
The Year's Best Fantasy Stories (DAW) / Серия антологий "Лучшее в фэнтези за год" издательства DAW [1975-1988, FB2, ENG]

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Название: The Year's Best Fantasy Stories (DAW) / Серия антологий "Лучшее в фэнтези за год" издательства DAW
Год выпуска: 1975-1988
Под редакцией: Carter, Lin (1-6); Saha, Arthur W. (7-14) / Картер, Лин (1-6); Саха, Артур (7-14)
Издательство: DAW
Формат: FB2
Качество: OCR
Язык: английский

Одна из знаменитых серий ежегодных антологий фэнтези. Первые 6 книг вышли под редакцией Лина Картера, следующие 8 - под редакцией Артура Саха.
The Year's Best Fantasy Stories 1975, fb2, ISBN: 0-87997-199-1
The Jewel of Arwen short story by Marion Zimmer Bradley
The Sword Dyrnwyn (= The Sword) short story by Lloyd Alexander
The Temple of Abomination / Мерзкое святилище short story by Robert E. Howard
The Double Tower / Двойная башня short story by Lin Carter and Clark Ashton Smith
Trapped in the Shadowland / Ловушка Царства Теней short story by Fritz Leiber
Black Hawk of Valkarth / Чёрный ястреб из племени Валькаров short story by Lin Carter
Jewel Quest short story by Hannes Bok
The Emperor's Fan / Веер императора novelette by L. Sprague de Camp
Falcon's Mate short story by Pat McIntosh
The City of Madness novelette by Charles R. Saunders
The Seventeen Virgins / Семнадцать девственниц novelette by Jack Vance
The Year's Best Fantasy Stories 2 1976, fb2
The Demoness / Демонесса short story by Tanith Lee
The Night of the Unicorn short story by Thomas Burnett Swann
Cry Wolf / Крик Волка short story by Pat McIntosh
Under the Thumbs of the Gods / Под пятой богов short story by Fritz Leiber
The Guardian of the Vault / Стража гробницы short story by Paul Spencer
The Lamp from Atlantis (= The Lamp) / Лампа short story by L. Sprague de Camp
Xiurhn / Ксюрхн short story by Gary Myers
The City in the Jewel / Город в кристалле novelette by Lin Carter
In 'Ygiroth / В 'Иджироте short story by Walter C. DeBill, Jr.
The Scroll of Morloc / Свиток Марлока short story by Lin Carter and Clark Ashton Smith
Payment in Kind / Той же монетой short story by C. A. Cador
Milord Sir Smiht, the English Wizard novelette by Avram Davidson
The Year's Best Fantasy Stories 3 1977, fb2, ISBN: 0-87997-338-2
Eudoric's Unicorn / Единорог Эвдорика short story by L. Sprague de Camp
Shadow of a Demon / Тень демона novelette by Gardner F. Fox
Ring of Black Stone short story by Pat McIntosh
The Lonely Songs of Laren Dorr / Одинокие песни Ларена Дорра short story by George R. R. Martin
Two Suns Setting / Закат двух солнц novelette by Karl Edward Wagner
The Stairs in the Crypt / Лестница в крипте: История некроманта Авальзаунта short story by Lin Carter and Clark Ashton Smith
The Goblin Blade / Меч гоблинов novelette by Raul Garcia Capella
The Dark King / Повелительница тьмы short story by C. J. Cherryh
Black Moonlight / Чёрная магия лунного света novelette by Lin Carter
The Snout in the Alcove / Рожа в алькове short story by Gary Myers
The Pool of the Moon short story by Charles R. Saunders
The Year's Best Fantasy Stories 4 1978, fb2, ISBN: 0-87997-425-7
The Tale of Hauk novelette by Poul Anderson
A Farmer on the Clyde / Фермер из Клайда short story by Lin Carter (as by Grail Undwin)
Prince Alcouz and the Magician / Принц Алькорес и волшебник short story by Clark Ashton Smith
Nekht Semerkeht / Нехт Самерхенд novelette by Robert E. Howard and Andrew J. Offutt
The Pillars of Hell / Столпы ада short story by Lin Carter
Lok the Depressor short story by Philip Coakley
"Hark! Was That the Squeal of an Angry Thoat?" short story by Avram Davidson
The Cloak of Dreams short story by Pat McIntosh
The Land of Sorrow novelette by Phyllis Eisenstein
Odds Against the Gods novelette by Tanith Lee
The Changer of Names / Меняющий имена novelette by Ramsey Campbell
The Year's Best Fantasy Stories 5 1980, fb2, ISBN: 0-87997-510-5
The Troll / Тролль short story by T. H. White
In the Balance short story by Tanith Lee
The Gem in the Tower / Камень на башне novelette by Lin Carter and L. Sprague de Camp
Above Ker-Is short story by Evangeline Walton
Ms. Lipshutz and the Goblin short story by Marvin Kaye
Rhian and Garanhir / Риан и Гаранхир short story by Lin Carter (as by Grail Undwin)
Lord of the Dead / Повелитель мёртвых novelette by Robert E. Howard
Child of Air short story by Pat McIntosh
A Malady of Magicks short story by Craig Shaw Gardner
St. Georgeshort story by David Mallory
Astral Stray novelette by Adrian Cole
Demon and Demoiselle novelette by Janet Fox
The Year's Best Fantasy Stories 6 1980, fb2, ISBN: 0-87997-578-4
Garden of Blood / Кровавый сад short story by Roger Zelazny
The Character Assassin short story by Paul Cook
The Things That Are Gods novelette by John Brunner
Zurvan's Saint / Святой от Зурвана short story by Lin Carter (as by Grail Undwin)
Perfidious Amber / Предательский янтарь short story by Tanith Lee
The Mer She / Морской оборотень novelette by Fritz Leiber
Demon of the Snows / Демон снегов short story by Lin Carter
The Pavilion Where All Times Meet novelette by Jayge Carr
Cryptically Yours... / Загадочно ваш short story by Brian Lumley
Red As Blood / Красны как кровь short story by Tanith Lee
Sandmagic / Песчаная магия novelette by Orson Scott Card
The Year's Best Fantasy Stories 7 1981, fb2, ISBN: 0-87997-661-6
The George Business / Бизнес Джорджа short story by Roger Zelazny
The Princess and the Bear / Принцесса и медведь novelette by Orson Scott Card
Proteus short story by Paul Cook
Spidersong short story by Susan C. Petrey
The Narrow House novelette by Phillip C. Heath
Wolfland novelette by Tanith Lee
Melpomene, Calliope ... and Fred short story by Simon Hawke (as by Nicholas Yermakov)
Kevin Malone short story by Gene Wolfe
Lan Lung novelette by M. Lucie Chin
Keeper of the Wood short story by C. A. Cador
The Sleep of Trees short story by Jane Yolen
The Year's Best Fantasy Stories 8 1982, fb2, ISBN: 0-87997-770-1
When the Clock Strikes / Когда пробьют часы short story by Tanith Lee
Midas Night short story by Sam Wilson
Unicorn Variation / Вариант Единорога novelette by Roger Zelazny
The Only Death in the City short story by C. J. Cherryh
The Quickening / Ускорение novelette by Michael Bishop
The River Maid short story by Jane Yolen
Skirmish on Bastable Street short story by Bob Leman
A Pattern of Silver Strings novelette by Charles de Lint
A Friend in Need short story by Lisa Tuttle
Pooka's Bridge short story by Gillian Fitzgerald
The Belonging Kind / Принадлежность short story by William Gibson and John Shirley
The Year's Best Fantasy Stories 9 1983, fb2, ISBN: 0-87997-864-3
Influencing the Hell Out of Time and Teresa Golowitz novelette by Parke Godwin
Mirage and Magia short story by Tanith Lee
"Other" short story by Jor Jennings
The Horror on the #33 short story by Michael Shea
Another Orphan / Ещё один сирота novelette by John Kessel
Lest Levitation Come Upon Us novelette by Suzette Haden Elgin
Sentences short story by Richard Christian Matheson
Square and Above Board / Квадрат и честная сделка short story by R. A. Lafferty
The Malaysian Mer short story by Jane Yolen
Djinn, No Chaser / Джинн, безо льда novelette by Harlan Ellison
The Year's Best Fantasy Stories 10 1984, fb2, ISBN: 0-87997-963-1
Blue Vase of Ghosts / Синий флакон с душами novelette by Tanith Lee
She Sells Sea Shells short story by Paul Darcy Boles
Green Roses short story by Larry Tritten
Wong's Lost and Found Emporium short story by William F. Wu
Huggins' World short story by Ennis Duling
The Curse of the Smalls and the Stars / Звёздная болезнь и тихое помешательство novella by Fritz Leiber
The Silent Cradle short story by Leigh Kennedy
Into Whose Hands / В чьих руках novelette by Karl Edward Wagner
Like a Black Dandelion short story by John Alfred Taylor
The Hills Behind Hollywood High / Голливудские холмы novelette by Avram Davidson and Grania Davis
Beyond the Dead Reef / За Мёртвым Рифом short story by James Tiptree, Jr.
The Year's Best Fantasy Stories 11 1985, fb2, ISBN: 0-88677-097-1
Draco, Draco / «Draco! Draco!» novelette by Tanith Lee
Harvest Child short story by Steve Rasnic Tem
Love Among the Xoids short story by John Sladek
Stoneskin short story by John Morressy
Unmistakably the Finest novelette by Scott Bradfield
The Foxwife short story by Jane Yolen
Golden Apples of the Sun novelette by Jack Dann and Gardner Dozois and Michael Swanwick
My Rose and My Glove short story by Harvey Jacobs
Strange Shadows / Странные тени short story by Clark Ashton Smith
A Little Two-Chair Barber Shop on Phillips Street short story by Donald R. Burleson
Taking Heart short story by Stephen L. Burns
The Storm / Гроза short story by David Morrell
A Cabin on the Coast short story by Gene Wolfe
The Year's Best Fantasy Stories 12 1986, fb2, ISBN:0-88677-163-3
Unferno novelette by George Alec Effinger
Dinner in Audoghast / Ужин в Одогасте short story by Bruce Sterling
Fortunes of a Fool short story by Simon Hawke (as by Nicholas Yermakov)
Preliminary Notes on the Jang short story by Lisa Goldstein
The Red House / Красный дом novelette by Robert R. McCammon
Flight novelette by Peter Dickinson
The Castle at World's End short story by Chris Naylor
The Persistence of Memory novelette by Gael Baudino
The Face in the Cloth short story by Jane Yolen
The Last Dragon Master short story by A. A. Attanasio
Paladin of the Lost Hour / Хранители потерянного часа novelette by Harlan Ellison
The Year's Best Fantasy Stories 13 1987, fb2, ISBN: 0-88677-233-8
Beauty Is the Beast short story by Tanith Lee
Something in the Blood short story by Richard Purtill
Pièce de Résistance novelette by Judith Tarr
Long, Long Ago novelette by R. Chetwynd-Hayes
The Old Man and the Cherry Tree / Старик и вишнёвое дерево short story by Kevin J. Anderson
Phone Repairs short story by Nancy Kress
The Tale and Its Master novella by Michael Rutherford
Sanctuary short story by Kim Antieau
The Uncorking of Uncle Finn short story by Jane Yolen
A Place to Stay for a Little While novelette by Jim Aikin
The Boy Who Plaited Manes short story by Nancy Springer
The Year's Best Fantasy Stories 14 1988, fb2, ISBN: 0-88677-307-5
Night's Daughter, Day's Desire / Дочь ночи - любовница дня novelette by Tanith Lee
The Little Magic Shop / Маленький волшебный магазинчик short story by Bruce Sterling
Transients short story by Darrell Schweitzer
The Snow Apples short story by Gwyneth Jones
The Glassblower's Dragon short story by Lucius Shepard
The Apotheosis of Isaac Rosen short story by Jack Dann and Jeanne Van Buren Dann
Buffalo Gals, Won't You Come Out Tonight / Бизоны-малышки, идите гулять ... novelette by Ursula K. Le Guin
Waiting for a Bus short story by John Whitbourn
Happy Hour short story by J. N. Williamson
Ever After novelette by Susan Palwick
A Little of What You Fancy short story by Mary Catherine McDaniel
Inky short story by Jayge Carr
Maxie Silas short story by Augustine Funnell
L. Sprague de Camp

When Sir Eudoric Dambertson’s stagecoach line was running smoothly, Eudoric thought of expansion. He would extend the line from Kromnitch to Sogambrium, the capital of the New Napolitanian Empire. He would order a second coach. He would hire a scrivener to relieve him of the bookkeeping. ...
The initial step would be to look over the Sogambrian end of the route. So he posted notices in Zurgau and Kromnitch that, on a certain day, he would, instead of turning around at Kromnitch to come back to Zurgau, continue on to Sogambrium, carrying those who wished to pay the extra fare.
Eudoric got a letter of introduction from his silent partner, Baron Emmerhard of Zurgau, who once had almost become Eudoric’s father-in-law. The letter presented Eudoric to the Emperor’s brother, the Archduke Rolgang.
“For a gift,” said Emmerhard, fingering his graying beard, “I’ll send one of my best hounds with thee. Nought is done at court without presents.”
“Very kind of you, sir,” said Eudoric.
“Not so kind as all that. Be sure to debit the cost of the bitch to operating expenses.”
. . .
by Ursula K. LeGuin

“You fell out of the sky,” coyote said.
Still curled up tight, lying on her side, her back pressed against the overhanging rock, the child watched the coyote with one eye. Over the other eye she kept her hand cupped, its back on the dirt.
“There was a burned place in the sky, up there alongside the rimrock, and then you fell out of it,” the coyote repeated, patiently, as if the news was getting a bit stale. “Are you hurt?”
She was all right. She was in the plane with Mr. Michaels, and the motor was so loud she couldn’t understand what he said even when he shouted, and the way the wind rocked the wings was making her feel sick, but it was all right. They were flying to Canyonville. In the plane.
She looked. The coyote was still sitting there. It yawned. It was a big one, in good condition, its coat silvery and thick. The dark tear line back from its long yellow eye was as clearly marked as a tabby cat’s.
She sat up slowly, still holding her right hand pressed to her right eye.
“Did you lose an eye?” the coyote asked, interested.
. . .
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