. Kumok Ya.N. Karpinskij (ZhZL, MG, 1978)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(319s)_PPop_.djvu - 5,591 Mb
568. Hill J.M. Solution of differential equations by means of one-parameter groups (Pitman, 1982)(ISBN 0273085069)(600dpi)(T)(O)(170s)_MCde_.djvu - 1,150 Mb
569. Klioner S.A. Postupatel'noe i vrashchatel'noe dvizhenie nebesnyh tel v PPN formalizme (ru)(Avtoreferat dissertacii, 2000)(300dpi)(T)(37s)_PGr_.djvu - 0,722 Mb
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571. Extreme Programming and Agile Methods - XP-Agile Universe 2002(LNCS2418, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540440240)(304s)_CsLn_.pdf - 1,815 Mb
572. Anastassiou G. Intelligent mathematics. Computational analysis (Springer, 2011)(ISBN 9783642170973)(O)(819s)_MN_.pdf - 3,516 Mb
573. Gorniewicz L. Topological fixed point theory of multivalued mappings (2ed., Springer, 2006)(ISBN 1402046650)(O)(553s)_MDgt_.pdf - 2,901 Mb
574. Sojfer V.N. Vlast' i nauka. Razgrom kommunistami genetiki v SSSR (4izd., CheRo, 2002)(ru)(ISBN 588711147X)(691s)_BN_.pdf - 4,946 Mb
575. Bender D.A. Nutritional biochemistry of the vitamins (2ed., CUP, 2003)(ISBN 0521803888)(O)(514s)_Ch_.pdf - 2,692 Mb
576. System Analysis and Modeling, 4 conf., SAM 2004(LNCS3319, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540245618)(311s).pdf - 4,456 Mb
577. Samoilenko A.M., Perestyuk N.A. Impulsive differential equations (WS, 1995)(ISBN 9810224168)(T)(O)(467s)_MCde_.djvu - 2,619 Mb
578. OpenMP Shared Memory Parallel Programming, on OpenMP Applications and Tools, WOMPAT 2003(LNCS2716, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 354040435X)(279s)_CsLn_.pdf - 3,339 Mb
579. Bigus J.P. Data mining with neural networks (MGH, 1996)(ISBN 0070057796)(T)(237s)_CsGn_.djvu - 2,597 Mb
580. Recent Advances in Constraints, Joint ERCIM-CoLogNET, CSCLP 2005(LNCS3978, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 354034215X)(186s).pdf - 2,372 Mb
581. Blessenohl D., Schocker M. Noncommutative character theory of the symmetric group (ICP, 2005)(ISBN 1860945112)(T)(O)(183s)_MAtg_.djvu - 0,899 Mb
582. Trofimova T.I., Pavlova Z.G. Sbornik zadach po kursu fiziki s resheniyami (4izd., VSh, 2003)(ISBN 5060041646)(ru)(T)(C)(593s)_PG_.djvu - 7,439 Mb
583. Shartava T. (ed.) Biological aspects of human health and well-being (Nova, 2011)(ISBN 9781614707929)(O)(290s)_BH_.pdf - 5,397 Mb
584. Kutyura L. (_Couturat L._) Algebra logiki (Matezis, 1909)(ru)(T)(K)(600dpi)(132s)_MAml_.djvu - 1,515 Mb
585. Filippov A.F. Differential equations with discontinuous righthand sides. Control systems (Kluwer, 1988)(ISBN 9048184495)(600dpi)(T)(325s)_MCde_.djvu - 5,379 Mb
586. Evensen G. Data Assimilation.. The Ensemble Kalman Filter (Springer, 2006)(ISBN 9783540383000)(285s)_MVsa_.pdf - 9,684 Mb
587. Horstman J. The Scientific American Brave New Brain (Jossey-Bass, 2010)(ISBN 0470376244)(O)(211s)_BH_.pdf - 4,133 Mb
588. Aczel J., Dhombres J. Functional equations in several variables (CUP, 1989)(ISBN 0521352762)(T)(O)(477s)_MCat_.djvu - 3,112 Mb
589. Wali K.C. (ed.) A scientific autobiography, S. Chandrasekhar (WS, 2011)(ISBN 981429957X)(O)(296s)_PPop_.pdf - 2,163 Mb
590. Mak-Myurrej U. Obmen veshchestv u cheloveka (Mir, 1980)(ru)(400dpi)(T)(368s)_BH_.djvu - 4,446 Mb
591. Araki H., et al. (eds.) Mathematical horizons for quantum physics (WS, 2010)(ISBN 9814313319)(O)(221s)_PQm_.pdf - 1,375 Mb
592. Kofman A., Debazej G. (_Kaufmann, Desbazeille_) Setevye metodu planirovanija. Primenenie sistemy PERT (Progress,1968)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(183s)_MOc_.djvu - 2,263 Mb
593. Fujiwara H. Spectroscopic ellipsometry (Wiley, 2007)(ISBN 0470016086)(O)(388s)_PEo_.pdf - 4,464 Mb
594. Erneux T., Glorieux P. Laser Dynamics (CUP, 2010)(ISBN 0521830400)(O)(379s)_PEo_.pdf - 3,162 Mb
595. Segal S.L. Mathematicians under the nazis (PUP, 2003)(ISBN 069100451X)(600dpi)(T)(O)(557s)_MPop_.djvu - 4,852 Mb
596. Moskalenko S.A., Snoke D.W. Bose-Einstein condensation of excitons and biexcitons (CUP, 2000)(ISBN 0521580994)(O)(T)(S)(429s)_PS_.djvu - 3,752 Mb
597. Summers G.J. Test Your Logic (Dover, 1972)(ISBN 0486228770)(600dpi)(T)(105s)_MPop_.djvu - 0,570 Mb
598. Kaufman A.A. Geophysical field theory and method, Part A (AP, 1994)(ISBN 0124020410)(T)(O)(C)(599s)_PGp_.djvu - 5,685 Mb
599. Wrede R., Spiegel M. Advanced calculus (3ed., Schaum's outlines, MGH, 2010)(ISBN 9780071623674)(O)(456s)_MCet_.pdf - 5,679 Mb
600. Grune L., Pannek J. Nonlinear model predictive control.. Theory and algorithms (Springer, 2011)(ISBN 0857295004)(O)(372s)_MOc_.pdf - 3,199 Mb
601. Reichel J., Vuletic V. Atom Chips (Wiley, 2011)(ISBN 3527407553)(O)(447s)_PM_.pdf - 5,181 Mb
602. Walleczek J. (ed.) Self-organized biological dynamics & nonlinear control (CUP, 2000)(ISBN 0521624363)(443s)_B_.pdf - 6,166 Mb
603. Field-Programmable Logic and Applications, Reconfigurable Computing Is Going Mainstream, 12 conf., FPL 2002(LNCS2438, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540441085)(1209s)_CsLn_.pdf - 19,647 Mb
604. Groupware.. Design, Implementation, and Use, 14 conf., CRIWG 2008(LNCS5411, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540928300)(391s)_CsLn_.pdf - 10,568 Mb
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683. Bychkov K.V., Holtygin A.F. E'lementarnye processy v astrofizicheskoj plazme (MGU, 2008)(ISBN 599003804X)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(199s)_PPl_.djvu - 2,006 Mb
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685. Product Focused Software Process Improvement, 6 conf., PROFES 2005(LNCS3547, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540262008)(598s).pdf - 8,355 Mb
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696. Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems, 3 conf., CPAIOR 2006(LNCS3990, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540343067)(309s).pdf - 3,483 Mb
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738. Wilcox C.H. Sound propagation in stratified fluids (Springer, 1984)(ISBN 0387909869)(600dpi)(T)(O)(210s)_POs_.djvu - 1,657 Mb
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741. Azimov A. Asimmetriya zhizni (Centrpoligraf, 2007)(ru)(ISBN 9785952432024)(600dpi)(T)(270s)_PPop_.djvu - 1,536 Mb
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744. Modelling and Motion Capture Techniques for Virtual Environments, CAPTECH'98(LNCS1537, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540653538)(227s)_CsLn_.pdf - 4,080 Mb
745. Truhlar D.G., Simon B. (eds.) Multiparticle quantum scattering with applications to nuclear, atomic, and molecular physics (Springer, 1997)(ISBN 0387949992)(600dpi)(T)(412s)_PQm_.djvu - 3,434 Mb
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755. UML 2002 5 conf.(LNCS2460, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540442545)(461s)_CsLn_.pdf - 6,791 Mb
756. Mohrhoff U. The world according to quantum mechanics (WS, 2011)(ISBN 9814293377)(O)(317s)_PQm_.pdf - 2,128 Mb
757. Gipertoniya (Populyarnaya medicina, 2010)(ru)(ISBN 9789660337268)(T)(284s)_BH_.djvu - 1,425 Mb
758. Landau L.D., Kitaigorodsky A.I. Physics for Everyone, Book 2.. Molecules (Mir, 1980)(600dpi)(T)(253s)_PPop_.djvu - 3,460 Mb
759. Languages, Methodologies and Development Tools for Multi-Agent Systems, 1 conf., LADS 2007(LNCS5118, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540850571)(287s).pdf - 4,173 Mb
760. Jacobson N. Lie algebras (Dover, 1979)(ISBN 0486638324)(400dpi)(K)(T)(O)(343s)_MAr_.djvu - 2,694 Mb
761. Shmidt-Nil'sen K. (_Schmidt-Nielsen_) Kak rabotaet organizm zhivotnogo (Mir, 1976)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(143s)_B_.djvu - 2,060 Mb
762. Subbotin M.F., i dr. (red.) Problemy dvizheniya iskusstvennyx sputnikov Zemli (Doklady konferencii 1961 g.) (AN SSSR, 1963)(ru)(K)(600dpi)(T)(296s)_PCcm_.djvu - 4,962 Mb
763. Gschneidner K.A., Jr, Eyring L. (eds.) Handbook on the physics and chemistry of rare earths, vol. 19 (NH, 1978)(ISBN 0444820159)(T)(665s)_Ch_.djvu - 6,728 Mb
764. Yakovlev L.I, Fedorov V.D., Dedyukin G.V., Nemirovskij A.S. Texnika e'lektrosvyazi za rubezhom (RiS, 1990)(ISBN 525600686X)(ru)(K)(600dpi)(T)(257s)_EE_.djvu - 9,412 Mb
765. Budd T. Multiparadigm Programming in Leda (AW, 1994)(ISBN 0201820803)(600dpi)(T)(412s)_CsPl_.djvu - 2,636 Mb
766. Kadison R.V., Ringrose J.R. Fundamentals of the theory of operator algebras, vol. 1 (AP, 1983)(ISBN 0123933013)(400dpi)(T)(O)(417s)_MCf_.djvu - 2,879 Mb
767. Henriksen T., Maillie D. Radiation and health (Taylor, 2003)(ISBN 0415271622)(O)(237s)_BH_.pdf - 3,549 Mb
768. Information Security and Cryptology - ICISC 2002, 5 conf.(LNCS2587, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540007164)(550s)_CsLn_.pdf - 6,716 Mb
769. Malaxovskij V.S. Chisla znakomye i neznakomye (Kaliningrad, 2004)(ru)(ISBN 5740608171)(600dpi)(K)(T)(184s)_MT_.djvu - 1,800 Mb
770. Verbeure A. Many-body boson systems.. Half a century later (Springer, 2011)(ISBN 0857291084)(O)(195s)_PQft_.pdf - 0,989 Mb
771. Smorodinsky Y.A. Temperature (Science for Everyone) (Mir, 1988)(ISBN 5030002294)(600dpi)(T)(270s)_PPop_.djvu - 2,918 Mb
772. Shepherd G.M. Creating Modern Neuroscience.. The Revolutionary 1950s (OUP, 2009)(ISBN 0195391500)(O)(337s)_BH_.pdf - 3,285 Mb
773. Information Networking, Networking Technologies for Enhanced Internet Services, ICOIN 2003(LNCS2662, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540408274)(1016s)_CsLn_.pdf - 16,357 Mb
774. Coordination Technology for Collaborative Applications - Organizations, Processes, and Agents, ASIAN 1996(LNCS1364, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 354064170X)(T)(O)(284s)_CsLn_.djvu - 3,057 Mb
775. Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning, 4 conf., IDEAL 2003(LNCS2690, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 354040550X)(1160s)_CsLn_.pdf - 29,530 Mb
776. Manevich V.A., Kotov I.I., Zengin A.R. Analiticheskaya geometriya s teoriej izobrazhenij (VSh, 1969)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(305s)_MAl_.djvu - 3,103 Mb
777. Neural Information Processing, 14 conf., ICONIP 2007(LNCS4984, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540691549)(1164s).pdf - 45,847 Mb
778. ICM-1920, Strasbourg. Proceedings (Librairie Edouard Privat, 1921)(600dpi)(T)(720s)_M_.djvu - 9,182 Mb
779. Lowrie W. Fundamentals of geophysics (draft, 2ed., CUP, 2007)(ISBN 0521859026)(393s)_PGp_.pdf - 5,995 Mb
780. Requirements Engineering.. Foundation for Software Quality, 13 conf., REFSQ 2007(LNCS4542, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540730309)(390s).pdf - 9,123 Mb
781. van Os N.M. (ed.) Nonionic Surfactants.. Organic Chemistry (Dekker, 1998)(ISBN 0824799976)_Ch_.chm - 1,544 Mb
782. Architecting Dependable Systems 2 conf., ICSE 2003(LNCS3069, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540231684)(354s)_CsLn_.pdf - 5,471 Mb
783. Algebraic Logic and Universal Algebra in Computer Science(LNCS0425, Springer, 1990)(ISBN 3540972889)(T)(O)(36s)_CsLn_.djvu - 0,338 Mb
784. Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis, 6 conf., ATVA 2008(LNCS5311, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540883869)(440s)_CsLn_.pdf - 5,683 Mb
785. Petyt M. Introduction to finite element vibration analysis (CUP, 1990)(ISBN 0521266076)(O)(T)(S)(576s)_MNf_.djvu - 2,819 Mb
786. Lukashin Yu.P. Adaptivnye metody kratkosrochnogo prognozirovaniya (Statistika, 1979)(ru)(T)(K)(600dpi)(257s)_MVsa_.djvu - 2,923 Mb
787. Warrick A.W. (ed.) Soil physics companion (CRC, 2002)(ISBN 0849308372)(403s)_PGp_.pdf - 8,211 Mb
788. Transactions on Computational Systems Biology 9 conf.(LNCS5121, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 3540887644)(159s).pdf - 1,861 Mb
789. Luk'yanica A.A., Shishkin A.G. Cifrovaya obrabotka videoizobrazhenij (AjE'sE's, 2009)(ru)(ISBN 9785990189911)(K)(T)(511s)_CsIp_.djvu - 16,008 Mb
790. Hertrich-Jeromin U. Introduction to Moebius differential geometry (CUP, 2003)(ISBN 0521535697)(O)(427s)_MDdg_.pdf - 3,360 Mb
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792. Chen Y., Lee J., Eskandarian A. Meshless methods in solid mechanics (Springer, 2006)(ISBN 0387307362)(O)(210s)_MNs_.pdf - 1,955 Mb
793. Morozov D.H. Vvedenie v teoriyu goryachej plazmy. Ch.1 (NIYaU MIFI, 2011)(ISBN 9785726216324)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(228s)_PPl_.djvu - 2,420 Mb
794. Koskinen H. Physics of Space Storms.. From the Solar Surface to the Earth (Springer, 2011)(ISBN 3642003109)(O)(439s)_PPl_.pdf - 5,864 Mb
795. Das U.N. Molecular basis of health and disease (Springer, 2011)(ISBN 9789400704947)(O)(605s)_BH_.pdf - 2,466 Mb
796. Fine A. The shaky game.. Einstein, realism and the quantum theory (Univ. Chicago, 1986)(ISBN 0226249468)(K)(T)(O)(198s)_PPop_.djvu - 1,813 Mb
797. Ghafouri-Shiraz H. Fundamentals of Laser Diode Amplifiers (Wiley, 1996)(ISBN 0471958727)_PEo_.chm - 1,974 Mb
798. Slavnov A.A., Faddeev L.D. Vvedenie v kvantovuyu teoriyu kalibrovochnyx polej (Nauka, 1978)(ru)(K)(T)(O)(239s)_PQtb_.djvu - 2,286 Mb
799. Tisserand F. Traite de mecanique celeste, tome 4. Satellites de Jupiter et de Saturne (fr)(Gauthier-Villars, 1896)(400dpi)(T)(560s)_PCcm_.djvu - 4,237 Mb
800. McSween Jr H.Y., Huss G.R. Cosmochemistry (CUP, 2010)(ISBN 0521878624)(O)(569s)_PAp_.pdf - 5,760 Mb
801. Voroncov K.V. __LaTeX2e__ v primerah. Osobennosti professional'noj poligrafii (2005)(ru)(59s)_ST_.pdf - 0,660 Mb
802. Proakis J.G., Salehi M. Digital communications (5ed., MGH, 2008)(ISBN 0072957166)(600dpi)(T)(O)(1170s)_EE_.djvu - 12,839 Mb
803. Lorentz H.A., Einstein A., Minkowski H., Weyl H. The principle of relativity. Memoirs on the special and general theory of relativity (Dover, 1923)(ASIN B000RQ7K1Y)(500dpi)(K)(T)(O)(222s)_PGr_.djvu - 2,015 Mb
804. Zempleni J., et al. (eds.) Handbook of vitamins (4ed., CRC, 2007)(ISBN 0849340225)(O)(608s)_BH_.pdf - 4,474 Mb
805. Lewis-Beck M.S. Data Analysis.. An Introduction (Sage, 1995)(ISBN 0803957726)_MVsa_.chm - 0,285 Mb

DVD 58:
1. Shaten'e G., i dr. (_Chateigner_) Uchebnik po obshchej e'lektrotexnike (Texnosfera, 2009)(ru)(ISBN 9785948362106)(K)(T)(626s)_EE_.djvu - 5,726 Mb
2. Darvin Ch. (_Darwin_) Proisxozhdenie cheloveka i polovoj otbor. Vyrazhenie e'mocij u cheloveka i zhivotnyx (AN SSSR, 1953)(ru)(1038s)_B_.pdf - 13,789 Mb
3. Kolmogorov A.N. Foundations of the theory of probability (Chelsea, 1956)(ISBN 0828400237)(T)(92s)_MV_.djvu - 2,256 Mb
4. Zenkevich M. Brat'ya Rajt (ZhZL, 1933)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(202s)_EAs_.djvu - 11,132 Mb
5. Andrilli S., Hecker D. Elementary linear algebra (4ed., AP, 2009)(ISBN 9780123747518)(O)(769s)_MAl_.pdf - 3,044 Mb
6. Blackburn P., Bos J. Representation and inference for natural language, vol. 2 (web draft, 1999)(225s)_CsAi_.pdf - 0,971 Mb
7. Clement P., Lumer G. (eds.) Evolution equations, control theory, and biomathematics (Dekker, 1994)(ISBN 0824788850)(400dpi)(T)(585s)_MCde_.djvu - 5,151 Mb
8. Capolino F. (ed.) Theory and Phenomena of Metamaterials (CRC, 2009)(ISBN 1420054252)(O)(926s)_PE_.pdf - 18,043 Mb
9. Frej K. (red.) (_Frye K._) Mineralogicheskaya e'nciklopediya (Nedra, 1985)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(529s)_PGp_.djvu - 20,911 Mb
10. Ignasimutu S. (_Ignacimuthu_) Osnovy bioinformatiki (RXD, 2007)(ru)(ISBN 9785939726207)(600dpi)(K)(T)(321s)_CsBi_.djvu - 3,265 Mb
11. Security in Communication Networks, 3 conf., SCN 2002(LNCS2576, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540004203)(373s)_CsLn_.pdf - 3,025 Mb
12. Chapelle D., Bathe K.J. The finite element analysis of shells - fundamentals (2ed., Springer, 2011)(ISBN 3642164072)(O)(426s)_MNf_.pdf - 8,129 Mb
13. Feynman R.P. Perfectly Reasonable Deviations from the Beaten Track (Perseus, 2006)(ISBN 0465023711)(T)(C)(516s)_PPop_.djvu - 9,251 Mb
14. Raa T.T. The economics of input-output analysis (CUP, 2005)(ISBN 0521841798)(213s)_GK_.pdf - 0,772 Mb
15. Venkataraman G. At the Speed of Light (University Press, 1995)(ISBN 8173710090)(T)(140s)_PPop_.djvu - 1,035 Mb
16. Markov A. E'volyuciya cheloveka 1. Obez'yany, kosti i geny (Astrel', 2011)(ru)(ISBN 9785271362934)(T)(496s)_BH_.djvu - 7,024 Mb
17. Principles, Systems and Applications of IP Telecommunication, 2 conf., IPTComm 2008(LNCS5310, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540890539)(349s)_CsLn_.pdf - 8,383 Mb
18. Tec V.V. Mikroorganizmy i antibiotiki. Zabolevaniya mochevyvodyashchix putej (Klet, 2005)(ru)(ISBN 5933560375)(164s)_BH_.pdf - 1,033 Mb
19. Active Networks, IFIP TC6 5 conf., IWAN 2003(LNCS2982, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540212507)(318s)_CsLn_.pdf - 4,591 Mb
20. Trench W.F. Solutions manual for Introduction to real analysis (2012)(230s)_MCet_.pdf - 1,202 Mb
21. Boyer R.S. (ed.) Automated reasoning.. essays in honor of W.Bledsoe (Kluwer, 1991)(ISBN 0792314093)(600dpi)(T)(379s)_CsAi_.djvu - 2,704 Mb
22. Hestenes D. New foundations for classical mechanics (2ed., Kluwer, 1999)(ISBN 0792353021)(O)(718s)_PCtm_.pdf - 10,281 Mb
23. Van Tilborg H., Jajodia S. (eds.) Encyclopedia of cryptography and security (2ed., Springer, 2011)(ISBN 9781441959058)(O)(1457s)_CsCr_.pdf - 19,522 Mb
24. Fomenko A.T., Trofimov V.V. Integrable systems on Lie algebras and symmetric spaces (Routledge, 1988)(ISBN 2881241700)(600dpi)(T)(O)(306s)_PD_.djvu - 3,886 Mb
25. Abergel F., et al (eds.) Econophysics of order-driven markets (Springer, 2011)(ISBN 9788847017658)(326s)_FK_.pdf - 3,659 Mb
26. Evolutionary Trends of the Internet, Thyrrhenian on Digital Communications, IWDC 2001(LNCS2170, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540425926)(734s)_CsLn_.pdf - 9,184 Mb
27. Wilde R.E., Singh S. Statistical mechanics (Wiley, 1998)(ISBN 0471161659)(600dpi)(T)(416s)_PT_.djvu - 3,344 Mb
28. Tackling major killers - Cancer (Scientific American special online issue No.17, 2004)(C)(O)(52s)_BH_.pdf - 1,173 Mb
29. Weber M. Dynamical systems and processes (EMS, 2009)(ISBN 3037190469)(O)(773s)_PD_.pdf - 3,288 Mb
30. Nicholson D., Parsonage N.G. Computer simulation and the statistical mechanics of adsorption (AP, 1982)(ISBN 0125180608)(T)(O)(417s)_PTir_.djvu - 3,336 Mb
31. Shterenlixt D.V. Gidravlika (E'nergoatomizdat, 1984)(ru)(K)(T)(640s)_E_.djvu - 5,211 Mb
32. Beshelev S.D., Gurvich F.D. E'kpertnye ocenki (Nauka, 1973)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(163s)_MVsa_.djvu - 1,563 Mb
33. Computers and Games, 4 conf., CG 2004(LNCS3846, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540324887)(343s).pdf - 4,684 Mb
34. Valgina N.S. Teoriya teksta (Logos, 2003)(ISBN 5940101879)(ru)(216s)_LRu_.pdf - 1,893 Mb
35. Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 15 conf., Canadian AI 2002(LNCS2338, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 354043724X)(384s)_CsLn_.pdf - 4,580 Mb
36. AI-IA 2003.. Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 8 conf.(LNCS2829, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 354020119X)(552s)_CsLn_.pdf - 7,762 Mb
37. Sadovnichij V.A. (red.) Kvantovyj komp'yuter i kvantovye vychisleniya, vyp. 2 (RXD, 1999)(ISBN 5898060251)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(288s)_CsQc_.djvu - 1,787 Mb
38. Stoyanovskij D.N. Lechebnyj gipnoz i ego vidy (AST, 2006)(ISBN 5170388357)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(145s)_BH_.djvu - 1,460 Mb
39. Chmutov S., Duzhin S., Mostovoy J. Introduction to Vassiliev knot invariants (draft, CUP, 2012)(ISBN 9781107020832)(512s)_MDat_.pdf - 5,468 Mb
40. Progress in Artificial Intelligence, 10 conf., EPIA 2001(LNCS2258, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 354043030X)(430s)_CsLn_.pdf - 4,719 Mb
41. Gardner R. Famous Experiments You Can Do (Franklin Watts, 1990)(ISBN 9780531108833)(600dpi)(T)(141s)_PPop_.djvu - 3,477 Mb
42. Andreescu T., Andrica D., Feng Z. 104 number theory problems. From the training of the USA IMO team (Birkhauser, 2007)(ISBN 0817645276)(O)(214s)_MSch_.pdf - 0,737 Mb
43. Gandolfo G. International finance and open-economy macroeconomics (Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540434593)(T)(S)(640s)_FG_.djvu - 11,385 Mb
44. Akopyan A.V., Zaslavsky A.A. Geometry of conics (AMS, 2007)(ISBN 0821843230)(600dpi)(T)(O)(143s)_MSch_.djvu - 1,691 Mb
45. Elliott P.D.T.A. Arithmetic functions and integer products (Springer, 1984)(ISBN 0387960945)(600dpi)(T)(479s)_MT_.djvu - 2,253 Mb
46. Kashiwa T., Ohnuki Y., Suzuki M. Path integral methods (OUP, 1997)(ISBN 0198517718)(600dpi)(T)(224s)_PQft_.djvu - 2,299 Mb
47. de Brojl' L. Revolyuciya v fizike. Novaya fizika i kvanty (2izd., Atomizdat, 1965)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(233s)_PPop_.djvu - 2,651 Mb
48. Munthe-Kaas H., Owren B. (eds.) Mathematics and computation, a contemporary view.. The Abel symposium 2006 (Springer, 2008)(ISBN 354068848X)(O)(137s)_MN_.pdf - 3,344 Mb
49. Bigun J. Vision with direction (Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540273220)(395s)_CsIp_.pdf - 6,120 Mb
50. Program Construction 1978(LNCS0069, Springer, 1979)(ISBN 354009251X)(T)(O)(658s)_CsLn_.djvu - 4,866 Mb
51. Scientific American Mind (November-December, 2011)(C)(O)(80s)_BH_.pdf - 12,091 Mb
52. Cooper S.B., Sorbi A. (eds.) Computability in context. Computation and logic in the real world (WS, 2009)(ISBN 1848162456)(O)(419s)_CsNp_.pdf - 2,205 Mb
53. Yan B. Analytical Methods in Combinatorial Chemistry (TP, 2000)(ISBN 1566768098)_Ch_.chm - 2,674 Mb
54. Snyers, Thayse. From Logic Design to Logic Programming.. Theorem Proving Techniques and P-Functions(LNCS0271, Springer, 1987)(ISBN 3540182179)(T)(O)(129s)_CsLn_.djvu - 1,082 Mb
55. Hille E. Methods in classical and functional analysis (AW, 1972)(600dpi)(K)(T)(494s)_MCf_.djvu - 7,991 Mb
56. Burton T.A. Stability and periodic solutions of ordinary and functional differential equations (AP, 1985)(ISBN 0121473600)(T)(O)(348s)_MCde_.djvu - 1,958 Mb
57. Bass F.G., Gurevich Yu.G. Goryachie e'lektrony i sil'nye e'lektromagnitnye polya v plazme poluprovodnikov i gazovogo razryada (Nauka, 1975)(ru)(K)(T)(O)(600dpi)(400s)_PPl_.djvu - 4,202 Mb
58. Harman P.M. (ed.) Wranglers and physicists (Manchester, 1985)(ISBN 0719017564)(T)(O)(272s)_PPop_.djvu - 2,400 Mb
59. Poston T., Styuart I. (_Poston T., Stewart I._) Teoriya katastrof i ee prilozheniya (Mir, 1980)(ru)(T)(O)(609s)_PD_.djvu - 14,945 Mb
60. Brinkhuis J., Tikhomirov V.M. Optimization. Insights and applications (PUP, 2005)(ISBN 0691102872)(O)(433s)_MOc_.epub - 25,721 Mb
61. Golomb S.W., Gong G. Signal design for good correlation (CUP, 2005)(ISBN 0521821045)(T)(S)(458s)_CsCr_.djvu - 2,870 Mb
62. Foundations of Intelligent Systems, 14 conf., ISMIS 2003(LNCS2871, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540202560)(720s)_CsLn_.pdf - 15,307 Mb
63. Songyang Z. (ed.) Telomeres and telomerase. Methods and protocols (2ed., Humana, 2011)(ISBN 1617790915)(O)(203s)_B_.pdf - 4,994 Mb
64. Hoelldobler S. Foundations of Equational Logic Programming(LNCS0353, Springer, 1989)(ISBN 354051533X)(T)(O)(259s)_CsLn_.djvu - 1,971 Mb
65. Computers and Games, 2 conf., CG 2000(LNCS2063, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540430806)(455s)_CsLn_.pdf - 3,673 Mb
66. Akcoglu M.A., Bartha P.F.A., Ha D.M. Analysis in vector spaces (Wiley, 2009)(ISBN 9780470148242)(T)(O)(479s)_MCet_.djvu - 2,558 Mb
67. Computational Science - ICCS 2007, 7 conf.(LNCS4487, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540725831)(1309s).pdf - 44,702 Mb
68. Sangiorgi D., Walker D. The pi-calculus.. a theory of mobile processes (CUP, 2001)(ISBN 0521781779)(600dpi)(T)(592s)_CsF_.djvu - 5,655 Mb
69. Kirk R. Statistics. An introduction (5ed., Wadsworth, 2008)(ISBN 053456478X)(O)(673s)_MVsa_.pdf - 4,232 Mb
70. Park D. Introduction to the quantum theory (2ed., MGH, 1974)(ISBN 0070484813)(600dpi)(T)(685s)_PQmtb_.djvu - 14,424 Mb
71. Gershenzon E.M., Malov N.N., Mansurov A.N. Kurs obshchej fiziki, Tom 2. E'lektrodinamika (Akademiya, 2002)(ru)(ISBN 5769507462)(O)(T)(K)(600dpi)(352s)_PG_.djvu - 3,289 Mb
72. Bol'cano B. Uchenie o nauke (Izbrannoe)(Nauka, 2003)(ru)(ISBN 5020268461)(K)(T)(518s)_MAml_.djvu - 3,671 Mb
73. Shen S.N., Tuszynski J.A. Theory and mathematical methods in bioinformatics (Springer, 2008)(ISBN 3540748903)(O)(450s)_CsBi_.pdf - 3,143 Mb
74. Ambient Intelligence, 1 conf., EUSAI 2003(LNCS2875, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540204180)(446s)_CsLn_.pdf - 9,681 Mb
75. Klein D.R. Organic chemistry I as a second language (Wiley, 2004)(ISBN 0471272353)(400dpi)(T)(S)(313s)_Ch_.djvu - 3,543 Mb
76. CADE Automated Deduction 17 conf.(LNCS1831, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540676643)(530s)_CsLn_.pdf - 5,042 Mb
77. Shah M. Fundamentals of Computer Vision (draft, 1997)(133s)_CsIp_.pdf - 1,835 Mb
78. Database Systems for Advanced Applications, 10 conf., DASFAA 2005(LNCS3453, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540253343)(953s).pdf - 15,143 Mb
79. del Toro Iniesta J.C. Introduction to spectropolarimetry (CUP, 2003)(ISBN 0521818273)(O)(245s)_PAp_.pdf - 1,755 Mb
80. Types for Proofs and Programs, TYPES'94(LNCS0996, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540605797)(T)(O)(211s)_CsLn_.djvu - 1,982 Mb
81. Glyuk I. (_Gluck_) I vse e'to delayut zerkala (Mir, 1970)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(200s)_PPop_.djvu - 2,584 Mb
82. Fitzpatrick M.E., Lodini A. Analysis of Residual Stress By Diffraction Using Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation (Taylor & Francis, 2003)(ISBN 0415303974)_EM_.chm - 8,062 Mb
83. Quality for All, 4th COST 263 on Quality of Future(LNCS2811, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540201920)(236s)_CsLn_.pdf - 4,488 Mb
84. Xrisanfova E.N., Perevozchikov I.V. Antropologiya (4izd., Nauka, 2005)(ru)(ISBN 5020103489)(400s)_BH_.pdf - 10,388 Mb
85. Zheng J. Value distribution of meromorphic functions (Springer, 2011)(ISBN 3642129080)(O)(320s)_MCc_.pdf - 1,359 Mb
86. Rubinov A.M., i dr. Optimal'noe upravlenie v agregirovannyx modelyax e'konomiki (Nauka, 1991)(ru)(ISBN 502024600X)(600dpi)(T)(269s)_GM_.djvu - 4,517 Mb
87. Kogan J., et al. (eds.) Grouping multidimensional data. Recent advances in clustering (Springer, 2006)(ISBN 354028348X)(O)(273s)_CsDm_.pdf - 2,904 Mb
88. Kuz'mina L.M. General'nyj konstruktor Pavel Suxoj (Minsk, 1985)(ru)(T)(O)(273s)_EAs_.djvu - 2,516 Mb
89. Diringer D. Alfavit (IL, 1963)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(C)(659s)_L_.djvu - 21,922 Mb
90. Zhevandrov N.D. Primenenie polyarizovannogo sveta (Nauka, 1978)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(178s)_PEo_.djvu - 2,066 Mb
91. Soicher L. The computation of Galois groups (MS thesis, Montreal, 1981)(200dpi)(T)(104s)_MTc_.djvu - 0,339 Mb
92. Casati G., Chirikov B. (eds.) Quantum chaos.. A selection of papers (CUP, 1995)(ISBN 052143291X)(T)(S)(699s)_PNc_.djvu - 6,654 Mb
93. RoboCup 2004.. Robot Soccer World Cup 8 conf.(LNCS3276, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540250468)(693s).pdf - 14,080 Mb
94. Syropyatov B.Ya. Spravochnik vracha i provizora (Oniks, 2005)(ru)(ISBN 5488000267)(608s)_BH_.pdf - 1,771 Mb
95. Hida T., Si S. An innovation approach to random fields (WS, 2004)(ISBN 9812380957)(O)(204s)_MVspa_.pdf - 1,345 Mb
96. Landau L.D., Kitaigorodsky A.I. Physics for Everyone, Book 3.. Electrons (Mir, 1981)(600dpi)(T)(255s)_PPop_.djvu - 3,383 Mb
97. Aliev I.I. E'lektrotexnicheskij spravochnik (5izd., RadioSoft, 2010)(ISBN 9785930372137)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(O)(385s)_EE_.djvu - 4,243 Mb
98. Chang Z. Fundamentals of Attosecond Optics (CRC, 2011)(ISBN 1420089374)(526s)_PEo_.pdf - 6,489 Mb
99. Evaluation of Multilingual and Multi-modal Information Retrieval, 7 conf., CLEF 2006(LNCS4730, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540749981)(1018s).pdf - 14,897 Mb
100. Golub I.B., Rozental' D.E'. Zanimatel'naya stilistika (Prosveshchenie, 1988)(ru)(ISBN 5090008558)(K)(T)(600dpi)(209s)_LRu_.djvu - 5,950 Mb
101. Yang H. Wave packets and their bifurcations in geophysical fluid dynamics (Springer, 1991)(ISBN 0387972579)(600dpi)(T)(O)(260s)_PGp_.djvu - 2,430 Mb
102. Rauch J. Partial differential equations (Springer, 1991)(ISBN 0387974725)(K)(T)(271s)_MCde_.djvu - 5,762 Mb
103. Jukna S. Boolean function complexity (draft, Springer, 2011)(633s)_CsDi_.pdf - 2,546 Mb
104. Autonomic Communication, 1 conf., WAC 2004(LNCS3457, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540274170)(289s).pdf - 3,447 Mb
105. Bobrovskij G.S. Vodyanoj par (ru)(NPB, Gostexizdat, 1958)(600dpi)(T)(66s)_E_.djvu - 1,205 Mb
106. de Swart H. Introduction to natural language semantics (CSLI, 1998)(ISBN 1575861380)(600dpi)(T)(271s)_CsAi_.djvu - 1,842 Mb
107. Kulik S.D. E'lementy teorii prinyatiya reshenij. Kriterii i zadachi (MIFI, 2010)(ru)(ISBN 9785726212210)(186s)_MOc_.pdf - 1,345 Mb
108. Pope M., Swenberg H.E. Electronic processes in organic crystals and polymers (2ed., OUP, 1999)(ISBN 0195129636)(600dpi)(T)(K)(1351s)_PSa_.djvu - 16,908 Mb
109. Mack D.R. (ed.) The unofficial IEEE brainbuster gamebook (IEEE Press, 1992)(ISBN 0780304233)(T)(C)(136s)_MPop_.djvu - 0,965 Mb
110. Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2004, 9th Ada-Europe on Reliable Software Technologies(LNCS3063, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540220119)(344s)_CsLn_.pdf - 4,322 Mb
111. Schoonhoven L., van Loon J., Dicke M. Insect-plant biology (2ed., OUP, 2005)(ISBN 019852594X)(441s)_B_.pdf - 6,044 Mb
112. Artificial Evolution, 5 conf.(LNCS2310, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540435441)(366s)_CsLn_.pdf - 4,454 Mb
113. Advances in Web-Age Information Management, 3 conf., WAIM 2002(LNCS2419, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540440453)(458s)_CsLn_.pdf - 6,304 Mb
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191. Paugam F. Towards the mathematics of quantum field theory (draft, 2012)(480s)_MP_.pdf - 1,783 Mb
192. Audin M. Fatou, Julia, Montel.. The great prize of mathematical sciences of 1918 (LNM2014, Springer, 2011)(ISBN 3642178537)(O)(348s)_Mln_.pdf - 3,521 Mb
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414. Fritzson P. Principles of object-oriented modeling and simulation with Modelica 2. 1 (IEEE Press, 2004)(ISBN 0471471631)(T)(O)(C)(917s)_MNs_.djvu - 16,853 Mb
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419. Thorpe J.A. Elementary topics in differential geometry (Springer, 1979)(ISBN 0387903577)(600dpi)(T)(O)(266s)_MDdg_.djvu - 2,250 Mb
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439. Katalog izdannyx tomov Itogi nauki i texniki - VINITI - matematicheskie serii (ru)(O)(306s)_MRv_.pdf - 1,229 Mb
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452. Methodologies for Intelligent Systems, 7 conf., ISMIS '93(LNCS0689, Springer, 1993)(ISBN 3540568042)(T)(O)(664s)_CsLn_.djvu - 6,724 Mb
453. Dedov I.I., i dr. Saharnyj diabet 2 tipa. Kniga dlya pacientov (2005)(ru)(114s)_BH_.pdf - 1,525 Mb
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457. ECOOP 2006 - Object-Oriented Programming, 20 conf.(LNCS4067, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540357262)(537s).pdf - 6,481 Mb
458. Shimizu K. Bootstrapping stationary ARMA-GARCH models (Vieweg, 2010)(ISBN 3834809926)(O)(144s)_MVsa_.pdf - 0,647 Mb
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460. Alexander A. Duel at dawn.. Heroes, martyrs, and the rise of modern mathematics (Harvard Univer., 2010)(ISBN 0674046617)(600dpi)(T)(O)(318s)_MPop_.djvu - 3,469 Mb
461. Algebra 06 Combinatorial and asymptotic methods of algebra (EMS57, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540546995)(600dpi)(K)(T)(295s)_MRv_.djvu - 2,499 Mb
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463. Bookstein F.L. Morphometric tools for landmark data.. geometry and biology (CUP, 1997)(ISBN 0521383854)(T)(S)(457s)_MVsa_.djvu - 3,997 Mb
464. de Pater I., Lissauer J.J. Planetary sciences (CUP, 2001)(ISBN 0521482194)(T)(553s)_PAp_.djvu - 20,774 Mb
465. Gensler H. Introduction to Logic (Routledge, 2002)(ISBN 0415226740)_MAml_.chm - 3,862 Mb
466. Regulatory Genomics, RECOMB 2004, RRG 2004(LNCS3318, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540244565)(121s).pdf - 2,574 Mb
467. Runov D.K. Kniga o grammatike. Kurs anglijskogo yazyka na osnove kognitivno-motivacionnogo podxoda k obucheniyu (Karo, 2008)(ISBN 9785992501001)(ru)(K)(T)(123s)_LEn_.djvu - 1,782 Mb
468. Zaguskin S.L. Ritmy kletki i zdorov'e cheloveka (Rostov, 2010)(ru)(ISBN 9785927507771)(C)(292s)_BH_.pdf - 8,219 Mb
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472. Ghahramani S. Fundamentals of probability, with stochastic processes (3ed., PH, 2004)(ISBN 0131453408)(O)(673s)_MV_.pdf - 2,695 Mb
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480. Rajzer Yu.P. Fizika gazovogo razryada (3izd., Intellekt, 2009)(ISBN 9785915590198)(ru)(T)(O)(S)(691s)_PPl_.djvu - 6,869 Mb
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482. Covington M.A. How to use a computerized telescope (CUP, 2002)(ISBN 0521007909)(O)(241s)_PA_.pdf - 5,442 Mb
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484. Shewmon P. Diffusion in solids (no preface,p.135)(2ed., Minerals, 1989)(ISBN 0873391055)(T)(S)(244s)_PS_.djvu - 2,054 Mb
485. Pozzato G. Conditional and Preferential Logics.. Proof Methods and Theorem Proving (IOS Press, 2010)(ISBN 1607500949)(O)(209s)_MAml_.pdf - 1,847 Mb
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488. Verification.. Theory and Practice(LNCS2772, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540210024)(795s)_CsLn_.pdf - 7,145 Mb
489. Depman I.Ya. Rasskazy o reshenii zadach (Det.lit., 1964)(ru)(T)(153s)_MSch_.djvu - 0,925 Mb
490. Erickson J. Algorithms (web draft, 2011)(O)(809s)_CsAl_.pdf - 16,301 Mb
491. Evolutionary Computing, AISB 1995(LNCS0993, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540604693)(T)(O)(273s)_CsLn_.djvu - 3,845 Mb
492. Christodoulou D. Mathematical problems of general relativity I (EMS, 2008)(ISBN 3037190051)(O)(159s)_PGr_.pdf - 0,785 Mb
493. Riley K.F., Hobson M.P. Foundation mathematics for the physical sciences (CUP, 2011)(ISBN 0521192730)(O)(737s)_MCet_.pdf - 3,279 Mb
494. Hart W.D. The evolution of logic (CUP, 2010)(ISBN 0521747724)(O)(311s)_MAml_.pdf - 0,969 Mb
495. Davidson D.B. Computational electromagnetics for RF and microwave engineering (CUP, 2011)(ISBN 0521518911)(O)(532s)_MNs_.pdf - 3,173 Mb
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498. Stanley R. Enumerative combinatorics, vol.1 (2ed., draft, May, 2011)(726s)_MAc_.pdf - 4,016 Mb
499. Grid and Cooperative Computing - GCC 2005, 4 conf.(LNCS3795, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540305106)(1221s).pdf - 25,502 Mb
500. Pease R. Troubleshooting Analog Circuits (Newnes, 1991)(ISBN 0750694998)(600dpi)(T)(O)(230s)_EE_.djvu - 5,677 Mb
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502. Pittenger A.O. An introduction to quantum computing algorithms (Birkhauser, 2000)(ISBN 0817641270)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(152s)_CsQc_.djvu - 1,037 Mb
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504. Vladimirov Yu.S. Prostranstvo-vremya.. yavnye i skrytye razmernosti (2izd., URSS, 2010)(ISBN 9785397010726)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(210s)_PGr_.djvu - 3,484 Mb
505. Jackson I. (ed.) The Earth's mantle (CUP, 1998)(ISBN 0521563445)(O)(T)(S)(592s)_PGp_.djvu - 7,454 Mb
506. Bahouri H., Chemin J.Y., Danchin R. Fourier analysis and nonlinear partial differential equations (Springer, 2011)(ISBN 3642168299)(O)(540s)_MCde_.pdf - 3,155 Mb
507. Discovery Science, 7 conf., DS 2004(LNCS3245, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540233571)(442s).pdf - 6,077 Mb
508. Suprun V.P. Matematika dlya starsheklassnikov. Zadachi povyshennoj slozhnosti (URSS, 2008)(ru)(K)(T)(196s)_MSch_.djvu - 0,884 Mb
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510. Belyaev I.A. Anglo-russkij slovar' trudnostej nauchno-texnicheskoj leksiki (net poslednix str.)(Valent, 2007)(ru)(ISBN 5934392115)(K)(T)(345s)_LEn_.djvu - 2,735 Mb
511. Gasik M. (ed.) Materials for Fuel Cells (CRC, 2008)(ISBN 1420079700)(512s)_Ch_.pdf - 8,344 Mb
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513. Date C.J. An Introduction to Database Systems.. Volume 1 (6ed., AW, 1994)(ISBN 9780201824582)(T)(863s)_CsDb_.djvu - 7,145 Mb
514. Ikramov X.D. Chislennoe reshenie matrichnyx uravnenij (FML, 1984)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(192s)_MNl_.djvu - 3,530 Mb
515. The Data Parallel Programming Model.. Foundations(LNCS1132, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540617361)(T)(O)(299s)_CsLn_.djvu - 2,924 Mb
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518. Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 6 conf., PAKDD 2002(LNCS2336, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540437045)(581s)_CsLn_.pdf - 9,728 Mb
519. Pohl H.A. Quantum Mechanics For Science And Engineering (PH, 1967)(ISBN B000HE6SIW)(T)(124s)_PQmtb_.djvu - 1,033 Mb
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522. Intelligent Robotics and Applications, 1 conf., ICIRA 2008(LNCS5315, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540885160)(1288s)_CsLn_.pdf - 60,782 Mb
523. Agrachev A. (ed.) Summer school on mathematical control theory (ICTP, 2002)(ISBN 929500311X)(O)(779s)_MOc_.pdf - 3,812 Mb
524. Coles S. An Introduction to Statistical Modeling of Extreme Values (Springer, 2001)(ISBN 9781852334598)(600dpi)(K)(T)(221s)_MVsa_.pdf - 11,377 Mb
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527. Padmanabhan T. After the first three minutes (CUP, 1998)(ISBN 0521620392)(T)(S)(228s)_PPop_.djvu - 2,347 Mb
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533. Baron R. (ed.) Computational drug discovery and design (Humana, 2012)(ISBN 9781617794643)(O)(646s)_CsBi_.pdf - 11,294 Mb
534. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction.. Ambient Interaction, 4 conf., UAHCI 2007(LNCS4555, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 9783540732808)(1075s).pdf - 47,077 Mb
535. Gross J., Tucker T. Topological graph theory (Wiley, 1987)(ISBN 0471049263)(600dpi)(T)(O)(366s)_MDat_.djvu - 3,065 Mb
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538. Greblicki W., Pawlak M. Nonparametric system identification (CUP, 2008)(ISBN 0521868041)(O)(402s)_MVsa_.pdf - 2,557 Mb
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545. Gonzalez Szwacki N., Szwacka T. Basic elements of crystallography (Pan Stanford, 2010)(ISBN 9814241598)(O)(207s)_PS_.pdf - 2,460 Mb
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547. Advanced Conceptual Modeling Techniques, ER 2002(LNCS2784, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540202552)(465s)_CsLn_.pdf - 5,346 Mb
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549. Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 14 conf., SBIA '98(LNCS1515, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 354065190X)(269s)_CsLn_.pdf - 2,705 Mb
550. Tyler F. Problems in Physics for Advanced Level and Scholarship Students.. SI Version (Hodder Arnold, 1971)(ISBN 0713122951)(T)(O)(201s)_PG_.djvu - 1,474 Mb
551. Sethna J.P. Statistical mechanics.. Entropy, order parameters, and complexity (draft, OUP, 2006)(ISBN 0198566778)(O)(371s)_PT_.pdf - 5,697 Mb
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553. Bashkin V.N. E'kologicheskie riski. Raschet, upravlenie, strahovanie (VSh, 2007)(ru)(ISBN 9785060055597)(K)(T)(O)(361s)_B_.djvu - 4,310 Mb
554. Formal Techniques, Modelling and Analysis of Timed and Fault-Tolerant Systems, FORMATS 2004(LNCS3253, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540231676)(406s).pdf - 4,529 Mb
555. Diniz P. Adaptive Filtering (3ed., Springer, 2008)(ISBN 0387312749)(O)(636s)_MNw_.pdf - 7,299 Mb
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557. Menini L, Tornambe A. Symmetries and semi-invariants in the analysis of nonlinear systems (Springer, 2011)(ISBN 0857296116)(O)(351s)_MCde_.pdf - 1,887 Mb
558. Stubhaug A. Gosta Mittag-Leffler.. A man of conviction (Springer, 2010)(ISBN 364211671X)(O)(744s)_MPop_.pdf - 8,637 Mb
559. Vrabie I. Differential equations (WS, 2004)(ISBN 9812388389)(T)(O)(420s)_MCde_.djvu - 2,466 Mb
560. Gorodeckij A.Ya. Informacionnye sistemy, veroyatnostnye modeli i statisticheskie resheniya (SPbGPU, 2003)(ru)(ISBN 574220381X)(326s)_MV_.pdf - 1,569 Mb
561. Management of Convergence Networks and Services, 9 conf., APNOMS 2006(LNCS4238, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540457763)(620s).pdf - 22,430 Mb
562. Shingareva I., Lizarraga-Celaya C. Solving nonlinear partial differential equations with Maple and Mathematica (Springer, 2011)(ISBN 3709105161)(O)(372s)_MCde_.pdf - 5,228 Mb
563. Portugal V.M., i dr. Organizacionnaya struktura operativnogo upravleniya proizvodstvom (Nauka, 1986)(ru)(T)(K)(O)(600dpi)(225s)_GU_.djvu - 2,761 Mb
564. Primrose S.B., Twyman R.M. Genomics.. Applications in Human Biology (Blackwell, 2004)(ISBN 1405108193)(229s)_BN_.pdf - 2,008 Mb
565. Ward P. A Lifetime's Reading.. The World's 500 Greatest Books (Stein & Day, 1985)(ISBN 9780812862324)(600dpi)(T)(383s)_LEn_.djvu - 3,887 Mb
566. Styuart I. (_Stewart_) Istina i krasota (Astrel', 2010)(ru)(ISBN 9785271271786)(600dpi)(T)(466s)_MPop_.djvu - 3,191 Mb
567. Sachdev S. Quantum Phase Transitions (2ed., CUP, 2011)(ISBN 0521514681)(O)(521s)_PTpt_.pdf - 2,649 Mb
568. Bolezni zheludka (Populyarnaya medicina, 2010)(ru)(ISBN 9789660337183)(T)(300s)_BH_.djvu - 1,869 Mb
569. Beaney M. Frege.. Making sense (Duckworth, 1996)(ISBN 0715627120)(T)(O)(368s)_MAml_.djvu - 2,796 Mb
570. Spiller G. (ed.) CRC handbook of dietary fiber in human nutrition (3ed., CRC, 2001)(ISBN 0849323878)(O)(733s)_BH_.pdf - 4,740 Mb
571. Cosgrove T. (ed.) Colloid Science (2ed., Wiley, 2010)(ISBN 144432019X)(O)(399s)_Ch_.pdf - 5,114 Mb
572. Trevisan L. Combinatorial optimization.. Exact and approximate algorithms (draft, Stanford Univ., 2011)(O)(139s)_MOc_.pdf - 0,677 Mb
573. Solov'eva N.N. Kak pishetsya pravil'no. Normy orfografii i punktuacii russkogo yazyka (Oniks, 2008)(ru)(ISBN 9785488019072)(600dpi)(T)(O)(96s)_LRu_.djvu - 0,663 Mb
574. Volklein H. Groups as Galois groups.. An introduction (CUP, 1996)(ISBN 0521065038)(T)(O)(264s)_MAtg_.djvu - 1,623 Mb
575. Viner N. (_Wiener N._) Integral Fur'e i nekotorye ego prilozheniya (FML, 1963)(ru)(T)(S)(O)(256s)_MCf_.djvu - 2,054 Mb
576. Robinson J.A. Logic.. Form and function - The Mechanization of Deductive Reasoning (Edinburgh Univ., 1979)(ISBN 9780852243053)(600dpi)(T)(316s)_CsAi_.djvu - 2,037 Mb
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607. Tannor D.J. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics.. A Time-Dependent Perspective (University Science Books, 2006)(ISBN 9781891389238)(T)(C)(671s)_PQmtb_.djvu - 8,177 Mb
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636. Architecture of Computing Systems - ARCS 2006, 19 conf.(LNCS3894, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540327657)(506s).pdf - 10,186 Mb
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639. Taylor M.E. Partial differential equations 2. Qualitative studies of linear equations (2ed., Springer, 2011)(ISBN 1441970517)(O)(637s)_MCde_.pdf - 3,263 Mb
640. Massey W.S. A basic course in algebraic topology (Springer, 1991)(ISBN 038797430X)(T)(O)(444s)_MDat_.djvu - 3,008 Mb
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642. Stewart I. Galois theory (3ed., CRC, 2003)(ISBN 1584883936)(K)(T)(O)(323s)_MAa_.djvu - 2,953 Mb
643. Accardi L., Tasaki S. (eds.) Fundamental Aspects Of Quantum Physics (QPPQ017, WS, 2003)(ISBN 9789812382955)(T)(O)(347s)_PQm_.djvu - 2,154 Mb
644. Extreme Programming and Agile Processes in Software Engineering, 5 conf., XP 2004(LNCS3092, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540221379)(371s)_CsLn_.pdf - 3,409 Mb
645. Schmuki P., Virtanen S. (eds.) Electrochemistry at the Nanoscale (Springer, 2009)(ISBN 038773581X)(O)(476s)_Ch_.pdf - 12,353 Mb
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647. Denardo E.V. Linear programming and generalizations. A problem-based introduction with spreadsheets (Springer, 2011)(ISBN 1441964908)(O)(684s)_MOc_.pdf - 5,330 Mb
648. Yoneyama T., Miyazaki S. (eds.) Shape Memory Alloys for Biomedical Applications (Woodhead, 2009)(ISBN 9781845693442)(O)(347s)_PSa_.pdf - 5,886 Mb
649. Bronshte'n V.A. Tungusskij meteorit. Istoriya issledovaniya (Sel'yanov, 2000)(ru)(ISBN 5901273044)(600dpi)(K)(T)(313s)_PPop_.djvu - 5,512 Mb
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659. Schulz A.R. Enzyme kinetics (CUP, 1994)(ISBN 0521445000)(T)(S)(257s)_Ch_.djvu - 1,686 Mb
660. Janelidze G., et al. (eds.) Galois theory, Hopf algebras, and semiabelian categories (AMS, 2004)(ISBN 0821832905)(600dpi)(T)(O)(583s)_MAa_.djvu - 4,800 Mb
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663. Du D.-Z., Hwang F.K. Combinatorial group testing and its applications (2ed., WS, 2000)(ISBN 9810241070)(T)(O)(336s)_MAtg_.djvu - 2,052 Mb
664. Zaliznyak A.A. Iz zametok o lyubitel'skoj lingvistike (Russkij mir, 2010)(ru)(ISBN 9785895771327)(T)(243s)_LRu_.djvu - 1,266 Mb
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668. Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart, 5 conf., FIMH 2009(LNCS5528, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783642019319)(550s)_CsLn_.pdf - 41,287 Mb
669. Algebraic geometry 01 Algebraic curves, algebraic manifolds and schemes (EMS, Springer, 2009)(ISBN 9783540519959)(T)(O)(310s)_MRv_.djvu - 2,530 Mb
670. Arago F. (_Arago F._) Biografii znamenityx astronomov, fizikov i geometrov, t. 1 (RXD, 2000)(ISBN 593972017X)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(496s)_PPop_.djvu - 3,208 Mb
671. Logic Programming, 19 conf., ICLP 2003(LNCS2916, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540206426)(532s)_CsLn_.pdf - 7,158 Mb
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674. Yeh K.C., Liu C.H. Theory of Ionospheric Waves (AP, 1972)(ISBN 0127704507)(T)(O)(480s)_PPl_.djvu - 3,775 Mb
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676. Tyurin A.N. Kvantovanie, klassicheskaya i kvantovaya teoriya polya i te'ta-funkcii (RXD, 2003)(ISBN 5939722849)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(190s)_PQft_.djvu - 1,430 Mb
677. von Davier A. (ed.) Statistical models for test equating, scaling, and linking (Springer, 2010)(ISBN 0387981373)(O)(388s)_MVsa_.pdf - 2,839 Mb
678. Extreme Programming and Agile Processes in Software Engineering, 4 conf., XP 2003(LNCS2675, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540402152)(479s)_CsLn_.pdf - 3,412 Mb
679. Goryunov A.F. Uravneniya matematicheskoj fiziki v primerax i zadachax. Ch.1 (MIFI, 2008)(ru)(ISBN 9785726210476)(616s)_MPt_.pdf - 3,088 Mb
680. van Dongen M.R.C. LaTeX and friends (Springer, 2012)(ISBN 9783642238154)(O)(324s)_ST_.pdf - 5,261 Mb
681. User-Centered Interaction Paradigms for Universal Access in the Information Society, 8 conf.(LNCS3196, Springer, 2004)(ISBN 354023375X)(488s)_CsLn_.pdf - 5,991 Mb
682. Buchberger B., Collins G., Loos R. (eds.) Computer Algebra.. Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (2ed., Springer, 1983)(ISBN 9783211817766)(600dpi)(T)(291s)_CsCa_.djvu - 2,310 Mb
683. Beggs C. Energy.. Management, Supply and Conservation (2ed., BH, 2009)(ISBN 0750686707)(O)(384s)_E_.pdf - 2,008 Mb
684. Zelkin G. Flying Trains (Science for Everyone) (Mir, 1986)(ISBN 0828533016)(600dpi)(T)(155s)_PPop_.djvu - 1,802 Mb
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686. Borceux F., Janelidze G. Galois theories (CUP, 2001)(ISBN 0521803098)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(353s)_MAa_.djvu - 2,236 Mb
687. Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases, 4 conf., DOOD'95(LNCS1013, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540606084)(T)(O)(573s)_CsLn_.djvu - 5,145 Mb
688. Zhol' K.K. Logika v licax i simvolax (3izd., Kiev, 2006)(ru)(T)(353s)_MAml_.djvu - 3,489 Mb
689. Boyer C.B., Merzbach U.C. A history of mathematics (no pp. 79,169,259,349,439,529,619) (Wiley, 2011)(ISBN 0470525487)(O)(690s)_MPop_.pdf - 5,946 Mb
690. Gnadig P., Honyek G., Riley K.F. 200 Puzzling Physics Problems (CUP, 2005)(ISBN 052154078X)(600dpi)(T)(O)(263s)_PSch_.djvu - 1,834 Mb
691. Advances in Information Retrieval, 24 conf., 2002(LNCS2291, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540433430)(375s)_CsLn_.pdf - 4,319 Mb
692. Rhodes R. The twilight of the bombs (Alfred A. Knopf, 2010)(ISBN 0307267547)(600dpi)(T)(O)(387s)_PPop_.djvu - 4,274 Mb
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694. Dodgson C.L. Euclid and his modern rivals (CUP, 2009)(ISBN 1108001009)(T)(336s)_MPop_.djvu - 1,737 Mb
695. Kalnay E. Atmospheric Modeling, Data Assimilation and Predictability (CUP, 2002)(ISBN 9780521791793)(O)(369s)_PGp_.pdf - 3,525 Mb
696. Extreme Programming and Agile Methods - XP-Agile Universe 2003(LNCS2753, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 354040662X)(236s)_CsLn_.pdf - 3,355 Mb
697. Feynman R.P., Leighton R.B., Sands M. Feynman-Vorlesungen ueber Physik.. Band I.. Mechanik, Strahlung, Waerme (de)(5ed., Oldenbourg, 2007)(ISBN 3486581082)(O)(798s)_PG_.djvu - 35,791 Mb
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702. Erlov N.G. Opticheskaya okeanografiya (Mir, 1970)(ru)(T)(O)(223s)_PGp_.djvu - 1,779 Mb
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707. Doets K., van Eijck J. The Haskell road to logic, maths and programming (College Publications, 2004)(ISBN 0954300696)(449s)_CsDi_.pdf - 1,209 Mb
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710. Distributed Computing, Mobile and Wireless Computing 4 conf., IWDC 2002(LNCS2571, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 354000355X)(367s)_CsLn_.pdf - 3,769 Mb
711. Franzese G., Rubi M. (eds.) Aspects of Physical Biology (LNP0752, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 354078764X)(O)(233s)_B_.pdf - 5,119 Mb
712. Ezhova K.V. Modelirovanie i obrabotka izobrazhenij (SPbNIU ITMO, 2009)(ru)(O)(95s)_CsIp_.pdf - 2,776 Mb
713. Langtangen H.P. A primer on scientific programming with Python (3ed., Springer, 2012)(ISBN 9783642302923)(O)(820s)_CsPl_.pdf - 5,184 Mb
714. van Tilborg X.K.A. (_van Tilborg H.C.A._) Osnovy kriptologii (Mir, 2006)(ISBN 5030036393)(ru)(400dpi)(T)(S)(474s)_CsCr_.djvu - 5,387 Mb
715. Petrov N.P., i dr. Gidrodinamicheskaya teoriya smazki (GTTI, 1934)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(O)(577s)_E_.djvu - 5,564 Mb
716. Interactive Storytelling, 1 conf., ICIDS 2008(LNCS5334, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540894247)(344s)_CsLn_.pdf - 15,852 Mb
717. Computational Methods in Systems Biology, 1 conf., CMSB 2003(LNCS2602, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540006052)(223s)_CsLn_.pdf - 3,159 Mb
718. Formal Methods and Software Engineering, 10 conf., ICFEM 2008(LNCS5256, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540881933)(407s)_CsLn_.pdf - 4,737 Mb
719. Intelligent Agents for Telecommunication Applications, 3 conf., IATA '99(LNCS1699, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540665390)(198s)_CsLn_.pdf - 2,248 Mb
720. Networking in Open Systems 1986(LNCS0248, Springer, 1987)(ISBN 3540177078)(T)(O)(447s)_CsLn_.djvu - 4,025 Mb
721. Baernstein A., Sawyer E.T. Embedding and multiplier theorems for Hp (MemAMS v53 n318, AMS, 1985)(ISBN 0821823183)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(87s)_MCc_.djvu - 0,586 Mb
722. Evans L.C. Partial differential equations (AMS, 1998)(ISBN 0821807722)(K)(T)(O)(664s)_MCde_.djvu - 3,380 Mb
723. Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, 3 conf., HAIS 2008(LNCS5271, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540876557)(784s)_CsLn_.pdf - 26,341 Mb
724. Barton D., Parekh S. Half a century of free radical chemistry (CUP, 1993)(ISBN 052144005X)(T)(S)(176s)_Ch_.djvu - 0,891 Mb
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727. Tartakoff D.S. Non-elliptic partial differential equations (Springer, 2011)(ISBN 1441998128)(O)(212s)_MCde_.pdf - 1,142 Mb
728. Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery, 9 conf., DGCI 2000(LNCS1953, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540413960)(543s)_CsLn_.pdf - 9,081 Mb
729. Applied Parallel Computing, Large Scale Scientific and Industrial Problems, 4 conf., PARA '98(LNCS1541, Springer, 1998)(ISBN 3540654143)(T)(O)(598s)_CsLn_.djvu - 5,674 Mb
730. Joyner D. Coding theory and cryptography.. From Enigma and Geheimschreiber to quantum theory (no TOC)(Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540663363)(O)(261s)_CsCr_.pdf - 2,372 Mb
731. Langel R.A., Hinze W.J. The magnetic field of the Earth's lithosphere (CUP, 1998)(ISBN 0521473330)(O)(T)(S)(446s)_PGp_.djvu - 8,520 Mb
732. Wilcox C.H. Scattering theory for diffraction gratings (Springer, 1984)(ISBN 0387909249)(600dpi)(T)(O)(176s)_PEo_.djvu - 1,430 Mb
733. Karukstis K.K., Van Hecke G.R. Chemistry connections.. the chemical basis of everyday phenomena (2ed., AP, 2003)(ISBN 0124001513)(O)(T)(S)(277s)_Ch_.djvu - 2,796 Mb
734. Gaponov V.I. E'lektrony (ru)(NPB, Gostexizdat, 1949)(600dpi)(T)(C)(50s)_E_.djvu - 0,858 Mb
735. Rogunovich V.P. Avtomatizaciya matematicheskogo modelirovaniya dvizheniya vody i primesej v vodotokax (Gidrometeoizdat, 1989)(ru)(ISBN 5286001696)(T)(264s)_MNs_.djvu - 2,351 Mb
736. Problemy kibernetiki, vyp.07 (FML, 1962)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(237s)_Cs_.djvu - 5,184 Mb
737. Intelligent Agents, ECAI-94 Workshop on Agent Theories(LNCS0890, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540588558)(T)(O)(414s)_CsLn_.djvu - 3,758 Mb
738. Faddeev L.D., Mal'cev A.A. (eds.) Topology. General and algebraic topology. Leningrad, 1983 (LNM1060, Springer, 1984)(ISBN 3540133372)(T)(O)(413s)_Mln_.djvu - 4,724 Mb
739. Munteanu L., Donescu S. Introduction to soliton theory. Applications to mechanics (FTP0143, Kluwer, 2005)(ISBN 1402025769)(O)(328s)_MP_.pdf - 2,850 Mb
740. Neelakanta P.S. Handbook of electromagnetic materials (CRC, 1995)(ISBN 0849325005)(T)(O)(596s)_PSa_.djvu - 6,952 Mb
741. Hill G.W. The collected mathematical works of George William Hill, v. 3 (Washington, Carnegie Inst., 1906)(K)(600dpi)(T)(579s)_PA_.djvu - 10,447 Mb
742. Burdess N. Starting statistics. A short, clear guide (SAGE, 2010)(ISBN 9781849200974)(O)(198s)_MVsa_.pdf - 3,704 Mb
743. Marro J., Dickman R. Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions in Lattice Models (CUP, 1999)(ISBN 052101946X)(T)(S)(343s)_PTpt_.djvu - 3,196 Mb
744. Zelenyak O.P. Reshenie zadach po planimetrii. Texnologiya algoritmicheskogo podxoda (DiaSoft, 2008)(ISBN 5937721896)(ru)(L)(166s)_MSch_.pdf - 4,109 Mb
745. Freed D.S., Uhlenbeck K.K. (eds.) Geometry and quantum field theory (AMS, 1995)(ISBN 0821804006)(T)(470s)_PQft_.djvu - 4,190 Mb
746. Mason L., Nutku Y. (eds.) Geometry and Integrability (CUP, 2003)(ISBN 0521529999)(T)(O)(167s)_PD_.djvu - 1,089 Mb
747. Human-Computer Interaction, 3 conf., EWHCI '93(LNCS0753, Springer, 1993)(ISBN 3540574336)(T)(O)(398s)_CsLn_.djvu - 4,773 Mb
748. Jenkins G.M., Watts D.G. Spectral Analysis and its applications (Holden-Day,1968)(1200dpi)(T)(548s)_MNw_.djvu - 18,337 Mb
749. Nijenhuis K.t. Thermoreversible Networks.. Viscoelastic Properties and Structure of Gels (Springer, 1997)(ISBN 3540618570)(T)(O)(C)(270s)_Ch_.djvu - 4,021 Mb
750. Tabak J. Algebra. Sets, symbols, and the language of thought (Facts on file, 2011)(ISBN 0816079447)(O)(257s)_MPop_.pdf - 2,534 Mb
751. Gesture in Human-Computer Interaction and Simulation, 6 conf., GW 2005(LNCS3881, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540326243)(355s).pdf - 9,628 Mb
752. ICM-1990, Kyoto. Proceedings, Vol. 1 (Springer, 1991)(ISBN 4431700471)(600dpi)(T)(O)(856s)_M_.djvu - 8,640 Mb
753. Formal Methods for Components and Objects, 1 conf., FMCO 2002(LNCS2852, Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540203036)(516s)_CsLn_.pdf - 4,588 Mb
754. Sitenko A.G. Scattering theory (Springer, 1991)(ISBN 354051953X)(600dpi)(T)(300s)_PQm_.djvu - 4,522 Mb
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756. Fedotov M.V. Podgotovka k vstupitel'nym e'kzamenam v MGU. Varianty pis'mennyx e'kzamenov po matematike 2001-2005 (MGU VMiK, 2006)(ISBN 5894072336)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(195s)_MSch_.djvu - 1,169 Mb
757. Sattler K.D. (ed.) Handbook of Nanophysics, vol. 5 Functional nanomaterials (CRC, 2010)(ISBN 1420075527)(O)(790s)_PSa_.pdf - 23,370 Mb
758. Trustworthy Global Computing, 3 conf., TGC 2007(LNCS4912, Springer, 2008)(ISBN 9783540786627)(410s).pdf - 5,279 Mb
759. Grabmeier J., et al. (eds.) Computer algebra handbook (Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540654666)(600dpi)(T)(656s)_CsCa_.djvu - 5,798 Mb
760. Oliveira P.E. Asymptotics for associated random variables (Springer, 2012)(ISBN 9783642255311)(O)(205s)_MV_.pdf - 1,092 Mb
761. Ada in Europe 2 conf.(LNCS1031, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540607579)(T)(O)(466s)_CsLn_.djvu - 4,619 Mb
762. Ghiani G., Laporte G., Musmanno R. Introduction to logistics systems planning and control (Wiley, 2004)(ISBN 0470849169)(368s)_MOc_.pdf - 1,693 Mb
763. Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence, 3 conf., MDAI 2006(LNCS3885, Springer, 2006)(ISBN 3540327800)(383s).pdf - 5,265 Mb
764. CADE Automated Deduction 7 conf.(LNCS0170, Springer, 1984)(ISBN 3540960228)(T)(O)(514s)_CsLn_.djvu - 5,181 Mb
765. Paxotin A.I. Vse o modal'nyx glagolax i soslagatel'nom naklonenii (Kareva, 2005)(ru)(ISBN 598035011X)(600dpi)(K)(T)(128s)_LEn_.djvu - 4,683 Mb
766. Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based Systems, 7 conf., EKAW'93(LNCS0723, Springer, 1993)(ISBN 3540572538)(T)(O)(459s)_CsLn_.djvu - 6,740 Mb
767. Intelligent Problem Solving, Methodologies and Approaches, 13 conf., IEA-AIE 2000(LNCS1821, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540676899)(784s)_CsLn_.pdf - 16,307 Mb
768. Smythe W.R. Static And Dynamic Electricity (3ed., Taylor & Francis, 1989)(ISBN 9780891169178)(T)(O)(845s)_PE_.djvu - 8,285 Mb
769. Meta-Level Architectures and Reflection, 2 conf., Reflection'99(LNCS1616, Springer, 1999)(ISBN 3540662804)(282s)_CsLn_.pdf - 2,184 Mb
770. Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2002, 7th Ada-Europe on Reliable Software Technologies(LNCS2361, Springer, 2002)(ISBN 3540437843)(379s)_CsLn_.pdf - 4,887 Mb
771. Paidoussis M., Price S., de Langre E. Fluid-Structure Interactions (CUP, 2010)(ISBN 0521119421)(O)(414s)_EM_.pdf - 5,263 Mb
772. Smart Card Programming and Security, on Research in Smart Cards, E-smart 2001(LNCS2140, Springer, 2001)(ISBN 3540426108)(263s)_CsLn_.pdf - 4,142 Mb
773. Natelson B. Your symptoms are real.. What to do when your doctor says nothing is wrong (Wiley, 2008)(ISBN 0471740284)(290s)_BH_.pdf - 0,797 Mb
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775. Grammatical Inference.. Learning Syntax from Sentences, 3 conf., ICGI-96(LNCS1147, Springer, 1996)(ISBN 3540617787)(T)(O)(335s)_CsLn_.djvu - 3,673 Mb
776. Kota V.K.B., Haq R.U. (eds.) Spectral distributions in nuclei and statistical spectroscopy (WS, 2010)(ISBN 9814287385)(T)(O)(716s)_PM_.djvu - 10,867 Mb
777. Kopylov G.I. Elementary Kinematics of Elementary Particles (Science for Everyone) (Mir, 1983)(ASIN B0007B2PVY)(600dpi)(T)(O)(273s)_PPop_.djvu - 3,853 Mb
778. Kahrs S. Mistakes and ambiguities in the definition of Standard ML (1993)(600dpi)(T)(33s)_CsPl_.djvu - 0,239 Mb

DVD 59:
1. Kaplan S.A., Pikel'ner S.B. Fizika mezhzvyozdnoj sredy (FML, 1979)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(O)(593s)_PAp_.djvu - 7,309 Mb
2. Grotendorst J., Attig N., Bluegel S., Marx D. Multiscale Simulation Methods in Molecular Sciences (Juelich Supercomputing Centre, 2009)(ISBN 9783981084382)(O)(592s)_ChCm_.pdf - 9,174 Mb
3. Istoriko-matematicheskie issledovaniya, Vypusk 13 (GIFML, 1960)(ru)(T)(C)(562s)_MB_.djvu - 12,634 Mb
4. Kuznecov B.G. E'volyuciya kartiny mira (AN SSSR, 1961)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(O)(352s)_PPop_.djvu - 4,177 Mb
5. Spiegel M. Schaum's mathematical handbook of formulas and tables(2ed., MGH, 1998)(ISBN 0070382034)(T)(278s)_MRef_.djvu - 1,874 Mb
6. Friedman D.P., Wand M. Essentials of programming languages (3ed., MIT, 2008)(ISBN 0262062798)(433s)_CsPl_.pdf - 1,226 Mb
7. Brieskorn E., Knoerrer H. Plane Algebraic Curves (Springer, 2012)(ISBN 9783034804929)(600dpi)(T)(O)(732s)_MAg_.djvu - 6,065 Mb
8. Scholtes S. Introduction to piecewise differentiable equations (Springer, 2012)(ISBN 9781461443391)(O)(141s)_MOc_.pdf - 0,735 Mb
9. Novyj spravochnik ximika i texnologa. Syr'yo i produkty promyshlennosti org. i neorg. veshchestv ch.2 (Professional, 2007)(ru)(ISBN 5983710281)((400dpi)(T)(1144s)_Ch_.djvu - 26,398 Mb
10. Goldman M. Quantum description of high resolution NMR in liquids (OUP, 1988)(ISBN 0198556527)(T)(S)(285s)_PQm_.djvu - 1,762 Mb
11. Fuchs L., Salce L. Modules over non-Noetherian domains (AMS, 2000)(ISBN 0821819631)(T)(O)(625s)_MAa_.djvu - 5,330 Mb
12. Tarasov L.V. Chetyrnadcat' lekcij o lazerax (2izd., URSS, 2011)(ru)(K)(T)(O)(179s)_PPop_.djvu - 2,432 Mb
13. Tertychny-Dauri V.Y. Adaptive Mechanics (Springer, 2002)(ISBN 9789401037273)(600dpi)(T)(O)(516s)_PCtm_.djvu - 8,108 Mb
14. Craig J.J. Introduction to Robotics Mechanics and Control (3ed., Pearson, 2005)(ISBN 0131236296)(T)(O)(408s)_E_.djvu - 3,419 Mb
15. Shaffner G. The arithmetic of life and death (Ballantine Books, 1999)(ISBN 9780307775740)_MPop_.epub - 3,031 Mb
16. Hearn R.A., Demaine E.D. Games, puzzles, and computation (A.K.Peters, 2009)(ISBN 9781568813226)(O)(226s)_MSch_.pdf - 1,582 Mb
17. Yamamoto Y., Tassone F., Cao H. Semiconductor cavity quantum electrodynamics (STMP0169, Springer, 2000)(ISBN 3540675205)(O)(164s)_PEo_.pdf - 2,247 Mb
18. Bogolubov N.N., Logunov A.A., Todorov I.T. Introduction to Axiomatic Quantum Field Theory (Benjamin, 1975)(ISBN B000IM4HLS)(600dpi)(T)(S)(736s)_PQft_.djvu - 5,490 Mb
19. Olive J., et al. (eds.) Handbook of natural language processing and machine translation (Springer, 2011)(ISBN 9781441977120)(O)(964s)_CsNl_.pdf - 16,421 Mb
20. Walker H.M. Problems for computer solutions using BASIC (Winthrop Publishers, 1980)(ISBN 0876267177)(600dpi)(T)(O)(200s)_CsAl_.djvu - 1,762 Mb
21. Purcell E. Electricity and Magnetism (CUP, 2011)(ISBN 9781107013605)(T)(O)(504s)_PE_.djvu - 7,053 Mb
22. Krasikov I.V., Krasikova I.E. Algoritmy. Prosto kak dvazhdy dva (E'ksmo, 2007)(ru)(ISBN 9785699210473)(T)(247s)_CsAl_.djvu - 1,528 Mb
23. McLachlan N.W. Theory and application of Mathieu functions (Oxford, 1947)(ASIN B0007J48DE)(K)(600dpi)(T)(412s)_MCsf_.djvu - 6,655 Mb
24. Bazarov I.P. Termodinamika (4izd., VSh, 1991)(ru)(ISBN 5060006263)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(377s)_PT_.djvu - 4,156 Mb
25. Formal Methods, 17 conf., FM2011 (LNCS6664, Springer, 2011)(ISBN 9783642214363)(O)(462s)_CsLn_.pdf - 5,380 Mb
26. Dzharvi G. Anglijskaya grammatika - e'to prosto. Grammaticheskij spravochnik (2izd., AST, 2009)(ru)(ISBN 9785170589678)(K)(T)(O)(288s)_LEn_.djvu - 1,906 Mb
27. Kadomtsev B.B., Shafranov V.D. (eds.) Reviews of Plasma Physics, Vol. 24 (Springer, 2007)(ISBN 0387710884)(O)(214s)_PPl_.pdf - 1,708 Mb
28. Tokarev V.V., Sokolov A.V. Metody optimal'nyx reshenij. Tom 1 (2izd., FML, 2011)(ru)(ISBN 9785922112574)(600dpi)(T)(566s)_MOc_.djvu - 5,626 Mb
29. Truesdell C. The mechanical foundations of elasticity and fluid dynamics (Gordon and Breach,1966)(600dpi)(T)(235s)_PCfm_.djvu - 4,311 Mb
30. K'yusiak E'. (_Kusiak_) (red.) Iskusstvennyj intellekt.. Primenenie v integrirovannyx proizvodstvennyx sistemax (Mashinostroenie, 1991)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(542s)_CsAi_.djvu - 7,550 Mb
31. Fuks B.A., Levin V.I. Funkcii kompleksnogo peremennogo i ix prilozheniya. Special'nye glavy (GITTL, 1951)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(309s)_MCc_.djvu - 3,707 Mb
32. Tanner M. Tools for statistical inference.. Methods for the exploration of posterior distributions and likelihood functions (Springer, 1998)(K)(T)(213s)_MVsa_.djvu - 1,664 Mb
33. Zimmer E. The Revolution in Physics (Faber & Faber, 1936)(600dpi)(T)(S)(273s)_PPop_.djvu - 4,977 Mb
34. Gazale M. Number.. from Ahmes to Cantor (PUP, 2000)(ISBN 069100515X)(600dpi)(T)(C)(O)(320s)_MPop_.djvu - 7,655 Mb
35. Karamcheti K. Principles of ideal-fluid aerodynamics (Krieger, 1966)(ISBN 0898741130)(T)(S)(650s)_PCfm_.djvu - 8,597 Mb
36. Navrotsky A. Physics and Chemistry of Earth Materials (CUP, 1994)(ISBN 9780521353786)(T)(O)(429s)_PGp_.djvu - 4,049 Mb
37. Dekking F.M., Kraaikamp C., Lopuhaae H.P., Meester L.E. A Modern Introduction to Probability and Statistics.. Understanding Why and How (Springer, 2005)(ISBN 1852338962)(O)(485s)_MV_.pdf - 3,039 Mb
38. Ugarova E.V. Voprositel'nye predlozheniya anglijskogo yazyka (Ajris, 2011)(ru)(ISBN 9785811241262)(K)(T)(98s)_LEn_.djvu - 0,510 Mb
39. Arnol'd V.I. Veshchestvennaya algebraicheskaya geometriya (Sovr.Mat., MCNMO, 2009)(ISBN 9785940574439)(ru)(O)(87s)_MSch_.pdf - 1,257 Mb
40. Levitin A., Levitin M. Algorithmic Puzzles (OUP, 2011)(ISBN 0199740445)(O)(280s)_CsAl_.pdf - 1,162 Mb
41. Manujlov V.M. Linejnaya algebra i geometriya (lekcii, MGU, 2002)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(72s)_MAl_.djvu - 0,606 Mb
42. Shanurov G.A., Mel'nikov S.R. Geotronika (MIIGAiK, 2001)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(O)(138s)_PGp_.djvu - 1,301 Mb
43. Verbickij M.S., Kaledin D.B. Trivium.. Algebra (chernovik, NMU, 2004)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(72s)_M_.djvu - 0,471 Mb
44. Arzhancev I.V. Bazisy Gryobnera i sistemy algebraicheskix uravnenij (Sovr.Mat., MCNMO, 2003)(ISBN 594057095X)(ru)(O)(68s)_MAa_.pdf - 0,472 Mb
45. Petroski H. Design paradigms.. case histories of errors and judgment in engineering (CUP, 1994)(ISBN 9780521461085)(T)(O)(221s)_E_.djvu - 2,692 Mb
46. Milner R. Communicating and mobile systems.. the pi-calculus (CUP, 1999)(ISBN 9780521643207)(600dpi)(T)(175s)_CsAl_.djvu - 1,743 Mb
47. Il'ish B.A. Istoriya anglijskogo yazyka (5izd., VSh, 1968)(ru)(en)(de)(600dpi)(T)(O)(421s)_LEn_.djvu - 6,665 Mb
48. Melrose R.B. The Atiyah-Patodi-Singer index theorem (free web version, A.K. Peters, 1993)(ISBN 1568810024)(600dpi)(T)(387s)_MDdg_.djvu - 1,960 Mb
49. Spiegel M., Lipschutz S., Liu J. Schaum's mathematical handbook of formulas and tables (3ed., MGH, 2008)(ISBN 0071548556)(O)(301s)_MRef_.pdf - 2,567 Mb
50. Tarakanov V.E. Kombinatornye zadachi i (0,1)-matricy (FML, 1985)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(193s)_MAc_.djvu - 5,148 Mb
51. Baker T.R. Weather in the lab.. Simulate nature's phenomena (Tab Books, 1993)(ISBN 0830643095)(600dpi)(T)(S)(162s)_PPop_.djvu - 2,293 Mb
52. Zhalpanova L.Zh., Kalinina O.A., Mal'yanc G.N. Geometriya za 24 chasa (Feniks, 2009)(ru)(ISBN 9785222153345)(K)(T)(O)(306s)_MSch_.djvu - 2,339 Mb
53. Horvath Z., Palla L. (eds.) Non-Perturbative QFT Methods and Their Applications (Proc. Budapest, WS, 2001)(ISBN 9810246498)(T)(O)(471s)_PQft_.djvu - 3,115 Mb
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56. Salwi D.M. Fun With Physics (Vikas Pub, 1986)(ISBN 0706929624)(T)(40s)_PPop_.djvu - 0,554 Mb
57. Chakrabarti S., et al. Data mining.. know it all (Elsevier, 2009)(ISBN 9780123746290)(O)(477s)_CsDm_.pdf - 2,334 Mb
58. Kalmykova N.V., Maksimova I.A. Maketirovanie iz bumagi i kartona (Knizhnyj dom Universitet, 2000)(ISBN 580130052X)(ru)(T)(O)(81s)_EMes_.djvu - 1,558 Mb
59. Mechkovskaya N.B. Semiotika. Yazyk, priroda, kul'tura (2izd., Akademiya, 2007)(ru)(ISBN 9785769544675)(600dpi)(T)(429s)_L_.djvu - 4,789 Mb
60. Aleksandrov A.D., Verner A.L., Ryzhik V.I. Geometriya. 6 klass (net s36-37)(Prosveshchenie, 1984)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(175s)_MSch_.djvu - 2,100 Mb
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63. Computational Methods in Systems Biology, CMSB 2004(LNCS3082, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540253750)(287s).pdf - 3,319 Mb
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67. Kowalski E. Un cours de theorie analytique des nombres (SMF, 2004)(ISBN 2856291619)(fr)(600dpi)(T)(245s)_MT_.djvu - 1,521 Mb
68. Farrar W.L. (ed.) Cancer stem cells (CUP, 2010)(ISBN 0521896282)(O)(191s)_BH_.pdf - 1,814 Mb
69. Martines-Martin E., del Pobil P. Robust Motion Detection in Real-Life Scenarios (Springer, 2012)(ISBN 9781447142157)(O)(117s)_CsIp_.pdf - 4,125 Mb
70. Milnor J. Dynamics in one complex variable (3ed., Ann.Math.Stud.-160, PUP, 2006)(ISBN 0691124876)(T)(O)(313s)_MCc_.djvu - 2,116 Mb
71. Gaaz A. (_Haas A._) Volny materii i kvantovaja mexanika (4izd., URSS, 2010)(ISBN 9785397012218)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(170s)_PQm_.djvu - 6,213 Mb
72. Manin Yu.I. Frobenius manifolds, quantum cohomology, and moduli spaces (AMS, 1999)(ISBN 0821819178)(T)(S)(O)(317s)_MAg_.djvu - 2,733 Mb
73. Yamanouchi K., Gerber G., Bandrauk A.D. (eds.) Progress in Ultrafast Intense Laser Science VI (Springer, 2010)(ISBN 3642150535)(O)(255s)_PEo_.pdf - 4,442 Mb
74. Moise E.E. The number systems of elementary mathematics (AW, 1966)(ISBN 0201047977)(600dpi)(T)(O)(253s)_MSch_.djvu - 1,862 Mb
75. Yushkevich A.P. Istoriya matematiki v srednie veka (GIFML, 1961)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(449s)_MB_.djvu - 10,232 Mb
76. Sarachik P.E. Principles of Linear Systems (CUP, 1997)(ISBN 9780521570572)(T)(O)(293s)_EE_.djvu - 1,514 Mb
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78. Olver P.J., Shakiban C. Applied linear algebra (PH, 2006)(ISBN 0131473824)(T)(736s)_MAl_.djvu - 7,074 Mb
79. Brennan K.F. The Physics of Semiconductors (CUP, 1999)(ISBN 9780521593502)(T)(O)(776s)_PSa_.djvu - 5,623 Mb
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81. Schaub M., et al. Molded optics.. design and manufacture (CRC, 2011)(ISBN 1439832560)(600dpi)(T)(C)(O)(265s)_EO_.djvu - 4,199 Mb
82. Baerentzen J.A., Gravesen J., Anton F., Aanaes H. Guide to Computational Geometry Processing (Springer, 2012)(ISBN 9781447140740)(O)(330s)_CsCg_.pdf - 13,373 Mb
83. Tynyankin S.A. Zelenaya loshad' ili lekcii po trigonometriii (2izd., Volgograd, 2009)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(O)(162s)_MSch_.djvu - 1,466 Mb
84. Lemaitre J., Chaboche J. Mechanics of Solid Materials (CUP, 1990)(ISBN 9780521328531)(T)(O)(582s)_PCem_.djvu - 3,679 Mb
85. Logics in Artificial Intelligence, 13 conf., JELIA 2012 (LNCS7519, Springer, 2012)(ISBN 9783642333521)(O)(509s)_CsLn_.pdf - 6,875 Mb
86. Larmor J. (ed.) Origin of Clerk Maxwells Electric Ideas (CUP, 1937)(600dpi)(T)(S)(62s)_PE_.djvu - 1,830 Mb
87. tom Dieck T. Representation theory (draft, 2011)(O)(67s)_MAr_.pdf - 0,465 Mb
88. Groetsch C.W. Inverse Problems in the Mathematical Sciences (Informatica, 1993)(ISBN 3528065451)(400dpi)(T)(O)(155s)_MN_.djvu - 1,027 Mb
89. Russell P.J. iGenetics. A molecular approach (3ed., Pearson, 2010)(ISBN 9780321581020)(600dpi)(T)(C)(O)(853s)_BN_.djvu - 24,503 Mb
90. Fialkov Yu.Ya. Extraordinary properties of ordinary solutions (Mir, 1985)(ISBN 0828530734)(600dpi)(T)(O)(C)(111s)_Ch_.djvu - 2,510 Mb
91. Burgin M. Super-recursive algorithms (Springer, 2005)(ISBN 0387955690)(O)(314s)_CsNp_.pdf - 2,041 Mb
92. Kusraev A.G., Kutateladze S.S. Subdifferencial'noe ischislenie, teoriya i prilozheniya (Nauka, 2007)(ru)(ISBN 5020340790)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(561s)_MCat_.djvu - 7,445 Mb
93. Maienborn C., et al. (eds.) Vol.2. Semantics.. an international handbook of natural language meaning (Mouton de Gruyter, 2011)(ISBN 9783110185232)(600dpi)(T)(836s)_LF_.djvu - 12,063 Mb
94. Bouler M. (_Bowler M._) Gravitaciya i otnositel'nost' (Mir, 1979)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(218s)_PGr_.djvu - 3,219 Mb
95. Akl S.G. The design and analysis of parallel algorithms (PH, 1989)(ISBN 0132000563)(600dpi)(T)(415s)_CsAl_.djvu - 5,987 Mb
96. Web Services and Formal Methods, 7 conf., WS-FM 2010 (LNCS6551, Springer, 2011)(ISBN 9783642195884)(O)(199s)_CsLn_.pdf - 3,040 Mb
97. Blumenhagen R., Luest D., Theisen S. Basic concepts in string theory (TMP, Springer, 2013)(ISBN 9783642294969)(O)(787s)_PQstr_.pdf - 4,447 Mb
98. Zygmund A. Trigonometric series. Vol.1,2 (3ed., CUP, 2002)(ISBN 0521890535)(600dpi)(T)(O)(781s)_MCat_.djvu - 18,905 Mb
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2. KI 2005.. Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 28 conf., KI 2005(LNCS3698, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540287612)(419s).pdf - 9,774 Mb
3. Light L.L., Burke D.M. Language, Memory, and Aging (CUP, 1988)(ISBN 9780521329422)(T)(O)(293s)_BH_.djvu - 2,273 Mb
4. Guyon E., Nadal J.-P., Pomeau Y. (eds.) Disorder and Mixing (no pp.56-106,162-202,214-292,316-end)(NATO ASI, Springer, 1988)(ISBN 9024737885)(T)(S)(138s)_PTir_.djvu - 2,614 Mb
5. Cantone M.C., Hoeschen C. (eds.) Radiation Physics for Nuclear Medicine (Springer, 2011)(ISBN 3642113265)(O)(295s)_BH_.pdf - 3,085 Mb
6. Damaskin B.B., Petrij O.A., Cirlina G.A. E'lektroximiya (Ximiya, 2001)(ISBN 5724510472)(ru)(T)(623s)_Ch_.djvu - 7,190 Mb
7. O'Dell T.H. Circuits for Electronic Instrumentation (CUP, 1991)(ISBN 9780521404280)(T)(O)(232s)_EE_.djvu - 1,433 Mb
8. Verhulst E., et al. Formal development of a network-centric RTOS (Springer, 2011)(ISBN 1441997350)(O)(238s)_CsF_.pdf - 2,937 Mb
9. Carter M., van Brunt B. The Lebesgue-Stieltjes integral.. a practical introduction (Springer, 2000)(ISBN 0387950125)(K)(T)(O)(241s)_MCat_.djvu - 1,510 Mb
10. Trager B.M. Integration of algebraic functions (PhD thesis, MIT, 1984)(K)(600dpi)(T)(83s)_CsCa_.djvu - 1,430 Mb
11. Osinskij S., Vaupel' P. Mikrofiziologiya opuholej (Kiev, ND, 2009)(ru)(ISBN 9789660010001)(600dpi)(T)(O)(256s)_BH_.djvu - 2,562 Mb
12. Gubkin A.N. Fizika die'lektrikov. Tom 1 (VSh, 1971)(ru)(400dpi)(K)(T)(273s)_PE_.djvu - 2,958 Mb
13. Atkinson K., Han W. Spherical harmonics and approximations on the unit sphere (LNM2044, Springer, 2012)(ISBN 9783642259821)(O)(253s)_Mln_.pdf - 1,817 Mb
14. Ivanov A., Naumenko I., i dr. Raketno-yadernoe oruzhie i ego porazhayushchee dejstvie (Voenizdat, 1971)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(226s)_PPop_.djvu - 4,178 Mb
15. Kiberneticheskij sbornik, vyp.25 (Mir, 1988)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(K)(O)(240s)_CsAl_.djvu - 3,117 Mb
16. Mukundan R. Advanced Methods in Computer Graphics (Springer, 2012)(ISBN 9781447123392)(O)(319s)_CsCg_.pdf - 3,708 Mb
17. Atkins P., Jones L. Chemical principles.. The quest for insight (Freeman, 1999)(ISBN 0716735962)(C)(T)(1125s)_Ch_.djvu - 24,938 Mb
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19. Young D.C. Computational chemistry (Wiley, 2001)(ISBN 0471333689)(O)(407s)_ChCm_.pdf - 1,303 Mb
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21. Miller C., Rolin J., Speissegger P. (eds.) Lecture Notes on O-Minimal Structures and Real Analytic Geometry (Springer, 2012)(ISBN 9781461440413)(O)(247s)_MAg_.pdf - 1,848 Mb
22. Leskovac V. Comprehensive enzyme kinetics (Kluwer, 2003)(ISBN 0306467127)(T)(O)(S)(451s)_Ch_.djvu - 3,808 Mb
23. Erickson B.H., Nosanchuk T.A. Understanding data (MGH, 1977)(ISBN 0070824525)(500dpi)(K)(T)(400s)_MVsa_.djvu - 4,111 Mb
24. Brychkov Ju.A., Prudnikov A.P. Integral'nye preobrazovanija obobshchennyh funkcij (SMB, Nauka, 1977)(ru)(T)(289s)_MCsf_.djvu - 2,147 Mb
25. Karlin S., Taylor H.M. An introduction to stochastic modeling (3ed., AP, 1998)(ISBN 0126848874)(600dpi)(T)(O)(646s)_MVspa_.djvu - 3,705 Mb
26. Panofsky H.A., Dutton J.A. Atmospheric turbulence (Wiley, 1984)(ISBN 0471057142)(400dpi)(T)(S)(404s)_PGp_.djvu - 9,118 Mb
27. Savchenko O.Ya. (red.) Zadachi po fizike (3izd., NGU, 1999)(ISBN 5861340242)(ru)(370s)_PSch_.pdf - 4,484 Mb
28. Karris S.M. Signals and Systems with MATLAB Computing and Simulink Modeling (4ed., Orchard Pub., 2008)(ISBN 9781934404126)(687s)_MN_.pdf - 4,167 Mb
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32. Acheson D. From calculus to chaos (Oxford, 1997)(ISBN 0198502575)(600dpi)(T)(O)(278s)_MNs_.djvu - 7,765 Mb
33. Hakfoort C. Optics in the age of Euler (CUP, 1995)(ISBN 0521404711)(T)(O)(S)(252s)_PPop_.djvu - 1,644 Mb
34. Krenz J.H. Electronic Concepts (CUP, 2000)(ISBN 9780521662826)(T)(O)(468s)_EE_.djvu - 3,650 Mb
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36. Be'stens D.E'., Van Den Berg V.-M., Vud D. (_Baestaens D.E., van der Bergh W.M., Wood D._) Nejronnye seti i finansovye rynki (TVP, 1997)(ISBN 5854840286)(ru)(T)(S)(254s)_FM_.djvu - 3,258 Mb
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38. Bennett P.N., Brown M.J. Clinical pharmacology (Elsevier, 2003)(ISBN 0443064814)(150dpi)(T)(C)(805s)_BH_.djvu - 36,276 Mb
39. Apt K.R. (ed.) Logics and models of concurrent systems (NATO ASI F7, Springer, 1985)(ISBN 0387151818)(600dpi)(T)(509s)_CsF_.djvu - 4,505 Mb
40. Trudonoshin V.A., Pivovarova N.V. Matematicheskie modeli texnicheskix ob~ektov (VSh, 1986)(ru)(T)(S)(160s)_MVsa_.djvu - 1,639 Mb
41. Rozanov Yu.A. Stacionarnye sluchajnye processy (2izd., FML, 1990)(ISBN 5020144673)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(273s)_MVspa_.djvu - 3,056 Mb
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797. van der Vaart A.W. Asymptotic statistics (CUP, 2000)(ISBN 0521784506)(600dpi)(T)(O)(460s)_MVsa_.djvu - 4,471 Mb
798. NASA Formal Methods, 4 conf., NFM 2012 (LNCS7226, Springer, 2012)(ISBN 9783642288906)(O)(477s)_CsLn_.pdf - 6,536 Mb
799. Brauer F., Castillo-Chavez C. Mathematical models in population biology and epidemiology (2ed., Springer, 2012)(ISBN 9781461416852)(O)(522s)_B_.pdf - 3,208 Mb
800. Pontekorvo B. E'nriko Fermi (F-1971-08, Znanie, 1971)(ru)(T)(K)(O)(49s)_PPop_.djvu - 0,766 Mb
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